Sunday: Pisces Moon from 3:04 am today, into Tuesday. Moon square Sun in Sagittarius and trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. Promising day if you're willing to do the work. Avoid emotional habits or pitfalls. Today's color is Blue.
Monday: Pisces Moon meets Neptune and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Allow for feelings and face them. Avoid running away or pacifying in unhealthy ways. It's okay to be sad or have longings. Channel emotions into creative pastimes or work. Imagination and creativity flow. Green is today's color.
Tuesday: Pisces to Aries Moon 11:30 am. Void Moon 7:06 am to 11:30 am EST. Those hours are unpredictable and there may be errors or forgetfulness involved. Check your calendar. Mercury and Saturn dominate the day. Hard choices may be called for. Find agreement or seal one. Today's color is Orange.
Wednesday: Aries Moon in harmony with the Sagittarius Sun. Active and dynamic. Move on things. Moon square to Pluto could prompt conflicting feelings, a battle within, a reason to be strong or an issue with someone in charge. Self directed day. Red is today's color.
Thursday: Aries Moon void from 1:37 to 3:38 pm EST. Hours prior to that involve a Mars opposition and Uranus connecting with Aries Moon with big fire energy. Angry or overwhelming people or situations amp up on days like this. What can you do to keep cool and grounded? Be cautious and aware during the void hours. Taurus Moon follows, perhaps calming things or bringing hectic, manic energy to a slowdown or stop. Aries Moon trine to Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius for getting contracts or plans solidified and projects started. We're on the upswing of the lunar cycle, a time for moving and growing and building on foundations. Keep at it during this warmup for Sunday morning's Gemini Full Moon. Today's color is Brown.
Friday: Taurus Moon opposes Jupiter, and Mars opposes Uranus. The dynamic of loyalty and reliability mix with sudden pressures or things that come as a surprise. This makes for a very mixed day. Be wary of grudges and feelings of envy or vengefulness. Moon void of course 8:50 pm to 4:21 pm on Saturday. Void Moon may create better conditions for relaxing and enjoying life. Wrap up business involving contracts or legal matters or anything detail oriented as we move into Full Moon time this weekend. Venus moves to fiery, flirtatious Sagittarius at 4:14 pm, perhaps taking some pressure or focus off relationship matters. Today's color is Lavender.
Special Friday afternoon class at Willard Beach Studio 3-4:30 pm Gentle Yoga and Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs. The last two classes of this kind sold out. Advance sign ups at
Also, option to stay for a little bit of festivity and snacks and/or enjoy the 5 pm Essential Oils class that follows, led by Maura Reminga and Yara Perez. I highly recommend this experiential, relaxed session on Emotions and Essential Oils. Make it a Willard Beach Studio Friday! Both workshop classes listed and described here.
Saturday: Taurus Moon and yesterday's forecast remains relevant. At 4:21 pm, the Moon moves from void of course into Gemini opposite Venus newly in Sagittarius. Socially interesting weekend. Jupiter trine Neptune inspires feelings of connection with something greater and higher powers of a spiritual or universal nature. The Moon is Full on Sunday morning at 10:47 am EST. Yellow is today's color.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Robin's Zodiac Zone November 19th to 25th, 2017
Sunday: Sagittarius Moon square Neptune. Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Coping with feelings and finding agreement may be difficult. Purple is today's color.
Monday: Moon meets both Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. Decisions. Communicate clearly. Void of course Moon 7:26 pm to 2:14 am EST. Yellow is today's color.
Tuesday: Capricorn Moon and the final hours of Sun in Scorpio. Moon aligns with Jupiter and Venus in harmony with Pluto. Capricorn and Scorpio energies are strong. We may detach in emotional situations. That can be helpful at times. Step into a productive mode and separate from drama and the effects of other people's moods or negativity. Sun to Sagittarius at 10:06 pm EST. Black is today's color.
