Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 31st to April 6th, 2014

This forecast is published weekly at You can also visit that site for my yoga schedule in both Maine and Florida and information about personal coaching, readings, Zodiac Zone supporters, & links.

I appreciate all your support and all of my clients and yoga students! Robin's Zodiac Zone is a free service as is the zodiac text. Donations are accepted for website maintenance and hosting. My paypal is if you ever feel inspired to contribute. 

Monday: New Moon in Aries, Moon opposes Mars

The New Moon was Sunday in Aries. As the first business day of the week, today is fueled by fire which can mean initiative or irritation. It's worth being careful with volatile people or situations. Mars is retrograde opposite the Moon. There's a tendency to be passive aggressive now and let things build up. Find that balance between expressing frustration or anger in healthy ways without going to the extreme. Also know it may not be good for you to stay quiet to keep the peace. Aries and Mars are warrior energy, and Libra is the diplomat, but Mars is retrograde and a theme emerges regarding how we deal with anger, temperament, explosive people and our own frustrations. There's also an independent and inventive streak at work today. Venus and the Moon are in harmony for collaborative relationships. Aquarius and Aries will want to take ideas and move forward. The Moon is void of course from 4:07 pm EDT on and hours after that are social both for friendship and team work. Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Taurus Moon, Sun square Jupiter

The Moon is in constructive, physical Taurus. Neptune and Jupiter are in harmony with the Moon and this can certainly be a time of growth. Planting, producing, building, expansion and growth are favored. Healing, physical, emotional and spiritual is worth pursuing through massage, physical therapy, yoga and other approaches. Actively work on what you need to improve. The Sun also squares Jupiter and, with effort, family and home related matters may progress. This is about working through, not instant resolution or answers. Today's color is yellow.

Wednesday: Sun conjunct Uranus, Moon opposes Saturn

The Sun and Uranus in Aries are the spark of creation. Yet sometimes we must break down to build up, and Uranus can also be the destroyer. News of reconstruction and deconstruction may come. It's also a day of quick thinking, brilliance, and ingenius ideas. Along with that, the Moon is opposite Saturn retrograde which is never likely to be easy and is a precursor to the solar eclipse a month from now. Stubborn people or problems will be as unyielding as usual. This is not the best day to debate or try to mediate. It is a day when new solutions may come to light for further investigation or experimentation. Finding yourself both drained and excited, enthusiastic and discouraged and other such oppositions may be all too common. Fire and air signs immerse in thoughts or activity around travel and important communications and news. Earth and water signs may feel the opposition in terms of stubborn problems with no ready answers. Some of us will get a bit of both, like Aquarius who may find home and career matters playing tug o' war or Aries who may feel financial strain along with exuberance over other personal things. Anxiety is a common feeling on a day like this so breathe consciously and try to be in the moment without letting your brain get on the hamster wheel and wear you out. Today's color is white.

Thursday: Sun square Pluto, Gemini Moon

The Moon is void from 2:43 to 7:48 am EDT and then in versatile Gemini. Gemini is a quick thinker, fast talker and imaginative writer. The Moon brings out similar traits and forms squares with Venus and Neptune. Trust issues come up as we're not sure what to believe. Do question what seems too good to be true. Follow your intuition and reserve judgment with people or businesses if you get a funny feeling not all is being revealed or obvious. Communication may be a bit of challenge between people who "speak different languages" even if it's all in English. Perspective will differ from one mind to another. Ask questions, be curious, use careful judgement. The Sun square to Pluto increases the likelihood we'll want to go about things in different ways and conflict in our thinking and plans. This can also lead to authority issues, like who should be in charge or which plan is most suitable. Today's color is violet.

