Saturday, June 27, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone June 29th to July 5th, 2015: Full Moon in Capricorn

Hear more about Full Moon themes of structure and pleasure, opposition of Mars, and lineup of Venus and Jupiter on youtube

Monday: Venus trine Uranus

Venus, planet of beauty, pleasure and relationship, is active in Leo. Today, Uranus aligns with Venus for sudden news about partnerships forming or dissolving.  This could also trigger love at first sight. Happening in the fire signs, Aries and Leo, passion and impulse rule our love lives at least for the moment. So close to Full Moon, when Venus and Jupiter meet, this week is likely to bring announcements of engagement and marriage.  Last week's Supreme Court ruling is interestingly timed and may add to this astrological energy.  Sagittarius Moon will align directly with these planets tomorrow. Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Sagittarius Moon

The Moon is nearly Full so this is a time of completions, due dates, and news.  Sag Moon is dynamic in harmony with Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter. The wheels are in motion! Sagittarius relates to movement, travel, and a worldly perspective.  This is a very fortunate day, especially for the fire signs, Leo, Aries and Sag. Great aspects for career changes, financial investments and other upgrades for all signs including Cancer and Scorpio who are favored for positive outcomes in those areas.  Mercury is opposite the Moon for ability to compromise and see another point of view. That helps with cooperative decision making. Today's color is purple. 

Wednesday: Capricorn Full Moon, Venus conjunct Jupiter 

The Moon moves to Capricorn at 5:11 am and is Full at 10:20 pm EDT. It's an auspicious day as Venus and Jupiter meet in Leo, favoring creativity, partnership and children. A Full Moon of celebrations, this one is also about structure and finalizing things related to career (Scorpio, Aries), personal goals and partnership (Capricorn, Cancer), and stability through employment and housing (Libra, Sagittarius). The suggested signs are not the only ones who may experience any of the above.  Dual themes of structure and pleasure run through this entire week.  Act on things that can provide stability and security while enjoying all life has to offer, the love, growth, and awakening moments that Jupiter and Venus set up. Watch the video above for some other commentary on this unique Full Moon. Today's color is gold.

Thursday: Full Moon in Capricorn

The Moon meets Pluto. Mercury and Uranus align in Gemini/Aries. This is a newsworthy and eventful day. Pluto is more about the enlightenment that comes from the inside, very personal and deep. Insights of extraordinary nature and impact come with the Full Moon we're in the midst of. Taking those awakenings and recreating reality accordingly is next.  Mercury and Uranus are a whirlwind of air and fire, fueling spontaneous action and communication. Word spreads like wildfire today and it'll be hard to keep anything secret or quiet.  The Moon squares Uranus and our emotional responses set in. That might be to try and block feelings we're not comfortable with or don't know what to do with. Moon in Capricorn is reserved with emotion, but try not to compress feelings too much or they'll come back to haunt you. Respond with thought and wisdom. Today's color is yellow. 

Friday: Aquarius Moon

From 6:38 to 8:21 am EDT the Moon is void of course. Aquarius Moon arrives for weekend events where people gather. Mercury and Jupiter align in Gemini/Leo, favoring friendly interactions and also business expansion or contracts.  The Moon in the sign of friendship and planets in extroverted signs makes it a good day to socialize, network, and converse.  Today's color is turquoise. 

Saturday: Aquarius Moon

Jupiter and Uranus have both played significant roles this week. The trend continues as these two, in fire signs Leo and Aries, form aspects to Aquarius Moon. Have an open mind and don't be thrown off by changes of plans. Some things may turn out better. Have some flexibility. Creativity and growth are themes during these final weeks of Jupiter in Leo. Aquarius Moon is well suited to community events. Wear blue today.

Sunday: Pisces Moon, Mercury trine Venus

From 8:32 am to 10:23 am EDT the Moon is void of course. Aquarius Moon squares Saturn. Necessary change may be a struggle or create fear. This happens in fixed signs, and authority figures, elders and strong opinions may not yield easily. Mercury and Venus ease some of that, favoring positive communication. In some cases, very good news will be cause for festivity.  There are a couple of opposing themes as you can see! Mercury and Venus favor friendship, romance, parties and lively conversation.  Show respect where it's due. Today's color is light green.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Week of June 22nd to 28th, 2015