Wednesday: Capricorn Moon meets Pluto and interacts with 3 other planets. We'll feel best getting things done. Fairness is a theme. Aim for balanced interactions that are just. Neptune stations direct in Pisces. Today's color is Blue.
Thursday: From 5:33 am to 3:14 pm EST, the Moon is void of course in Capricorn. Plans may need adjustment as Uranus makes the final aspect to Capricorn Moon. Flexibility is called for. The Moon shifts to Aquarius at 3:14 or your adjusted time, and is in harmony with the Sun for gatherings and road trips or travels. Silver is today's color.
Friday: Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter in Scorpio. Persistence and focus. Sharp sense and intellect. Today's color is Turquoise.
Saturday: Aquarius Moon. The void of course time begins at 9:07 pm EST. The Moon is mostly in harmony with the variety of planets aspected today. Mercury aligns with Uranus in fire signs so plans and needs may change quickly. Inventive thinking is favored and we may become inspired with ideas or energy. Today's color is Purple (I like amethyst crystal for today).
For Sagittarius time, I diffuse Wild Orange and Clove as well as use them topically. Cheer is a great fire sign blend you can use in roller form and take with you everywhere for a quick, easy application and shift. Wild Orange is gently inspiring and a mood booster. Clove is strong so if you ingest it at all, be aware it's 'hot'. A toothpick dipped in Clove may be enough to add to food/drink/toothpaste. I also like Clove for Capricorn (Moon, Sun or personality). It cleans the teeth and invigorates gums. Teeth are ruled by Capricorn.
My doTERRA site is
Feel good with essential oils. I'm happy to help you get started.
The next Gentle Yoga with Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs is Friday afternoon, December 1st 3-4:30 pm at Willard Beach Studio in South Portland, Maine. You can opt to stay for snacks after and also attend Essential Oils for Emotional Health with Maura Reminga and Yara Perez at 5 pm. I learned so much when I first attended that class!
Monday: Moon meets both Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. Decisions. Communicate clearly. Void of course Moon 7:26 pm to 2:14 am EST. Yellow is today's color.
Tuesday: Capricorn Moon and the final hours of Sun in Scorpio. Moon aligns with Jupiter and Venus in harmony with Pluto. Capricorn and Scorpio energies are strong. We may detach in emotional situations. That can be helpful at times. Step into a productive mode and separate from drama and the effects of other people's moods or negativity. Sun to Sagittarius at 10:06 pm EST. Black is today's color.
Wednesday: Capricorn Moon meets Pluto and interacts with 3 other planets. We'll feel best getting things done. Fairness is a theme. Aim for balanced interactions that are just. Neptune stations direct in Pisces. Today's color is Blue.
Thursday: From 5:33 am to 3:14 pm EST, the Moon is void of course in Capricorn. Plans may need adjustment as Uranus makes the final aspect to Capricorn Moon. Flexibility is called for. The Moon shifts to Aquarius at 3:14 or your adjusted time, and is in harmony with the Sun for gatherings and road trips or travels. Silver is today's color.
Friday: Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter in Scorpio. Persistence and focus. Sharp sense and intellect. Today's color is Turquoise.
Saturday: Aquarius Moon. The void of course time begins at 9:07 pm EST. The Moon is mostly in harmony with the variety of planets aspected today. Mercury aligns with Uranus in fire signs so plans and needs may change quickly. Inventive thinking is favored and we may become inspired with ideas or energy. Today's color is Purple (I like amethyst crystal for today).
For Sagittarius time, I diffuse Wild Orange and Clove as well as use them topically. Cheer is a great fire sign blend you can use in roller form and take with you everywhere for a quick, easy application and shift. Wild Orange is gently inspiring and a mood booster. Clove is strong so if you ingest it at all, be aware it's 'hot'. A toothpick dipped in Clove may be enough to add to food/drink/toothpaste. I also like Clove for Capricorn (Moon, Sun or personality). It cleans the teeth and invigorates gums. Teeth are ruled by Capricorn.
