Friday, August 28, 2020

Full Moon in Pisces Forecast August 30th-September 5th, 2020

Sunday: Aquarius Moon favors gather around a mission, sharing ideas, and envisioning what we can achieve especially when working together. The Moon squares Uranus at 4:31 pm EDT bringing wild and outrageous plans to the forefront. We may need to consider something we never thought we'd venture into. Open your mind to possibilities. Two significant planetary aspects also influence this day and possibly the whole weekend into Monday. Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn for soul searching with regard to close relationships like partnerships and family relations. This may lead to intimate and important talks. Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces softening the tone of conversations. However, try not to romanticize in a way that muddies your real feelings or message. One challenge is to be real and another is to face what's been simmering inside. We are closing in on Full Moon now, and emotions are rising. Today's color is Blue.

Monday: Aquarius Moon is without any major aspects today. It's likely to feel like a continuation of Sunday's priorities and feelings. Full Moon arrives in the early hours of Wednesday, at 1:22 am EDT to be exact. Anything that requires an action or decision may be a big topic and require sorting out or effort today. Wear Turquoise.

Tuesday: Aquarius Moon aligns with Mars in Aries for the air feeds fire effect. This happens in the midnight hour, just before 1 am EDT and leads us into void of course Moon time. Dreams and intuitions are amplified. The next action may come through clearly, whether it's today and during this Full Moon week. Take your time and allow for plenty of leeway during void Moon which ends at 5:34 am EDT, so may not affect shopping or day to day business in USA times zones. Mercury and Pluto align, reminding that the real answers come from within. Tap your inner wisdom near daybreak or when your day begins. Pisces Moon increases sensitivity of all kinds. Today's color is Silver.

Wednesday: Full Moon in Pisces at 1:22 am EDT, and both Moon and Sun are in harmony with Uranus in Taurus. Your own emotions may surprise you. Something may seem to sneak up,  suppressed feelings or an unexpected conversation for example. Announcements are likely and have emotional impact. Venus forms her second opposition of this week, to Saturn in Capricorn. Serious relationship actions or decisions follow. Venus in Cancer asks that you put family and love first, while Saturn in Capricorn could make work or other competing factors an issues in relationships. The Moon is in harmony with the 3 planets in Capricorn, today and tomorrow. This helps put sensible and heartfelt thoughts and ideas together. Service, helpfulness, empathy, problem solving and constructive approaches are called for. Today's color is White.

Thursday: Pisces Moon opposes Mercury then aligns with Venus in Cancer. Like all of this week, this is much about love, relationships, family and sharing of real feelings and needs. Conversations, discussions and in some cases debates, are necessary. It's time to get 'everything out on the table' in order to find appropriate and useful resolutions. The tricky part is the high emotional tone of this Full Moon sign and week. Void of course Moon from 10:34 am EDT to 4:22 pm EDT when the Moon makes way to Aries. Today's color is Pink.

Friday: The Moon moving from Pisces to Aries is like shifting from emotion to action. Aries Moon has no significant aspects with planets or the Sun, so it may be go, go, go. Burn off some energy in a healthy way. Venus squares Mars for a continuation of the long and thorough relationship theme of this week. A square challenges us for progress. Venus in Cancer is extremely different from Mars in Aries. It's like your sensitive and boldest friends or family members being at odds or looking for some sort of consensus. Take feelings into consideration for best response from others. Wear Red.

Saturday: Aries Moon squares planets in Capricorn. I feel like this is rarely easy and often involves balance of power or questions of who's in control. Mercury moves from Virgo to Libra, an indecisive place for the planet of thoughts and words. Disagreements may result in a stalemate for now. It's probably not the best day to push for answers. Wear Yellow.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Virgo Time: Astrology for August 23rd-29th, 2020

 Mercury and the Sun are now in Virgo. Time to synthesize, organize and create some healthful routines.

Sunday: The Moon is void from 12:20 am to 6:16 am EDT.  Scorpio Moon and moods move in. Fortunately, this dense Moon sign is tempered by sextiles to the Sun and Mercury in Virgo. This is a day for strong organization and focus. There's a turn of the tides that we know as late summer, and there's engagement in whatever must be done to start new routines. Take care of tasks and also the earth. Gardening is favored. Wear Indigo.