Monday: Jupiter trine Uranus

The Virgo Moon is quiet compared to a dramatic trine between Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Leo. The two combine for growth spurts and significant developments, some of which seem to happen overnight.  Go into this day with a very open mind, consider an opportunity that's out of the ordinary, and be mentally prepared to act in the moment when something is too intriguing to pass up. Mercury and Neptune weigh in today and tomorrow, both helping and hindering with the truth, the details, and the sorting out of what's real vs. a pipe dream. Ask lots of questions, but in the end go with your gut. Jupiter provides enthusiasm, willingness to try, and the wisdom and ability to pull things off in grand style.  Naysayers may throw in reasons not to leap, but those words will pale in comparison to the Jupiter in Leo roar.  Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon

Virgo Moon is free of aspects. Monday's forecast is still in action. As Mercury squares Neptune, pull yourself from daydreams or stories you're using as excuses. This is a powerful time to move on what you've been delaying.  Lose your tendency to procrastinate. Use Virgo Moon to consider facts and realities, but let go of assumptions and negative thinking. See the difference between being pessimistic and being practical and informed.  Open your possibilities by networking, asking for support and pitching in to help too. Today's color is yellow.

Wednesday: 2nd Quarter Moon in Libra

This is the lunar cycle time for measuring progress. With a great New Moon one week behind us and a Full Moon the same distance in the future, consider how you're acting on things that matter to you. Mars and the Sun in Cancer square Libra Moon encouraging us to balance intellect and emotion. One will challenge the other, and if you tend to lean toward facts or only toward feelings, see if you can inch a bit in the other direction and get more perspective.  Libra Moon starts at 1:41 am EDT after just a 29 minute void of course Moon. Mars shifts to Cancer at 9:33 am. It's a diminished place for Mars, the warrior. How can you bring bravery and courage into family situations without overpowering others? Could you be a more gentle warrior and recognize feelings through processes that might be challenging or require you to be in a nurturing role if it's not your usual style? Today's color is light blue.

Thursday: Libra Moon

Five planets influence the Libra Moon, and equally as many priorities, decisions and possibilities are likely to fill our earthly time. The sweetest and happiest vibes come from Venus and Jupiter in Leo, favoring friendships, collaborations and things to get excited about.  Mercury leans in for those of us negotiating contracts and plans.  Uranus is opposite the Moon, and that's the unpredictable one.  Just when you think something is set and decided, a new or unusual event can change things.  Be willing to rearrange and use flexible thinking when necessary, but don't think you have to scrap a plan completely. Try not to be easily flustered since that's today's achilles heel. Calm, positive energy will get you best outcomes. Void of course Moon 7:22 pm to 1:57 pm EDT on Friday. Wear lavender. 

Friday: Libra to Scorpio Moon

The Moon is void in the earlier hours. Focus on routine things and avoid major decisions or purchases. Plan a social breakfast or meeting instead of something more formal.  At 1:57 pm the Moon
crosses to Scorpio and forms a trine to Mars in Cancer a few hours later.  This is harmonious water sign energy, and if there's a downside it's too much emotion and a possibility of aggravating feelings that belong in the past.  It's wonderful for channeling emotion into art, song, and even other work. Dive into a project and lose track of time.  Create something beautiful. Recognize your feelings without letting them rule or overcome you. Today's color is maroon.

Saturday: Scorpio Moon

If you're looking for a quieter weekend day or hoping for a more intimate conversation or evening, this Scorpio Moon in harmony with Sun, Pluto and Neptune provides the setting.  The aspects are gentle, thoughtful, creative, and meaningful.  Gardening and water related activities are also favored.  Today's color is blue.

Sunday: Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn

Saturn retrograde is at work these days, and today meets the Moon. There's a serious influence toward unfinished business, possibly bringing up feelings of jealousy or vengeance. Do settle disputes that have lingered too long and consider how to do that with integrity.  Long standing problems may be resolved, for example you may sell the property that's been on the market for an extended time or finalize a divorce or division of property or business successfully during this retrograde.  Be methodical and avoid too much sentiment or drama that could get in the way.  Jupiter and Venus are square to this action, reminding us of loyalty, courage and taking the high road.  Seek peaceful, lasting solutions. Void Moon 9:50 pm to 11:21 pm EDT when Sagittarius Moon take over. Today's color is black.  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Week of June 15th to 21st, 2015

Monday: Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio

The Moon in Gemini lines up beautifully with Jupiter and Venus in Leo. Social events, networking for business, writing and marketing endeavors are favored. Negotiations, contracts, and decisions come more easily now. Things delayed may suddenly get the go ahead.  It's a friendly day overall. Aquarius, Leo and Aries, love and social times benefit from lively, fun aspects. Communication is very important today and simple heart to heart talks improve relationships, lead to decisions, and help deepen and expand your connection.  Saturn retrograde stepped back into Scorpio on Sunday, and in some cases unfinished business from early winter (December 2014) comes up for resolution or deeper healing in the next few weeks.  Rethinking and preparing for a different path is natural before tomorrow's New Moon. Today's color is turquoise.