My doTERRA site is
Feel good with essential oils. I'm happy to help you get started.
The next Gentle Yoga with Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs is Friday afternoon, December 1st 3-4:30 pm at Willard Beach Studio in South Portland, Maine. You can opt to stay for snacks after and also attend Essential Oils for Emotional Health with Maura Reminga and Yara Perez at 5 pm. I learned so much when I first attended that class!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Scorpio New Moon Saturday, November 18th, 2017
Hello everyone!
November's New Moon is at 6:42 am EST on Saturday the 18th is at 26 degrees of Scorpio. The sabian symbol for this degree is "Indians making camp in new territory". Themes of settling into unfamiliar settings and circumstances and becoming acclimated and resourceful in different surroundings arise with New Moon.
Committing, rooting and grounding are implied. This may be about hunkering down for winter and making sure you have enough of what you need both physically and spiritually and emotionally. What is this new territory you'll be adapting to? Moving in with a significant other, going out on your own, reestablishing yourself where you are, in a different way?
Native peoples lived close to the earth and respected the land and the other resources of their natural environment. Environmental concerns and new awareness and movements related to climate change and the earth will have renewed attention as the impacts become more clear.
Scorpio is the sign of sexuality, reproductive health, mystery, intuition and finance. Everything Scorpio has certain weight, depth, and complexity. To move effectively with Scorpio New Moon, one must be consistent and willing and, when that is so, great transformation is possible. If you need to make a significant and challenging change in your life, letting go of a strongly implanted feeling, experience, or idea, this New Moon time offers an opportunity to move into that new 'camp', and to stay a while until your next move or release becomes clear, until you're strong and solid on the inside, having learned respect for self, others and the earth and having built up energy and inner fire from which you will recreate your life.
On the other hand, if life is in pretty good shape, yet you feel restless or bored, it's time to experiment, shake things up a little, and step into places or situations that stimulate your creativity and allow you to see what else there is to be discovered. For many, the New Moon can bring a more spiritual perspective, encouraging belief and even offering proof of things that cannot be seen or quantified easily.
Go beyond the literal. There are treasures to be found both within and externally. There are healers and there is healing beyond what you've known. See the signs, listen, tune in, and follow a hunch.
Scorpio: Release any limiting beliefs, especially about your self and your relationship, and act on
Sagittarius: Tune in to intuition and spiritual guidance. Slow down and spend time in natural environments and slightly outside your comfort zone.
Capricorn: Assess your friendships and all with social context. You may find yourself in a new group or community that better supports you.
Aquarius: Step up to new career challenges and opportunities. Breakthroughs in your professional life and new talents or levels of mastery are possible.
Pisces: Look to the symbolism of "Indians setting up camp in a new territory". There are philosophical, educational and other expansions as you move into unfamiliar situations or reconstruct with new ideas.
Aries: You're presented with opportunities for healing, feeling more financially stable, and more physically or emotionally well. Find some peace around grudges or partnership issues so you can move on.
Taurus: Co-create and arrive at decisions with or relative to a significant other. Roles and relationships are set to transform to be healthier, more authentic and without conditions.
Gemini: Reconsider your routines and how you take care of yourself. Explore natural and healthy routines, supplements, and 'exercises'. Meditation, better sleep, and predictable routines are examples.
Cancer: Love well. Your new ground is established through your relationships and creative pursuits.
Leo: Find yourself at home or returning to your roots yet discovering something new. Family relationships are implied as well as the land/earth/place itself.
Virgo: Write, draw, express deep feelings as an exercise in releasing old perceptions, wounds, and limiting beliefs. New learning and connections are in your midst once the clutter clears.
Libra: Finances and employment are implied. You may accept work or shift your saving, spending and earning habits. You may let go of possessions no longer useful or meaningful while acquiring or saving for something with greater value.
