Friday, May 24, 2019

Robin's Zodiac Zone May 26th-June 1st, 2019: Gemini Time

New Moon Special! Readings for Gemini New Moon and a peek into summer are on special for 10 inquirers.  $88 readings for $69 this week only. I'll look into your chart with your question or area of interest in mind and add a card or two for guidance. Send birth info and inquiry to robinivy88@gmail. and I'll get back to you. First 10 people will receive this New Moon Special.

art by Britta Dietsche

Sunday: At 2:08 am EDT the waning Moon moves into Pisces and aligns with both Uranus and Mars today. The Moon and Sun form a square. Emotions and logic may not sync up and decision making may not be easy or smooth. If you have important action to take, wait until you feel emotionally balanced. This appears to be a changeable day, with minds, plans and people not necessarily feeling reliable and/or stable. Creative channels may be open and a good source of stress relief. Today's color is Light Green.

Monday: Pisces Moon for Memorial Day holiday, with 5 planetary aspects. Neptune and Venus connect with the Moon for romance and sentiment or nostalgia while Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury throw in business-like, responsibility oriented influences. Today may be a little of this, a little of that. Anything goes. Put focus where you feel most strongly. Today's color is Light Blue.

Tuesday: Pisces Moon void from 12:21 am to 2:32 pm EDT. This may not be the 'best' day for getting back to business. Vacation brain is more likely. Aries Moon from 2:32 pm on is good for weeding the garden or getting rid of things you don't use anymore. Refresh things. Today's color is Red.

Wednesday: Aries Moon aligns with Gemini Sun for socializing and sharing new ideas and inspired thoughts or plans. Mars in Cancer squares the Moon and could give a passive aggressive feel to some situations. For example, see if you notice you or others brooding rather than actively problem solving. Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune and effort is required to get past creative blocks or idealistic/unrealistic ideas. Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: Aries Moon time is most productive, at least for meetings and decisive actions, before 11:08 am EDT. Jupiter adds an optimistic trine to the Moon, both in fire signs. Though the day moves into a murky zone where Pluto has squared the Moon from Capricorn bringing up fears or perceived obstacles or competition. Venus aligns with Neptune and romantic relationships may thrive. However an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter may confuse or conflict communication and major decisions. There may just be too much going on today and focus or confidence could suffer as a result. Wear Pink.

Friday: At 12:43 am  EDT the Moon moves to Taurus. Uranus and the Moon meet in Taurus every month which can create changes and unanticipated changes which are not always easy to adjust to. Venus in Taurus aligns with Saturn in Capricorn helping us focus on relationship and decisions or responsibilities shared or co-owned. This may assist in realistic and sensible decisions and actions. Today's color is Green.

Saturday: Taurus Moon aligns with Neptune, Saturn and Pluto while also meeting Venus. We are closing in on New Moon June 3rd. A continuation and perhaps more clarity around this week's events is today's mission and vibe. The Moon meets Venus encouraging commitment and strong relationships, loyalty, and favoring marriage or other major life events. Void Moon begins 6:53 pm EDT for the night. Today's color is Blue.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Robin's Zodiac Zone May 19th-25th, 2019: Sun and Mercury in Gemini

Sunday: The Moon is still essentially Full, having peaked at 5:11 pm EDT on Saturday. Sagittarius Moon has 3 quincunx aspects and no others. Though I don't often write about this 150 degree angle, with 3 and a Full Moon, you may experience confusion or misunderstandings. Question anything that feels not quite honest or right. Today's color is Purple.

Monday: Sagittarius Moon void of course 1:05 pm to (Tuesday) 3:56 am EDT. The Moon squares Neptune. Continue to question. Acknowledge your creative vision. Moon meets Jupiter in a burst of truth, knowledge and hopefully inspiration at 1:05 pm. That sets up the rest of the day. Today's color is Blue.

Tuesday: Capricorn Moon 3:56 am EDT. The Sun moves to Gemini 3 minutes later, for the 3rd phase of spring that lasts until the Solstice. Mercury also shifts to Gemini at 6:52 am EDT. The Sun and Mercury meet shortly after. It's a day of noticing and experiencing change and flow. Several aspects indicate a need for versatile thinking and flexible plans. Share opinions and information without arguments that Mars and the Moon might lead to. Today's color is Yellow.

Wednesday: Capricorn Moon with void time beginning 11:58 pm EDT. Before then the Moon acts with support from Neptune and emphasis of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Something from Full Moon weekend may arise again for constructive effort and approach. Mars aligns with Uranus which feels like assurance that something is happening and what needs to change is changing. Today is about moving past the blocks, inner or external. In some cases, the journey may be bumpy or downright rocky. Today's color is Black.

Thursday: Void Moon until 1:49 pm EDT when she sails into Aquarius. The Moon and Sun will be in harmony and the Moon squares Uranus. During void Moon keep decisions and tasks simple. Catch up on things like housework and cleanups. Aquarius Moon is for vision and moving past obstacles with persistence and collaboration. Wear Turquoise Blue.