Tuesday: New Moon in Gemini

Mars is conjunct this New Moon at 10:05 am EDT. Mars, the Sun and Moon together stimulate the mind in a big way. This is good for planning and problem solving, but hopefully it doesn't keep you awake at night. Agreements, decisions and words come quickly. With Mars involved, try not to be sharp with words. Sarcasm, humor and possibly debates are activated. The Moon is void of course 10:05 am to 6:51 pm EDT and then in Cancer. Nurture a plan or someone dear to you tonight.  Today's color is white.

Wednesday: Cancer Moon

This week is about beginnings and restarts. Cancer Moon in harmony with Neptune and across from Pluto relates to family and home related things, as well as relationship for Cancer and Capricorn, and creative energy for all signs.  Gemini may be able to get creative with career and manifesting resources. Sagittarius rearranging your schedule and living space is a way to refresh your routine.  Virgo, a secret or undercurrent in a friendship or relationship becomes obvious and you get a chance to clear things up one way or another.  Uranus squares the Moon Thursday at 7:24 am EDT and has a surprising impact. We're likely to hear of changes that seem sudden.  Today's color is gray.

Thursday: Cancer Moon

The Moon and Uranus square and quick responses are called for. Aries may confront a family matter while Taurus needs to respond to communications initiated early or overnight. It's the kind of day you get called into work when you thought it was a day off, or something similar.  Cancer is the sign of home and family, mothers and nurturing.  In the almanacs, you'll see this as a good day for fishing and planting. Consider how that relates to what you're doing, such as fishing for information or needed resources or planting anything that could grow into a source of comfort or income.  Today's color is blue.

Friday: Leo Moon

Cancer Moon is void of course from 1:52 am to 2:23 am EDT. Leo Moon arrives in time for weekend plans. This is a festive time as Venus and Jupiter bring love and blessings, knowledge and pleasure.  They line up exactly with the Leo Moon tomorrow. Today, Mercury and Saturn are in  harmony with the Moon for long term decisions, resolving of old business, wisdom and heart in taking care of things. This is a good day for solving problems, clearing the air and speaking your mind with a good blend of passion and reason.  Aim to be practical and creative, not dramatic or overbearing.  Today could result in a great accomplishment, even where serious business is concerned.  Gold is today's color.

Solstice Yoga with Guided Meditation at Scarborough Yoga 
5:30-7. $20 See to register

Saturday: Leo Moon

Parties, openings, weddings and special events of all kinds are nicely timed as the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter converge in Leo. Bring some extra sparkle, magnificence and even outrageousness to whatever you do. We'll tend to "go big or go home". Love, art, learning and growth are favored. Some will experience this as abundance, like Cancer, and others will lean into commitment and follow their passions, like Leo and Aquarius. Much attention is bestowed on Leo and Scorpio. All of us may experience generosity on the giving or receiving side.  Today's color is purple. 

Sunday: Solstice, Sun in Cancer

The Moon moves from Leo to Virgo after a short void of course time from 12:09 to 12:59 pm EDT. The Sun moves to Cancer at 12:38 pm and summer officially begins. It's Father's Day in the USA and the Sun is "the father" in the zodiac. Today's longest hours of daylight bring the Moon and Mars in harmony at 8:54 am and a square to Saturn at 12:09 pm while the Moon is still in Leo. It's interesting that the early hours feature masculine energy and then as the Sun and Moon change signs, feminine energy takes over.  This is a day to consider living up to a responsibility. Expectations may be high or challenging, especially early. Virgo Moon and Cancer Sun have a nurturing influence as the day goes on. Water sports and outside activities are favored. Today's color is navy blue.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 8th to 14th, 2015 Astrology

Monday: Pisces Moon

A variety of aspects influence us during this mutable Pisces Moon. The Sun sextile to Jupiter in Gemini/Leo stimulates our interactions with people including networking, the possibility of contracts and collaborations, and communication with large groups via blogging, websites, and other marketing methods.  Feed the need for positivity in the world and spread an optimistic message. News and interactions regarding siblings is likely, especially for Aries while Pisces is part of family decisions and news too. The Moon and Neptune meet and the Neptunian aspect can be sentimental but the imagination is triggered. Be sure you're not just telling yourself stories. Know what's real, and if not, ask questions and maintain skepticism. Mercury will no longer be retrograde on Friday. It might be worth some patience. Today's color is light blue.