Essential oils are supportive in so many ways. Frankincense to the crown and third eye chakras feel right for this New Moon. Clary Sage, an oil related to hormone balance and the female reproductive system, is one of the oils I associate with Scorpio. Avoid this oil if you are or could be pregnant. It comes in roller form which many of my friends enjoy and recommend. Clary is also an ingredient in the Peace blend, which I personally love and relate to the water signs. See all the oils and browse at
I'm happy to respond if you have questions or are interested in a wholesale or wellness advocate account with doTERRA. We love the oils, and they are part of our routine at my house. Currently diffusing and loving Clove oil (which also can brighten your teeth!).
Friday, December 1st join me at Willard Beach Studio 3-4:30 or attend Intro to Essential Oils with Maura Reminga and Yara Perez that evening to learn more. Link to workshops at Willard Beach Studio
All the best during New Moon and Thanksgiving week!
November's New Moon is at 6:42 am EST on Saturday the 18th is at 26 degrees of Scorpio. The sabian symbol for this degree is "Indians making camp in new territory". Themes of settling into unfamiliar settings and circumstances and becoming acclimated and resourceful in different surroundings arise with New Moon.
Committing, rooting and grounding are implied. This may be about hunkering down for winter and making sure you have enough of what you need both physically and spiritually and emotionally. What is this new territory you'll be adapting to? Moving in with a significant other, going out on your own, reestablishing yourself where you are, in a different way?
Native peoples lived close to the earth and respected the land and the other resources of their natural environment. Environmental concerns and new awareness and movements related to climate change and the earth will have renewed attention as the impacts become more clear.
Scorpio is the sign of sexuality, reproductive health, mystery, intuition and finance. Everything Scorpio has certain weight, depth, and complexity. To move effectively with Scorpio New Moon, one must be consistent and willing and, when that is so, great transformation is possible. If you need to make a significant and challenging change in your life, letting go of a strongly implanted feeling, experience, or idea, this New Moon time offers an opportunity to move into that new 'camp', and to stay a while until your next move or release becomes clear, until you're strong and solid on the inside, having learned respect for self, others and the earth and having built up energy and inner fire from which you will recreate your life.
On the other hand, if life is in pretty good shape, yet you feel restless or bored, it's time to experiment, shake things up a little, and step into places or situations that stimulate your creativity and allow you to see what else there is to be discovered. For many, the New Moon can bring a more spiritual perspective, encouraging belief and even offering proof of things that cannot be seen or quantified easily.
Go beyond the literal. There are treasures to be found both within and externally. There are healers and there is healing beyond what you've known. See the signs, listen, tune in, and follow a hunch.
Scorpio: Release any limiting beliefs, especially about your self and your relationship, and act on
Sagittarius: Tune in to intuition and spiritual guidance. Slow down and spend time in natural environments and slightly outside your comfort zone.
Capricorn: Assess your friendships and all with social context. You may find yourself in a new group or community that better supports you.
Aquarius: Step up to new career challenges and opportunities. Breakthroughs in your professional life and new talents or levels of mastery are possible.
Pisces: Look to the symbolism of "Indians setting up camp in a new territory". There are philosophical, educational and other expansions as you move into unfamiliar situations or reconstruct with new ideas.
Aries: You're presented with opportunities for healing, feeling more financially stable, and more physically or emotionally well. Find some peace around grudges or partnership issues so you can move on.
Taurus: Co-create and arrive at decisions with or relative to a significant other. Roles and relationships are set to transform to be healthier, more authentic and without conditions.
Gemini: Reconsider your routines and how you take care of yourself. Explore natural and healthy routines, supplements, and 'exercises'. Meditation, better sleep, and predictable routines are examples.
Cancer: Love well. Your new ground is established through your relationships and creative pursuits.
Leo: Find yourself at home or returning to your roots yet discovering something new. Family relationships are implied as well as the land/earth/place itself.