Friday: Gemini Moon

Uranus in Aries keep the news and newness in the forecast. The Aries New Moon of last Sunday is in effect as the Sun and Uranus contact the Moon in Gemini. Keeping the mind calm and attending to one thing at a time is the challenge! Today could feel fast or frenetic. Build some down time in for regrouping. Get your head together before reacting or writing anything. The idea is to keep up while not letting everything get the best of you. Be methodical on a day when energy is likely to be scattered. Step by step will help you to be productive rather than trying to do things all at once and having nothing completed to specifications. Gemini Moon brings energy around our cars, computers and phones, travel, and siblings. Leaving on a short trip, for the weekend or a day, is favored. Just don't be tempted to get there fast. Enjoy the ride instead. Those who are argumentative or very opinionated will be in full force tonight. So will humourists and storytellers. Today's color is yellow.

Saturday: Venus in Pisces, Void of course Moon

The Moon is void of course in Gemini, an air sign. It's easier to lose your grounding and focus especially from 10:55 am to 5:40 pm EDT. Take care of simple things and socialize. Mercury squares the Moon from Pisces. Avoid pointless disagreements, expect plans may change, and try not to get upset about differences of opinion. Gemini is intellect and Pisces is emotion and so different personalities may not see eye to eye, early in the day at least. At 5:40 the Moon moves to Cancer and plays well with Venus, brand newly in Pisces as of 4:31 pm EDT. It's a romantic date night and also a good night at home. Today's color is light blue.

Sunday: Cancer Moon conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter has a beneficial and healing influence and has been supporting growth in many ways, forgiveness and reunions in families, and home related plans for about 9 months now. We'll have 4 more Jupiter in Cancer months ahead. As the Moon meets up with the planet of blessings and expansion, consider how you can make home and family improvements. Our intuition is strengthened and supporting players tend to emerge on days like this. There are other influences tugging too. Pluto across the zodiac in Capricorn and Uranus at a square in Aries makes for tension between comfort and freedom found outside the comfort zone. Whether to stay or go and some of the influences regarding that are prominent today. Capricorn is favored in partnership yet may be struggling with family or home related issues in an ongoing way. Aries may be feeling the benefits of home. Today's color is blue

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 24th to 30th, 2014 (Next week's! for this week, see the post below!)

Monday: Capricorn Moon

Capricorn Moon motivates Monday. Mercury aligns from Pisces for a blend of creative and organizational thinking and work. The Moon and Jupiter oppose and there's reason to consider how big a deal to make or how far to go. This includes spending. Scale up or back depending on which extreme you've been going in. Ideas that seem improbably may not be. Uranus in Aries sparks insight and instead of assuming a roadblock in the way, open up to possibility. Capricorn Moon is a good time to figure out how something can work in a very tangible, real way. Think steps and method for achieving goals.  Notice the subtle influences too, and play off them if possible. What's implied could have a great deal of meaning. Sagittarius and Leo, notice that with work and routine. Virgo, love and friendship and a bit of luck are in your favor. Be willing to receive! For all, good work ethic is in order. This will not happen for you, without YOU involved.  Today's color is green.

Tuesday: Void of course Moon

The Moon is in harmony with Saturn and square to Mars and moves void of course at 8:35 am until 6:39 pm. Simplify and go with routine over anything new and untried.  Saturn and Mars add heaviness and possibly perfectionism. This is not the best time to go over fine details. Void Moon leans toward overlooking things. Do that sort of work after 6:39 pm EDT. "Maybe" could be a good word for the day. Think things over and wait on responses if possible. If not, leave room for a margin of error and adjustment.  It's an earth sign Moon and exercise is recommended! Capricorn is teeth, bones, and particularly knees. Protect them during your workout or play time. Aquarius Moon from 6:39 pm, 3:39 pm Pacific, initiates team efforts and it's a favorable night for a meeting or any type of group effort.  Aquarius is an architect's sign. Design a plan of any sort. Today's color is blue.

Wednesday: Aquarius Moon

Jupiter and Mercury team up today in the water signs.  Things closest to our hearts and creative plans are stimulated. Making big things happen is the work of Jupiter and Mercury! There's a healing influence so find answers and ideas for improving health. Put plans in motion. Family business gets a boost too. Solutions, forgiveness, creative work, and health advice are all favored. Aquarius Moon aligns with fiery Sun and Uranus both in Aries. Ideas light up the mind! Write it all down since these insights can come and go quickly! Discuss possibilities, draw up plans and work together! Leo, relationship, studies and travel news all light your Sun sign chart! Aries, much of what transpires has to do with the people you're aligning with! Make friends and improve collegial relationships too. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, you're in your element with Jupiter and Mercury. Instincts are on and you may see barriers lift! Today's color is turquoise!