Tuesday: Mars sextile Uranus

There's a sudden nature to events as Mars and Uranus connect.  Disputes could easily flare with Mars in Gemini, sign of words, and Uranus in Aries, the warrior sign.  It's a good time to avoid a debate. The more positive side of this sextile is a sense of excitement and spontaneity. Stay out of urgency. Mercury is still retrograde. Think out statements you're ready to make. Soften everything a bit as you edit. The Sun and Mars square the Moon and indicate challenge.  Getting our heads and hearts aligned with each other is part of today's work.  Try not to go overboard with anything.  Void of course Moon can add to confusion or help you check out of a situation you don't like. It starts at 2:08 pm EDT. Yellow is today's color. 

Wednesday: Aries Moon

These are days for reconsidering decisions, your path, and the schedule you set up weeks ago. Aries Moon arrives at 7:14 am EDT.  Planets play well together today, creating more ease or quickness. Mercury in Gemini and Venus in Leo favor social events and friendly reconnections. Leo and Libra see old friends or colleagues. Gemini may enjoy travels, especially back "home".  The Sun and Uranus act like wildfire, spreading something fast. This may be news since the Sun is in the messenger sign, Gemini. If it's a sudden opportunity, see if you can have until Monday to decide (though you don't want to miss a chance, at least Friday would be more reliable when Mercury is out of retrograde).  Excitement is in the air. Keep some control over emotions since drama could also take over. Today's color is red.

Thursday: Mercury Direct

The Moon is in Aries, void of course from 7:43 pm EDT until 10:16 am on Friday.  Combustible energy is still present. Read Monday and Wednesday forecasts for more about Gemini and Aries action this week. The Moon feeds all of that today, aligning with Mars and the Sun in Gemini and meeting Uranus. Wild is a good word to describe what's going on astrologically. Mercury is direct at 6:33 pm EDT. Pause along with Mercury. Don't move too quickly on decisions. Next week's New Moon Tuesday is better timing. But if you must do something fast, can you buy time until tomorrow? It's a active, event filled solar system right now. Stay centered and wait for your moment. Tune in to your intuition. Avoid angry or resentful responses. Games will be competitive. Tonight, stay aware and on top of your game. Orange is today's color. 

Friday: Taurus Moon

The Moon sails from Aries, where there's been quite a stir this week, to Taurus, grounding us in earth. The Moon squares Venus on this first day past Mercury retrograde. This relates to relationships and attempting to reach agreements or sort our misunderstandings in order to accomplish something.  Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio may notice this most, and may relate in career, home, and married/committed life.  Hold your ground with what's worthwhile, what you value most. Pink is today's color.

Saturday: Taurus Moon

The Moon in harmony with Neptune and Pluto helps us move from envisioning to realizing our hopes and dreams.  Neptune in Pisces provides a healthy belief in magic or miracles, while the Moon and Pluto in earth signs give form and life to ideas.  Channel emotions into art, music, building or even housework. Just past Mercury retrograde, you may like rearranging living or work space.  The Moon and Jupiter square in Taurus and Leo. This is stubborn, but in the name of finding the best plan. Expansion plans are a topic for consideration.  Today's color is green.

Sunday: Sun conjunct Mars

The Sun meets Mars in Gemini, the Moon meets Mercury and opposes Saturn just as Saturn prepares to move back into Scorpio. This is a day to be careful with anything that seems too fast, anyone who pushes too hard, and with old business that must be revisited. Give everything plenty of attention and thought. Fast talkers will be in full force.  This can activate our minds for problem solving too, and that's one of the upsides of this dynamic yet potentially overwhelming day.  Parties may be fun. You might have to overlook bad behavior though. Arguing is not likely to be productive.  Wear yellow.