Virgo: Write, draw, express deep feelings as an exercise in releasing old perceptions, wounds, and limiting beliefs. New learning and connections are in your midst once the clutter clears.
Libra: Finances and employment are implied. You may accept work or shift your saving, spending and earning habits. You may let go of possessions no longer useful or meaningful while acquiring or saving for something with greater value.
Essential oils are supportive in so many ways. Frankincense to the crown and third eye chakras feel right for this New Moon. Clary Sage, an oil related to hormone balance and the female reproductive system, is one of the oils I associate with Scorpio. Avoid this oil if you are or could be pregnant. It comes in roller form which many of my friends enjoy and recommend. Clary is also an ingredient in the Peace blend, which I personally love and relate to the water signs. See all the oils and browse at
I'm happy to respond if you have questions or are interested in a wholesale or wellness advocate account with doTERRA. We love the oils, and they are part of our routine at my house. Currently diffusing and loving Clove oil (which also can brighten your teeth!).
Friday, December 1st join me at Willard Beach Studio 3-4:30 or attend Intro to Essential Oils with Maura Reminga and Yara Perez that evening to learn more. Link to workshops at Willard Beach Studio
All the best during New Moon and Thanksgiving week!
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artist unknown |
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Robin's Zodiac Zone November 12th to 18th, 2017
Sunday: Virgo Moon with a variety of aspects to planets including Jupiter and Mercury. Work toward solutions. Follow through. Brown is today's color.
Monday: Void Moon time from 10:45 am to 6:26 pm EST could be just what you need to ease into the flow and let go of preconceived ideas. Venus meets Jupiter for passion and significant growth in relationships and strengthening commitments. Libra Moon 6:26 pm EST. Mercury square Neptune challenging us to only speak and act truthfully even to ourselves. Pink is today's color.
Tuesday: Libra Moon in harmony with Mercury and conjunction with Mars. Seek agreements and peaceful solutions. Be careful of passive aggression. Speak your truth, mind, and needs. Blue is today's color.
Wednesday: Libra Moon square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Developments and realizations may come as unexpected or hard to explain. Stay with the process and accept a miracle if it comes. Void Moon begins at 7:50 pm EST. Lavender is today's color.
Thursday: At 3:19 am EST, adjust for your time zone, the Moon shifts to Scorpio and we begin moving close to Saturday's New Moon. Moon meets Jupiter and Venus and Neptune are in harmony. It looks like a strong, positive, passionate or romantic relationship day. Even if you're splitting you may see each other with new eyes or resolve something harmoniously. Business partnerships are similarly affected. Maroon is today's color.
Friday: Review, reconsider, and be willing to let go of something you've held too tightly or too long. That includes your perception about yourself or inner feelings. What does it feel like to purge something and make space for newness and opportunity? Scorpio Moon. Mars in Libra in harmony with Mercury in Sagittarius is a quest for truth. Today's color is Red.
Saturday: New Moon in Scorpio 6:42 am EST. Renew your commitments and pursue your passions with trust in the outcomes. Can you temper strong will and control a bit to allow things to flow as they should? Void Moon 6:42 to 1:59 pm EST, then Sagittarius Moon for get up and go! Today's color is White.
Wild Orange, Lavender, Clove, Serenity, Passion, Peace... ask me about doTERRA oils and how they make my day and could change yours!
Sunday, November 19th I'm offering Gentle Yoga & Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs at Scarborough Yoga in Maine. This 90 minute special class is just $21. Aromatherapy to awaken your senses, attune to your Sun and Moon signs and use throughout the lunar cycle if you choose. Register now as this class is about half full (as of November 7th). Sign up or read more here.
This class will also be held on Friday afternoon, December 1st from 3-4:30 pm at Willard Beach Studio in South Portland, and that class is also steadily filling. Sign up here.