Friday: Aquarius Moon for late week gatherings, professional or social. Mercury adds to lively conversation, meetings about plans, brainstorming solutions, and enjoying the company. Venus squares the Moon, asking for loyalty and dedication especially in love. Today's color is Pink.

Saturday: Aquarius Moon aligns with Jupiter and moves void of course, all at 8:51 am EDT. The rest of the day is more for enjoyment, socializing or spending time on activities you enjoy. It's a dabbler's day. Wear Blue.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Robin's Zodiac Zone May 12th-18th, 2019: Scorpio Full Moon

This season of commitment & long lasting decisions continues with the persistence, passion and finality of Scorpio Full Moon on Saturday.

Gentle Chair Yoga starts Monday at Bridge Studio on Waterman Drive South Portland, Maine. I am so looking forward to meeting this group! Be a part of this by signing up for the series at a special rate or drop in. Either way you can sign up before you arrive. 4-5 pm Mondays except Memorial Day, now through June 24th. Change how you feel with breath and movements, and as you choose, you don't even have to leave your seat. Non seated postures will also be offered as well.

Bridge Studio link

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day in the USA. The void of course Moon in Leo is well timed for a relaxed morning, and the planets are in agreement with this Moon sign's positive attitude. Virgo Moon 12:22 pm on (EDT, adjust for your zone), and Virgo is for flowers, yard work and tasks or homework waiting to be done. The Moon aligns with Uranus in a monthly earth sign trine, asking us to do or think differently. Experiment with an alternative way. Today's color is Brown.

Monday: Virgo Moon aligns with Mercury, Virgo's planet and also Saturn in Capricorn. Taurus Sun also aligns with Pluto. Communicate, decide, and consider the realistic options to resolve whatever is in your midst. Neptune across from the Moon could try and pull you into denial or toward romanticizing. But this week is intended for real, solid, grounded approaches. Big and lasting decisions and effects are coming with this Saturday's Full Moon. Today's color is Navy Blue.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon in the earlier hours, aligns with the Sun and Pluto. Sensory input and hands on, kinesthetic experiences inform us. Notice how a texture or scent brings memories today. Is there information in that experience? Something you recall could lead to your next choice or stimulate your intuition. Venus and Mars align today also, and this represents feminine and masculine, ease and drive, beauty and strength. Blend them with positive intentions and for results. It's a good day to work on relationships. The Moon squares Mars at 1:19 pm and void of course Moon begins, lasting until 2:51 pm when the Moon moves to Libra. If you're becoming too emotional and that involves anger or vengeful feelings, take a step back so you don't take action during void Moon that could lend itself to regrets or undesirable results. Libra Moon will be aspect free after 2:51 pm EDT. Quiet the mind. Today's color is Lavender.

Wednesday: Full Moon warmup begins, and planets shift. Libra Moon. Venus moves to Taurus and Mars moves to Cancer. These are more grounded signs for the feminine and masculine planets. Talk and thoughts or ideas turn to actions. Venus is happy in one of her home signs. Mars can be bogged down a bit and passive, internalizing in Cancer. Mercury is in harmony with Neptune in the water signs. It may be a good day or evening for writing, processing feelings, taking a soft or tender approach with something that has been unclear or stressful.  Connect with someone you love and/or care about deeply. Today's color is Pink.

Thursday: Libra to Scorpio Moon, void of course from 5:37 am to 5:26 pm EDT. This is transition time and lends well to open schedules and spontaneous adventures. Some will be doing personal, inner work today, trying to decide on something important. Full Moon due dates are here as the weekend approaches and through Monday. It's also late in Taurus time as next Tuesday invites the Sun to Gemini. Everything is about long term consequences and impact now. If you want a lasting relationship, begin or move into the next phase. If you want out, and feel sure, this is the time. There's nothing wishy washy about a Scorpio Full Moon or Taurus Sun. All in or all out. Many aspects today include Mercury aligned with Saturn retrograde for some overdue announcement, action or decision of a lasting nature. Scorpio Moon 5:26 pm on, opposes Venus in Taurus. Relationship matters are top priority and can't wait in some cases. Act with intention. You're likely not going to reverse or go back once you've taken action. Today's color is Indigo.

Friday: Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus. Notice the shake up going on right now. Things you didn't think would change may be altered dramatically with this Full Moon. Simultaneously, through tomorrow, you may notice others holding back or find yourself doing the same. This is the nature of introspective Scorpio Moon. Mercury sets out to challenge that, demanding conversation and/or revelation this weekend. Breathe through transitions either welcome or unwelcome. Something is shaking out into the open so it can be known, for more clarity and truth as you move forward. Today's color is Dark Red.