Monday: Scorpio Moon actively engages with 5 planets today and one overnight into tomorrow. It's a mix of tension and harmony. If you're comfortable with intensity, focus and emotions, you'll fare best. If things are out of whack, life may seem impossible to negotiate. With an opposition to Uranus there's always a curve ball ahead. Mars squares Saturn-that's a challenge for sure and it relates to structure and power. One thing you can be sure of, we'll feel fierce about our highest priorities and will not yield easily to pressure. Today's color is Black.

Tuesday: The Moon aligns with Saturn in Capricorn. We may retract what we previously offered and decide to turn inward and deal with personal priorities over other people's agendas or wishes. This is an emotionally inward aspect, overnight. Sagittarius Moon begins after void of course Moon from 2:27 to 8:49 am EDT. Mercury aligns with Uranus for news you didn't expect, yet again. A change of course is likely on any front. The Moon squares the Sun, begging for movement and progress. We may feel indecisive while also feeling ready to act and craving adventure. Venus in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn. Some will go through growing pains in relationship, feel homesick or yearning for another place or person. This aspect encourages compromise between partners. Wear Purple. 

Wednesday: Sag Moon squares Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo. See if you can break away to do something different today. A change of scenery could be good for the soul. Communication may be challenging. If it can wait, let it sit while you take in some sun, sea, or a good book. Decisions made today feel temporary and changeable. Wear Light Blue.

Thursday: Sagittarius Moon makes one more aspect, to Mars in Aries, before void of course time 8 am to 1:37 pm EDT. This energizing aspect pushes us to just take the leap. So, some will be impulsive, some will confront, and some will act on their sense of adventure. Stay sensible. Get energy out physically. There's fire in the air and burning inside, and it needs an outlet. Capricorn Moon takes over at 1:37 pm EDT. The Moon and Sun are in harmony tonight for practical action and decisions, more organizing and adapting to routines. It's pleasant though. Meanwhile, Venus forms a lovely and romantic trine to Neptune, making it a good date night or time to enjoy any ideal situation. Write, paint, or draw up plans with pure feeling and imagination. Today's color is Green.

Friday: Capricorn Moon active with 3 planets today and one overnight. The good news is this is mostly harmonious. Deal with problems, structure plans. Right now we still have a lot of retrograde and uncertainty. Have plans B and C ready. Today feels pro-active. There will be more shaking and stirring, requiring our best judgement and solution oriented approaches. The prominent element is earth. Make, do, ground, build. Communicate clear and realistic questions or answers. Today's color is Brown.

Saturday: Capricorn Moon engages with 5 planets. This is another day of high Moon to planet aspect count. Generally, there's a lot going on though  most of it may be everyday or seasonal stuff. We are moving toward a Full Moon on September 1st/2nd. This Capricorn Moon wants progress, yet the planets in Capricorn are retrograde. So it's like back in time to get to the future. There's lots of restructure to be done and it's not all going to happen at once. This period is about 'keeping at it' and not giving up. Some will give up at lest temporarily, and that may be okay too. If you're pushing and getting nowhere, can you step back without unwanted consequences? In some cases, the question is 'What can you live with?' Mercury in Virgo, a sign that likes to fix and perfect, aligns with Jupiter in Capricorn. How much can we expand or expect? Expectations are one theme for today. Notice if yours need to be examined, either for yourself or for others. Are you asking too much or not enough? What is reasonable right now? Void Moon starts at 3:31 pm with a challenging square between Moon and Mars. There may be frustration. Let the evening be quiet or simple and easygoing with others. Wear Black today. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

New Moon Forecast for August 16th-22nd, 2020

New Moon in Leo happens on the evening of August 18th at 10:42 pm EDT.  Mercury also meets both the Moon and Sun in Leo this week before Leo season draws to a close. I hope you find some bright spots and something to look forward to during this sun ruled week!