My Yoga schedule including all workshops, guest teaching and weekly classes is at
Peace, friends! Robin
Monday: Void Moon time from 10:45 am to 6:26 pm EST could be just what you need to ease into the flow and let go of preconceived ideas. Venus meets Jupiter for passion and significant growth in relationships and strengthening commitments. Libra Moon 6:26 pm EST. Mercury square Neptune challenging us to only speak and act truthfully even to ourselves. Pink is today's color.
Tuesday: Libra Moon in harmony with Mercury and conjunction with Mars. Seek agreements and peaceful solutions. Be careful of passive aggression. Speak your truth, mind, and needs. Blue is today's color.
Wednesday: Libra Moon square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Developments and realizations may come as unexpected or hard to explain. Stay with the process and accept a miracle if it comes. Void Moon begins at 7:50 pm EST. Lavender is today's color.
Thursday: At 3:19 am EST, adjust for your time zone, the Moon shifts to Scorpio and we begin moving close to Saturday's New Moon. Moon meets Jupiter and Venus and Neptune are in harmony. It looks like a strong, positive, passionate or romantic relationship day. Even if you're splitting you may see each other with new eyes or resolve something harmoniously. Business partnerships are similarly affected. Maroon is today's color.
Friday: Review, reconsider, and be willing to let go of something you've held too tightly or too long. That includes your perception about yourself or inner feelings. What does it feel like to purge something and make space for newness and opportunity? Scorpio Moon. Mars in Libra in harmony with Mercury in Sagittarius is a quest for truth. Today's color is Red.
Saturday: New Moon in Scorpio 6:42 am EST. Renew your commitments and pursue your passions with trust in the outcomes. Can you temper strong will and control a bit to allow things to flow as they should? Void Moon 6:42 to 1:59 pm EST, then Sagittarius Moon for get up and go! Today's color is White.
Wild Orange, Lavender, Clove, Serenity, Passion, Peace... ask me about doTERRA oils and how they make my day and could change yours!
Sunday, November 19th I'm offering Gentle Yoga & Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs at Scarborough Yoga in Maine. This 90 minute special class is just $21. Aromatherapy to awaken your senses, attune to your Sun and Moon signs and use throughout the lunar cycle if you choose. Register now as this class is about half full (as of November 7th). Sign up or read more here.
This class will also be held on Friday afternoon, December 1st from 3-4:30 pm at Willard Beach Studio in South Portland, and that class is also steadily filling. Sign up here.
My Yoga schedule including all workshops, guest teaching and weekly classes is at
Peace, friends! Robin
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photo by Sandra Harris |
Scorpio New Moon 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Robin's Zodiac Zone November 5th to 11th, 2017
Sunday: The Moon opposes Mercury just before Mercury changes signs, moving to Sagittarius at 2:19 pm EST. Be sure you adjusted your clocks back one hour. Today may be filled with news and discrepancies. Moon moves to Gemini at 5:26 am EST. Today's color is Blue.
Monday: Gemini Moon opposite Saturn and joining forces with Uranus in Aries. Serious thought and intentions and speedy decisions and actions is likely. Pause and think. Yellow.
Tuesday: Gemini Moon void from 5:40 am EST for 5 minutes! Cancer Moon in harmony with Jupiter in Scorpio. Acknowledge emotions and nurture. It's a good day for financial transactions and prosperity. Moon and Mars are square at 10:39 pm EST which can put us out of sorts or at odds with each other. Light Blue today.
Wednesday: Cancer Moon opposite Pluto and in harmony with The Sun and Neptune. A water sign day with an emphasis on feelings. Black is today's color.
Thursday: Cancer Moon void of course 12:14 am EST to 7:29 am. Leo Moon and the Sun in harmony with Pluto for optimism and creativity. Today's color is Purple.
Friday: Leo Moon in harmony with Mars and square the Sun. Dance and enjoy other physical outlets. Expect determination and strong will especially in the fixed signs. Today's color is Orange.