Saturday: Full Moon at 5:11 pm EDT, the start of void of course time. Many aspects in the stars today including Mercury opposing the Moon and also aligning with Pluto. This sheds light on and more so opens up information and exposes what cannot be denied. That could be love or leaving, fear or doing what you have to do, because you intuitively and clearly see. Void Moon 5:11 pm to 9:21 pm EDT. Expect actions to have longevity and lasting impact. Some themes include intimacy, solving mysteries, and becoming enlightened to either internal emotions or external realities. Personal and relationship matters intensify and play out. Aspects indicate that there's no going back on what's said or done now. Today's color is White.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Robin's Zodiac Zone May 4th-11th, 2019: Taurus New Moon, Mercury in Taurus

Festival Season is here! Maine YogaFest is a very welcoming festival with music by DJ Taz Rashid and by Alicia Mathewson, both of whom are traveling from out of state to join us. I'll be leading Astrology Yoga for Eclipse and Summer Season on Saturday morning, June 28th, 10:30 am.

Also on Friday, June 27th, I'm leading a full day 6 credit hour workshop on expanding and modifying vinyasa practice to suit more bodies, including your own! You can come to this workshop if you are a yoga teacher who wants to be more versatile and confident, who wants to connect with other teachers and receive credits for Yoga Alliance, or if you as a student want to vary your practice and know how to shift things if your body is saying no (or less!) to postures like low pushup or moves like step forward to lunge.

See the schedule of all this great stuff! You do not have to be a yoga regular to come to this fest! You can come and receive your Reiki 1 certification, for example, or attend music, meditative or restorative practices, aerial yoga (filling fast!) or paddle board yoga off East End Beach.
Maine YogaFest is held at East End School on Munjoy Hill.

Peek at Maine YogaFest site, see if there are a few workshops suited to you, and buy your tickets at this link.

I'll also be at Wild Vibes Fest in July in South Berwick for Shamanic Yoga!

Happy New Moon!

Sunday: Promises, plans and projects take hold under this New Moon in Taurus. Today is the first full day since New Moon at 6:45 pm EDT Saturday. Act with strong intention and avoid agreeing to anything you feel flimsy or uncertain about. Best hours for major agreements and conversations are before 11:10 am EDT when the Moon moves void of course until 11:40 pm EDT. Saturn adds and encourages us to be businesslike, organized, and responsible with actions and commitments. Today's color is Green.

Monday: Gemini Moon and Mercury moves to Taurus. Mercury is Gemini's ruling planet and it's all about travel and communication. Commit to a writing project, short or long term, a book, manual, blog or a final paper that's coming due. It could be a good day for car buying or tuning up your bike. Lots of plans will be taking shape. Keep the calendar and to do list up to date. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday: A very active Gemini Moon eventually meets Mars tonight. Be careful of disagreements or outbursts that could easily be triggered. Venus squares Saturn and relationship adjustments need to be made. Perhaps one of you is more frivolous or free spirited and the other very task oriented or serious, right now or by nature. How can you make allowances for each other and find some balance when together? Void Moon starts at 7:50 pm EDT. It's a good night out as long as you're not out of sorts. Careful on the roads with that Mars aspect. Today's color is Blue.

Wednesday: Cancer Moon starts 5:06 am EDT. Mercury and Uranus meet and unexpected news, events, and changes of plan are likely. The conditions are right for a breakthrough or ground breaking, scrapping an old plan in favor of something different, and different approaches in general. Think out of the box. The Moon is in harmony with both planets so home, family and emotional matters are involved. The Sun aligns with Neptune in Pisces for creative options and artistic expression. It's the continuation of New Moon activity and energies. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday: With 7 obvious Moon and planetary aspects, today is a big mix. Imagine having several priorities at once. Venus is the standout planet involved in 3 squares. Venus is relationship and balance and is in Aries, the initiator. Squares are challenging and need working through. Personal relationships need attention, compromise, understanding and willingness this week. Today has a serious tone and you may notice less humor. Contemplate what is being asked of you or what is required, and remember this is a time of long term consequences and impact as you decide. Cancer Moon void at 10:06 pm EDT until 9:14 am Friday. Today's color is Pink.

Friday: Leo Moon from 9:14 am on. The morning could get a slow or sluggish or even an out of sorts beginning. Leo Moon aims to brighten things up, but even more so aims to confront problems and initiate conversations of an important nature. There's some tension in the air if a talk is waiting to happen or perhaps around public speaking or appearances. Today's color is Gold.

Saturday: Leo Moon is fixed like Taurus is. Longevity and future impact and influence is a given in everything we take on now, from an astrology point of view. The Moon squares the Sun in Taurus and the Sun is trine to Saturn in Capricorn. We are asked to be constructive and committed. If responsible actions weren't taken in the past, this may be a new chance in those situations. It also may feel like something came back to 'bite' you. You can probably fix it so it doesn't happen again. This may take your will and commitment. 2nd quarter Moon tonight is for progress. Today's color is Orange.