Thursday: Void of Course Moon

From 9:13 am to 8:10 pm ET the Moon is void of course. These hours are not designed for major decisions or shopping for anything other than simple necessities. Stick with familiar routines as much as possible. The Aquarius Moon is good for productive daydreaming though! Write down ideas. Venus brings the atmosphere for meaningful connections in love and friendship. Saturn in Scorpio and Mars in Libra are retrograde and may be slowing certain things down. Take your time with the big matters of life. Reevaluate and go over previous plans to identify flaws. Tonight's Pisces Moon is made for personal time, reconnecting, and sleeping on it before you decide.  Today's color is green.

Friday: Mercury conjunct the Moon in Pisces

Things fall together on days like this. Imagine what could be! Neptune lends imagination, but can also tempt us with an escape hatch. Don't be tempted. Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto are nicely lined up for expansion, healing, forgiveness and positive feelings. Ask for advice, get insights from others, and spend time with close, trusted friends.  In many ways, you may feel you're dealing with the past and recurrences. This can be a time of deeper healing, emotionally or physically. Sentimental or melancholy feelings are likely, but we're well set up to get a handle on those emotions.  Arts, performance and musical events are favored socially.  It's also a good movie night.  Today's color is light blue. (We've been deep in the blues and greens all week!)

Saturday: Venus square Saturn

Venus in Aquarius is square to Saturn. Difficult decisions related to people and groups we're involved with must be made. Venus in Aquarius helps detach from the emotional part and do what makes sense. In some cases, ties will be severed or collaborative relationships changed. Another effect is serious decisions being made as a result of group efforts.  The Moon is void of course from 9:44 am to 9:54 pm ET. Avoid major expenses. Venus and Mars align helping with the most personal and close relationships. In Aquarius and Libra, these planets also encourage new connections, like minded collaborations, and logical thinking and decision making.  Mars is retrograde and some of this may seem long overdue.  Act thoughtfully, not rashly. Clear out the old and make way for a New Moon tomorrow. Aries Moon arrives at 9:54 pm. Today's color is red.

Sunday: Aries Moon

The 2nd New Moon this month is highly charged with the Sun and Uranus acting like lightning. Quick changes, important insights, and an inventive nature, New Moon in Aries is exact at 2:45 pm. Clear out old ways of thinking and deal with people and other things that only block energy and action.  The month ahead, April, is eclipse time, and we need to be ready to act. Things that have been pending need sudden attention and response in the weeks ahead. The more you can clear the way, the better, especially if you have an idea of what might be triggered by Aries and Scorpio eclipses that relate back to October of 2013.  What is ready for the next step or what is ready to be torn down in favor of rebuilding something different? Jupiter and Pluto are involved with this New Moon, meaning family matters and/or behind the scenes action taking place.  Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn are at the hot spots of this New Moon chart and any planets you have in those signs are clues to areas that must be paid attention to. Generally, this is personal to Aries and a time for changing things. Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, the way others see you, the relationship you take in family and love and also career are highlighted.  Pisces and Virgo, financial considerations and agreements are a priority. Gemini, news and getting up to speed and maybe the mail or something else in writing is important in the next few days. Wear white.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 17th to 23rd, 2014

I'm at Freeport Yoga Company in Freeport, Maine on Saturday March 22nd for a RoZoYo Astrology and Yoga workshop. If you'd like to register, go to and all the info is at the workshops link! March 22 12:30-3 pm.