Sunday: Cancer Moon opposes 3 planets in Capricorn today, and forms a square to Mars in Aries. Mars is in harmony with the Sun. The Cancer aspects are melancholy and can lead to moodiness, sadness or uncertainty where life things and family things must be navigated. Be true to your roots and your heart. Some of these planets are retrograde so there's more to come and further developments beyond what you see or feel today. In a month, more may come clear. The Sun aligned with Mars activates, may push matters forward, and may create positive excitement and leaps into new territory. Sense whether the timing or right or whether impulsiveness is taking over.Void Moon starts at 7:59 pm EDT. Wear Black.

Monday: The Moon enters Leo at 1:38 am EDT. Mercury and Mars are in harmony right around that time continuing the Aries/Leo fire sign vibe. Increasing it, actually. We may come out of Cancer's watery or melancholy realm more easily by morning. The Sun meets Mercury then. Communication, announcements, openings, opportunities and similar things follow. Performances, leaders, teachers, and Leos are in the spotlight with things to say. We may hear more about school plans changing or being finalized as Leo rules children and learning. Fire sign energy is very strong today. Tonight, the Moon has her monthly square to Uranus in Taurus. It's often stubborn, points out places where yield is needed, and sometimes shakes things up to see where they land or how they play out. Gold is today's color.

Tuesday: New Moon is this evening. The earlier hours are meant for reconsidering plans, revising, and hopefully improving them. It helps to be open minded and willing to re-create. Again, Mars and Uranus are the active, supporting planets, and they are not always easy or predictable. Action and movement on things does look non negotiable. Change is definitely in the air, whether welcome or wanted or not. Venus in Cancer adds a side note about shifts in relationships and family life. At 10:42 pm EDT, the New Moon is at 26 degrees of Leo, in the later part of this sign. It is likely there'll be word of change or something unforeseen by Wednesday morning. Direct your energy with positive intent. Wear White today.

Wednesday: Leo Moon meets Mercury overnight at 1:38 am EDT, and void Moon begins then. At 4:20 am EDT, the Moon enters Virgo. Mercury follows suit at 9:30 pm EDT. This is a big day of change from fire to earth energy. Whatever today's news, announcement or personal connection and communication, the Virgo Moon can help us plan, ground, and go step by step. Try not to rush or overreact. The Moon aligns with Uranus for ideas about how to proceed or how to pause, whichever is needed.  Tonight, warmth, kindness and gestures of love will be appreciated. Brown is today's color.

Thursday: Virgo Moon aligns with Venus in Cancer. This is family oriented, practical and sometimes romantic too. The Moon is in new phase and goes on to form trines with the 3 planets retrograde in Capricorn. It results in (at least) attempts at problem solving and temporary fixes. Today may be productive, grounded, and focused on organization. Neptune is across from the Moon, pulling some away from tasks to the lakes and beaches or into daydreams.  Void Moon begins at 11:37 pm EDT. Today's color is Blue.

Friday: Libra Moon arrives at 5:16 am EDT and has no major aspects today. This Moon sign is people oriented and social. Find a fair solution, resolve a major difference, or simply observe what's going on and form your own opinions whether you decide to share or act on them, or not. Pink is today's color.

Saturday: The Sun changes signs and Virgo time begins at 11:45 am EDT. Libra Moon forms 4 squares and opposes Mars. This day appears to hold challenge and debate. The challenges may help initiate progress, which isn't always easy. Deal with issues of fairness and justice. Consider that more change is coming as some planets will change direction soon. It's kind of hard to plan right now, for sure. Do the best you can with what you know to be true and what you truly believe is best. This Libra Moon may not simplify decisions. The planets in Capricorn will point out what's not working (they've been on this for a while now), so new and different methods and structures can be put in to place in the future. Growing pains everywhere. Today's color is Lavender. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Peak of Summer: August 9th-15th, 2020

 Sunday: The Sun was at it's highest point just a day or so ago. Light begins to wane little by little now on the way to Autumn Equinox. Though it's more than a month away, it's a noticeable shift. Aries Moon activates the atmosphere today. The Moon meets Mars which can agitate or motivate. Pluto and Saturn both retrograde in Capricorn are square to the Moon and bring up questions of who's in charge. Leadership is in question. The retrogrades may help point out what's needed in order to go forward as a society, system, workplace or even personally. From 3:50 pm to 9:28 pm EDT, the Moon is void of course. It may not be the most relaxing void Moon. Inner conflict around things like classes and schools starting (or not), and work, authority or career matters result from the Saturn square. Make sure your energy is well placed, not a waste of time. Taurus Moon approaches a sextile to Venus in Cancer tonight, which helps moods and relationships. Wear Pink.