Saturday: Indigo Blue is today's color. The Moon moves from Leo to Virgo at 11:41 am after a void time from 3:55 am until then. Take those hours slow. Saturn aligns with Uranus for quick action and serious decision making, especially about releasing and letting go. Ground in your center and the earth as things move quickly and can take us off guard.
November 19th is coming up! Gentle Yoga & Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs gives you a relaxing break and perhaps some new ideas for everyday balance and self care. Register on Eventbrite for $21 plus a small service fee. Space is about half full as of November 3rd.
Scarborough Yoga is at 433 US Rte 1 Scarborough, Maine
Monday: Gemini Moon opposite Saturn and joining forces with Uranus in Aries. Serious thought and intentions and speedy decisions and actions is likely. Pause and think. Yellow.
Tuesday: Gemini Moon void from 5:40 am EST for 5 minutes! Cancer Moon in harmony with Jupiter in Scorpio. Acknowledge emotions and nurture. It's a good day for financial transactions and prosperity. Moon and Mars are square at 10:39 pm EST which can put us out of sorts or at odds with each other. Light Blue today.
Wednesday: Cancer Moon opposite Pluto and in harmony with The Sun and Neptune. A water sign day with an emphasis on feelings. Black is today's color.
Thursday: Cancer Moon void of course 12:14 am EST to 7:29 am. Leo Moon and the Sun in harmony with Pluto for optimism and creativity. Today's color is Purple.
Friday: Leo Moon in harmony with Mars and square the Sun. Dance and enjoy other physical outlets. Expect determination and strong will especially in the fixed signs. Today's color is Orange.
Saturday: Indigo Blue is today's color. The Moon moves from Leo to Virgo at 11:41 am after a void time from 3:55 am until then. Take those hours slow. Saturn aligns with Uranus for quick action and serious decision making, especially about releasing and letting go. Ground in your center and the earth as things move quickly and can take us off guard.
November 19th is coming up! Gentle Yoga & Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs gives you a relaxing break and perhaps some new ideas for everyday balance and self care. Register on Eventbrite for $21 plus a small service fee. Space is about half full as of November 3rd.
Scarborough Yoga is at 433 US Rte 1 Scarborough, Maine
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Full Moon in Taurus November 3/4, 2017
Taurus Full Moon arrives at 1:23 am on November 4th, one day before we turn the clocks back here in the northeast. The animals prepare for the cold season, and we experience even less daylight beginning this weekend. As the animals gather and prepare their homes, we too prepare our homes for both the celebrations and stormy weather winter may bring.
Taurus is the sign of prosperity and abundance, finances, comfort and stability. The most sensual of the earth signs, this Taurus Moon is influenced by Neptune while Venus, planet of love is a potent force across from Uranus at the time of Full Moon. Experiences of romance, imagination, creativity and beauty are accentuated. Neptune also relates to spirituality and ability to believe what you cannot see. Metaphysical experiences could increase this week and through the weekend. It's a powerful time for meditation or renewing any practice that takes your focus from the external world, chaos and pressure.
Taurus Moon and Scorpio Sun oppose in the most stubborn, persevering, and relentless of signs. What goes on will be huge, passionate, and extensive. Changes made will take strong hold and show long term promise and results. Knowing this, take your own word and actions very seriously. It'll be difficult to reverse your position or alter the course later on.
Venus opposite Uranus means surprise developments in relationships and perhaps in matters of justice, law, and judgement. Venus is harmonious, reflecting and highlighting Libra qualities and values. Uranus is volatile, out of bounds and original. You may find it hard to believe or process the changes or decisions some people make a bout their relationships and partnership life. Saturn and Venus also align and point to freedom and responsibilities of being in partnerships. Some of this will need to be renegotiated during Full Moon time.
Aries: Abundance and partnership
Taurus: Individuality and routines
Gemini: Inner focus and Health. Changes among friends.
Cancer: Allies and Romance. Career/Home activity.