Monday: Mercury in Pisces, Libra Moon

Mercury scoots back into Pisces to finish unresolved business, especially the emotional or spiritually connected type of personal business. It's another chance at what you didn't quite solve this winter. The Full Moon is barely behind us, so this is an eventful start to the week and is likely to involved issues close to the heart. Mercury shifts at 6:24 pm. The Moon is in Libra all day with a variety of aspects to consider including fairness to one another, one on one relationships in general, changes of events that are not in our control and may need responses and willingness to shift plans, and health matters too. It's quite a bit so pick one and take a step toward resolution. Prioritizing and seeing things objectively is important and helpful. Venus in Aquarius fuels sensible thinking around relationship matters and team efforts. St. Pat's Day festivities may be impacted by bigger priorities that must be taken care of as the Full Moon time insists on what is due now and not a single day later.  If you're celebrating, do so with a best bud since Libra Moon favors the duo who has each other's back. Wear pink (with your green if that's the case!).

Tuesday: Moon conjunct Mars, Mercury sextile Uranus

This is a day of news.  Full Moon developments become public, and changes are announced. People may speak without thinking. React quietly at first and save face. The Moon and Mars can trigger old issues, particularly about partnership, legal matters, and what's fair and just. Mars in Libra retrograde can be passive aggressive or let things build up. This is one of those peak days where it's best to reserve judgement and speak calmly. List pros and cons in your decision making and look carefully at your list. Take in information and observe other people and notice your insights. Not everyone will behave well today. Acting out of character might be the extreme of this. Yesterday and today have some built up energy that can be released tactfully or could implode into something that will be regretted or rethought later. Tread lightly. Virgo, this could be about work and money. Leo, speak thoughtfully or mediate for others.  Cancer, home and family are the priority and you may be needed there. Libra, don't let hard feelings build up. Have a healthy outlet for emotional situations if they present themelves. Void of course Moon 9:07 pm EDT to 5:07 am Wednesday. Today's color is lavender.

Wednesday: Scorpio Moon

Scorpio Moon brings focus. Mercury in Pisces aligns to add some softness and creative mind for thinking things through and allowing solutions to come. Try not to push while seeking answers and problem solving. Keep the mind clear and listen. Seeing another point of view may help if you're being stubborn and fixed. Mercury in Pisces is a versatile influence on thinking and creating. Use the imagination. Neptune is in agreement with that and also helps with places we need to yield or surrender. It's a peaceful warrior's day. Wear maroon.

Thursday: Sun to Aries, Moon trine Jupiter, square Venus and conjunct Saturn

All these influences on the Scorpio Moon affect how we feel about things and also how we act on matters. Saturn assures it is all very important and not to be avoided or taken lightly. Expect agreements to be long term and to follow through. Venus and the Moon both relate to emotion and are in fixed signs, which means we'll tend to hold our ground. It might be hard to convince someone to change. Make sure the ideal you're hanging onto is worth it and that it's not just a battle of wills or a preconceived idea that is no longer useful. It might help to yield a bit in business or personal matters. At least, consider that. This is the Spring Equinox as the Sun moves to Aries at 12:57 pm EDT. The Moon is waning which is good for spring cleaning though today has a good deal of energy focused on hanging on rather than letting go. The Moon moves void of course, so no overnight online shopping or other uncertain action from 11:12 pm on. Today's color is red.

Friday: Sagittarius Moon

The Sagittarius Moon time begins at 11:39 am EDT. Before then, expect delays and changes of plans and maybe no-shows. Check and see where you should be or what you need to be doing. It's a spacey morning. After that, Sag Moon favors movement and travels. The Moon and Sun align for action, but Mercury and Neptune throw a bit of caution in for unfamiliar people or things.  Be curious without taking risks, especially with trust or with anything mind altering. Keep your feet on the ground. Today's color is orange.

Saturday: Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius is an active Moon time. Get physical energy out and avoid cabin fever or being stir crazy! Do something out of the ordinary that stimulates both body and mind! (This is why I chose today for my Yoga and Astrology workshop at Freeport yoga Company!). It is essential not to be bored or the mind may play tricks. Mercury and Neptune are intuitive and imaginative which is great! They also can be tricksters together and get our minds into misinterpreting or misunderstanding. Don't believe a story or tell yourself one that isn't real. Venus in Aquarius favors group and team activities and collaborations. Uranus is the wild card. Do be safe and avoid unnecessary risks. Don't overdo anything. Get the intuition flowing and see things honestly and truly. Today's color is purple.