Monday: Taurus Moon in harmony with Venus at 2:23 am EDT will bring romance or family harmony for some. This Taurus Moon time also challenges us with unpredicted changes or last minute announcements. Mercury in Leo squares both Uranus and the Moon. This is likely to shake things up and require significant changes of plans. Some will feel inflexible, but trying to hold on or control is not going to help. Awaken to what must be done. Pause before acting even when things are evolving quickly. Wear Brown.

Tuesday: Taurus Moon in harmony with Jupiter retro in Capricorn and square to the Sun in Leo. Is your heart in what you're doing or about to do? Today offers opportunity to see if you can get your heart in the 'right' place. If you're acting without love or courage, ask yourself why. Why are you settling or fiercely trying to fit or form to something that doesn't actually fit? Make financial considerations too. Decide or consider what will tide you over, maybe through fall season. I say fall because Taurus Full Moon comes during Scorpio time and some of what you know or feel this week will likely be magnified then. Maybe it's not time for that major decision even if you already acted on it. Can you defer or reevaluate? Finish long term projects or meet an over due date today. Get strong with your energy and real with your actions. Sensible is a good word for today. Taurus Moon also aligns with Neptune and Pluto for inner reflection and imaginative solutions. Wear Blue.

Wednesday: Taurus Moon makes one final aspect before shifting. The Moon and Saturn in Capricorn align. Saturn is retrograde for part of every year. One effect is the process of maturing and growing in wisdom, but through struggle or delay. From 3:55 am EDT to 9:46 am, the Moon is void of course. Be patient then. Better timing for communication, a meeting or interview or even travel, comes after 9:46 am. There is no major planetary aspect or void Moon for the rest of the day. Gemini Moon brings a  journey of the mind or on the road. Writing, storytelling, and negotiating are  favored. Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: Mars and Pluto square overnight into morning. This aspect isn't very pleasant, and often involves control and power issues, sometimes even violence though the violence may be in the mind, internal such as unkindness to ones self. Try to be overly gentle and easy on yourself and others today. Don't spend too much time with the news. Create with your overabundance of emotional energy, if you experience that. It looks like a good day to unplug and take a hike or plant yourself on a beach. It is a good day for simple socializing as the Moon and Mercury align in Gemini and Leo. If internal struggle is too much, reach out for guidance, love, and comfort. Wear Gold.

Friday: Gemini Moon and Leo Sun are speaking the same language. It feels more optimistic and open. Mars has a very different influence, in harmony with the Moon as well. Whether you're doing business or vacationing, taking a day off, or dealing with people you love, today seems easier and more productive. Void Moon 7:19 am to 7:35 pm EDT. Read a great book or spend time with friends, if possible. Cancer Moon is home and family oriented tonight. Have an evening bath or swim under this water sign Moon. Feel cleansed. Tears can cleanse too, so if you need it, after this week or these months, have that cry. Watch a sentimental film or listen to and sing some old favorite songs. Today's color is Light Blue.

Saturday: Uranus retrograde begins, in Taurus. This planet was retrograde for the same period of months last year, August into January. This retrograde will end on January 18th. Covid 19 appeared during Uranus retrograde even though many of us didn't really realize until March. Uranus brings events we often cannot predict or would not have known. It basically UnEarths while in Taurus. If this year seems to contain themes of last year late summer into winter, do not be surprised. Cancer Moon meets Venus for sweetness, romance and easier family relationships today. The Moon aligns with Uranus and I will not try and predict this-just know that they are in harmony so things will roll as they roll, perhaps with not much we can do to change them. This could be a great or an undesirable surprise, and it's likely to be emotional. A cathartic release will come for some. Today's color is Lavender.