Leo: Career, Recognition, and Learning/Communicating
Virgo: Travel and Education, Philosophies of Life & Spirituality
Libra: Marriage and Commitments, Health and Routines
Scorpio: Marriage and Commitments, Broadening Perspective
Sagittarius: Routines and Health, Love and Friendship, also attention to pets
Capricorn: Love and Creativity, Home and Career
Aquarius: Family, Recognition and Honors, Friends and Love life
Pisces: Money, Windfalls or Expenses, and Communication including sibling relationships
Essential Oils I suggest for this Full Moon include Frankincense which is so aligned to the sign Taurus. Sensual and a luxury, Frankincense has many benefits and qualities you can benefit from and it's wondrous to take in aromatically or on your skin. I also like Rosemary or any of the woodsy oils like Fir or Spruce for this earth sign Moon.
Stay grounded and enjoy the senses during Taurus Moon. Notice in which ways you are resourceful, abundant and loved.
Peace & Prosperity!
On November 19th I'll be at Scarborough Yoga for Gentle Yoga and Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs. Registration in advance and it's happening now. Link here.
Also, check out Willard Beach Studio for Oils classes with Maura and tell her I sent you! I'll be there again sometime after Thanksgiving. We suggest doTERRA for certified grade therapeutic oils.
Taurus is the sign of prosperity and abundance, finances, comfort and stability. The most sensual of the earth signs, this Taurus Moon is influenced by Neptune while Venus, planet of love is a potent force across from Uranus at the time of Full Moon. Experiences of romance, imagination, creativity and beauty are accentuated. Neptune also relates to spirituality and ability to believe what you cannot see. Metaphysical experiences could increase this week and through the weekend. It's a powerful time for meditation or renewing any practice that takes your focus from the external world, chaos and pressure.
Taurus Moon and Scorpio Sun oppose in the most stubborn, persevering, and relentless of signs. What goes on will be huge, passionate, and extensive. Changes made will take strong hold and show long term promise and results. Knowing this, take your own word and actions very seriously. It'll be difficult to reverse your position or alter the course later on.
Venus opposite Uranus means surprise developments in relationships and perhaps in matters of justice, law, and judgement. Venus is harmonious, reflecting and highlighting Libra qualities and values. Uranus is volatile, out of bounds and original. You may find it hard to believe or process the changes or decisions some people make a bout their relationships and partnership life. Saturn and Venus also align and point to freedom and responsibilities of being in partnerships. Some of this will need to be renegotiated during Full Moon time.
Aries: Abundance and partnership
Taurus: Individuality and routines
Gemini: Inner focus and Health. Changes among friends.
Cancer: Allies and Romance. Career/Home activity.
Leo: Career, Recognition, and Learning/Communicating
Virgo: Travel and Education, Philosophies of Life & Spirituality
Libra: Marriage and Commitments, Health and Routines
Scorpio: Marriage and Commitments, Broadening Perspective
Sagittarius: Routines and Health, Love and Friendship, also attention to pets
Capricorn: Love and Creativity, Home and Career
Aquarius: Family, Recognition and Honors, Friends and Love life
Pisces: Money, Windfalls or Expenses, and Communication including sibling relationships
Essential Oils I suggest for this Full Moon include Frankincense which is so aligned to the sign Taurus. Sensual and a luxury, Frankincense has many benefits and qualities you can benefit from and it's wondrous to take in aromatically or on your skin. I also like Rosemary or any of the woodsy oils like Fir or Spruce for this earth sign Moon.
Stay grounded and enjoy the senses during Taurus Moon. Notice in which ways you are resourceful, abundant and loved.
Peace & Prosperity!
On November 19th I'll be at Scarborough Yoga for Gentle Yoga and Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs. Registration in advance and it's happening now. Link here.
Also, check out Willard Beach Studio for Oils classes with Maura and tell her I sent you! I'll be there again sometime after Thanksgiving. We suggest doTERRA for certified grade therapeutic oils.
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