Sunday: Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon

This is the 4th quarter Moon and it's a time to let go, clean out, and trim things back. You might get a haircut or clean closets out, for example. The void of course Moon is from 6:40 am EDT to 4:03 pm so it's not a great day to spend money or expect someone to remember what you discussed. It is a good day for relaxation, simple tasks, sorting things out, and problem solving especially after the Capricorn Moon moves in. Mars keeps us moving and thinking and maybe revisiting a topic more honestly. The Sun is square to the Moon in Capricorn and working on confidence about being in charge or willingness to let someone else be the authority are two effects. Control is an issue. Decide do you need to step back or step up. This is dependent on what's the norm. Capricorn and Aries, you go at life differently. Capricorn will get in for the physical work and organization in a step by step way. Aries might multi task, not do things in order and still get it done. All signs can focus on the details and make sure steps are not skipped completely tonight.  Today's color is gray.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 10th to March 16th, 2014

Monday: Moon conjunct Jupiter in Cancer

Those cardinal sign energies are fully at play with the Moon and Jupiter pumping in all that is good, fertile, healing, and creates feelings of security. It's a good thing Jupiter is there to smooth the bumps of the Moon square Uranus, a monthly occurence that points out sharply the contrast between what is nurturing and what or who comes on strong and possibly scary! Uranus in Aries rattles that sense of security Cancer Moon craves. If it's time to shake things up and you're overly comfortable, maybe this is a welcome shift. However when it involves news you didn't anticipate and reasons to readjust or even scrap a plan completely, this square can be chaotic. Jupiter relates to growth and support, so go to your support systems if the going gets rocky. Jupiter near the Moon soothes the emotional fallout of whatever may be occurring. Reaching out may be necessary. It's best not to assume that people will know what you need unless you reach out and ask. Today even if you want to play it safe, there's likely to be a shift or challenge awaiting. Cancer, you are a central figure at the pivotal point and you have an influence or wisdom to share! Capricorn, you will recognize this pattern and have the chance to face a fear or help someone else close to you face their own. Libra, this is going on all around you yet you may not know what you can do or how you fit in. Be observant and step in if the right moment comes.  Gemini, work at prosperity or see if that alluring job can become yours now.  Today's color is blue.

Tuesday: Mercury square Saturn

Agreements and solutions that you could not find when Mercury was retrograde in February are up for discussion again. With effort and willingness to yield a bit, a long term plan or contract can be worked out today. Take it seriously and act thoughtfully with permanence in mind. Be permanence, I mean long term and for the foreseeable future or the agreed upon contract length. Things you negotiate today will not be easy to get out of or reverse. Mars in Libra urges acting in fairness to all parties. Go over the terms and contest anything that seems out of place rather than be quiet about it and suffer through problems you wish you'd pointed out. The Sun and Saturn align with the Moon providing some confidence and feelings of assurance and stability. At 3:50 pm ET the Moon moves void of course until 10:09 pm. If you feel like getting out tonight, gathering with friends or doing anything other than work, it's well set up! Leo Moon comes on at 10:09 pm for those who want to make it a later night. The Leo Moon tends to bring a burst of energy and in some cases, celebration. Today's color is gold.

Wednesday: Moon opposite Venus

The Moon in Leo and Venus in Aquarius are directly across the zodiac bouncing people oriented energy all around. Some questions we run into are how much to be independent versus how much to be a team player and part of a group. In relationships, Leo and Aquarius, in long term partnerships especially, may reach important decisions or crossroads. Aries and Libra, particularly in new relationships, experience excitement and plenty of social energy. Make sure the relationship is not too crowded with "friends" though. Uranus in Aries is adding eventfulness, possibly anxiety and also quick changes of status or plans. Our friendships, love lives, and ability to live harmoniously with each other are in the forefront during this part of the week. Today's color is red.

Thursday: Sun trine Saturn

The Sun and Saturn in harmony are all about wisdom. Sun in Pisces is wisdom in trusting the emotions and Saturn in Scorpio is the wisdom of ancestry and intuitions that come from deep within both the body and soul. Listen to what your instincts are telling you. If you're feeling heavy or depressed energy, look toward what is lighter and to who has experience and can be a teacher or counselor. Wisdom within and advice from external sources combine to move heavy energy and give perspective. Find your source. The Leo Moon is a resilient influence. Put effort into improving your circumstance or be the guide for someone else if you've been down that road and back. Today is favorable for dealing with people in positions of authority or for dealing with employees if you are the boss. It's that blend of clear and firm while being understanding that's easier to find, hopefully. The conditions are right. Full Moon is beginning to warm up for the weekend. Wear purple today. 

Friday: Mercury opposite the Moon, Mercury trine Mars

Ongoing talks and plans are highlighted today. Mercury the planet of communication, schedules and our commutes and short trips is the dominant force. We'll review and make adjustments, in some cases reaching the final resolution. Also, discussions of what is unjust or out of balance come into play. Mars is retrograde and this can lead to bottling up anger or dissatisfaction. Today Mercury encourages us to air it out and particularly to work together in groups and in communities to find workable solutions. Even if progress is slow, try to bring up the important points, give your perspective and allow for some time to process or go by if necessary. It's a good day to revisit something and put a timeline on it. From 3:24 am to 10:17 am the Moon is void of course (adjust by time zone, so that's until 7:17 am Pacific, etc...) The Virgo Moon then rules the late week business. Normally practical, this Virgo Moon is colored by Neptune in Pisces and creative ways are favored. It's a good movie to music night and might be low key for a Friday. More intimate gatherings are favored over the crowds. Today's color is indigo blue.

Saturday: Virgo Moon

The Virgo Moon in harmony with Jupiter and Pluto helps with a well rounded day. You might be motivated for a work or home project, feel a strong connection to what you're doing or where you are, and be of help to someone else. Virgo likes to lend a helping hand and can be very generous with time. Jupiter lends the spiritual and philosophical approach to the weekend, from Cancer. This is grounded, domestic type energy good for healing work, physical improvement, and anything related to home including a big cleanup! When you clean you also clear the energy field for new things! It's not a bad day socially, but like Friday night, it's more about gathering those near and dear to us.  The Full Moon is here in case you missed the signs! Today's color is brown.

Sunday: Full Moon in Virgo

Next month at this time we'll have a lunar eclipse. The vibes are in the air now, and with this Full Moon, a final resolution or the rumblings of what's in store for the next month, are both possible. Virgo Full Moon ties up loose ends neatly and Saturn from Scorpio urges this too. Clean up the act, resolve a mess, clear away old dilemmas you don't need to bother with. A neater mind means less to get in the way of what's real and present. And a neater space means less to procrastinate or worry about. It all relates to feeling better about the state of things. Health matters should get priority now too. Don't put off something you really need to check with a professional about. The timing is right. News now relates to health and service. Virgo is an earth sign and getting back to outdoor practices and places may be part of this Full Moon. Think about what a clean sweep means to you, and get it done. Wear white.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 3rd to March 9th, 2014

Monday: Aries Moon

The business week begins with fresh perspective as the lens shifts to reflect Mars and Saturn retrograde, Mercury direct in Aquarius, and the New Moon we had on Saturday. The Sun and Pluto combine forces in Pisces and Capricorn and with a good handle on emotions and an objective way of looking at things, we can rouse enthusiasm, get something good accomplished, and do practical things without compromising heart and spirit.  Put your best talents to work today. Capricorn and Pisces may both be feeling popular and Gemini may be honored if recognition is due for jobs well done. Jupiter and Uranus are keeping the waters bubbling with reasons to change course and news to be responded to, but not too impulsively. Aries, there's plenty going on to keep you busy and hopefully enthusiastic and not overwhelmed. If so, use Mercury in Aquarius to gather a support team. Friends and collaborators will be in better positions to communicate more clearly. Today is a red day.

Tuesday: Aries to Taurus Moon

Moon sign shifts in the middle of the day, at 2:12 pm ET. Th early hours are more uncertain with the chance of too much change and things previously unannounced happening rapidly. If the morning is a whirlwind, for better or worse, the void of course Moon is prime time to slow down, take a break, put off answering a call or email and get the head together. Relationship matters Venus and Mars are activating could feel like a challenge. Reorganize or recharge 12:31 pm to 2:12. Taurus Moon time is best for working methodically, with a plan. Tonight, creative, hands on projects and work or time to completely relax and drift into a movie, music or dreamland are all favored by the Moon and Neptune. Preferably you do this with someone you'd like to drift through time with for a while. Invite a romantic partner to join you, even if work is on the agenda. Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo, that goes especially for you. Today's color is green.

Wednesday: Venus in Aquarius

Venus moves into Aquarius after a long while in Capricorn. Vision for what's next in our relationships may come with that Aquarian influence. Venus in Aquarius can also open the mind about love without attachment to one person or outcome. Do you need to rethink your love philosophy? Mercury is in Aquarius too, and getting perspective and initiating better communication and a less dramatic approach is one way to harness this energy. Today's Taurus Moon is very well supported by Pluto, the Sun and Jupiter for positive action and tangible results. Do the physical work. Enjoy the rewards of what  you've already done as well! Wear pink.

Thursday: Jupiter direct, Moon opposite Saturn

Expect stubborn people or problems to make an appearance. The best course may to just watch what happens and do nothing to aggravate it. Saturn across from the Moon in these signs rarely yields a compromise. It's more likely an ultimatum, if anything. If you must debate or negotiate have your side well thought out and present a very sensible plan you can live with long term. The Taurus Moon is void of course from 8:55 am ET until 9:37 pm and then in Gemini. The evening is set up for social plans or friendly phone calls. Keep today as light as possible. The heavy energy will feel like quicksand if you step into it. Jupiter direct in Cancer can only mean good things and relates very much to family, house and home, and health. Pursue these things with more resolve. Wear white.

Friday: Gemini Moon

Gemini is an entertaining sign, often relating to quick wit and storytelling. Write your blog today or get together with friends for lively conversations! Gemini Moon time in combination with Neptune in Pisces is imaginative but also potentially deceptive. If you think someone is telling you a fish story, a white lie, or leading you astray you're best off to pay attention to that feeling. Ideas and possibilities may come at us quickly today. Keep up with the important and file the rest to look over later. Build in fun time. Date night or party time is well timed unless you're a writer who must seize the moment and work with your muse. Today's color is yellow.

Saturday: Moon trine Mercury

If you have an important talk that's been pending, today can be the day. Air it out, share your plans and news, or broach a subject that makes you a little bit nervous. Instead of telling yourself stories and replaying that scene again and again, find your courage. If you have been holding onto happy news, find someone to celebrate it with! Gemini Moon squares Pisces Sun and moods are very changeable this weekend. You can sway someone's attitude or mood by just being light and easygoing. Take the positive approach. Tell your side of the story calmly. Keep mental chatter down to relieve some of that overactive Gemini brain if you tend in that direction.  The need to express is strong! Writers, take advantage! It's another social day and night too! Wear light blue.

Sunday: Cancer Moon

The void of course Moon in Gemini is 3:53 to 9:33 am ET. It's very uncertain and may create anxiety or increase the odds of mistakes so be aware if you travel, turn on the oven or light a candle (for examples) during those hours. Cancer Moon puts family obligations at the top of the list today. Also concentrate on health and taking care of yourself or others. Doing creative work is favored and so is improving the environment at home. Moods are very contagious this weekend. Try not to be grumpy. Find the silver lining or just do something that feels positive and producitve and ward off any potential blues. Today's color is white.