Friday, March 20, 2020

Zodiac Zone March 22nd-28th: Sun & New Moon in Aries

Sunday: Mercury aligns with Uranus for totally unprecedented or unexpected news, twists and changes of plans, and especially may relate to travel, contractual matters, emotional decisions and conversations that bring out either the previously unknown truth or major, life changing realizations. This happens at 9:19 am and is the most prominent influence on this Pisces Moon day. Neptune is the other planetary player encouraging romance and imagination. Just don't be lured by shiny things or people today. Look for the truth and stay out of denial. Believe not what you want to believe. Believe what's real. Today's color is Bright Blue. Wear or visualize electric, bold blues.

Monday: Pisces Moon in harmony with a few planets helps with smoother transitions, forgiveness and adapting to change. The prominent aspect today is Mars meets Pluto at 1:21 am EDT and it's a time of both prodding and poking at fears and anxieties and also for releasing them. If you can let go of a fear, you'll feel emotionally free and possibly more ready to take action, following your soul's plan, your soul's lead. This is about letting go of earthly attachments (not possessions so much as ego driven actions and plans). You are evolving and you decide how. Important: Run from uncertain situations, sketchy people and anything that feels shadowy or dark today. Void Moon from 10:51 am to 8:58 pm EDT. New Moon is at 5:28 am EDT on Tuesday, tomorrow. Monday, you can make space for new ways, a complete rebirth. Wear Red.

Tuesday: Aries New Moon is an energetic burst of newness, spring, rebirth, regrouping, and acting on behalf of your self. Take self care and self love seriously. Feel and notice what lights your fire, inspires, offers hope and promise. Stoke that fire! Many people will need reassurance and hope for what's ahead. Can you get steady in your own fire center so you can extend whatever your gifts and talents are to others. Aries is Me in order to then extend to We. Relationships may be ready for rebirth. These challenging times may put you under the same roof to work something out together or forever let it go. Springtime arrives whether you are social distancing, employed or not, sick or well. This New Moon is our collective new beginning. It's going to be different, I practically assure you. The more we are able to let go of before and make this a new kind of after, the more we are aligned with what's really happening. Today, remember that most things are not personal. This is not about you. It's about the earth, the future, the present, and everything. White is the color of the day.

Wednesday: Aries Moon squares two planets in Capricorn. We'll be dealing with stumbling blocks and difficulties such as strong differences of opinion. Leadership is needed. We may try to control what's not in our control, really. Use your energy wisely. Try not to buck authority or directives, so much as wait things out. Today's color is one of personal power and centered self. Wear Yellow.

Thursday: Aries Moon void from 3:16 am EDT to 9:37 am EDT. Allow things to be simplified as the day begins. Taurus Moon follows and a grounded approach is called for even as the ground may seem to shake below. Lean into what roots and grounds you. This is not a day to take chances or risks. Moon squares Saturn and negotiations will be challenging and stubborn. Moon and Uranus meet in the monthly dance party that can shake things up in any manner. Hold steady, friends. It's a day for loyalty, family loyalty, letting people know they are valued, working on projects and reconstructing, and cooking, planting and taking care of home. Today's color is Green.

Friday: This looks like a welcome relief. If the weather is nice, enjoy nature and your backyard. Plant things indoors if you have the supplies. Ground in earth. Show love. Offer gifts. Taurus Moon aligns with Mercury, Neptune and Venus aligns with Jupiter. Positive thinking and actions are favored and likely. Love thrives. Major decisions are favored. Have important conversations that lead to promise, commitment, prosperity and abundance. Today's color is Pink.

Saturday: This week has been about new starts and making space. Today, Venus and Jupiter highlight relationships and abundance from 12:02 am EDT, so really this began last night. Good things come of this! Something may become more easy including forgiveness. Taurus Moon is happy with aspects to several planets in Capricorn and Pisces.  From 7:05 to 9:08 pm EDT we have a void of course Moon for slowing down and reflecting or resting. Gemini Moon follows. Terms will be negotiated as the Moon aligns with Saturn. Inventive ideas are worth pursing. We are called to invent and agree to new ways and to learn new things now. Venus and Pluto align for resolving things that hold us back from intimacy and trust. Today's color is Blue.

Tarot Lessons online Wednesday March 25th for 7 Wednesdays. 6-7:15 pm EDT. Class was full but now you can drop in virtually for $25 each or $160 for 7 sessions. Learn tarot and feel confident reading for yourself and others. Throw away the book and learn to trust your own wisdom. I began reading publicly in 1995 and I love training new readers. Can I support you in this journey?
robinivy88@gmail to sign up. Space is still limited so I can know each of you rather than have some huge online forum. I'll offer this on It's free on your end. Grab a deck and meet me then!

More info on offerings during social distancing. Keep doing it. It's what will accelerate the process and make this more manageable not to mention decrease illnesses.

Happy New Moon! I hope you can feel some brightness!


Cards from the Light Seers Tarot

Thank you for being part of the widespread, tuned in Zodiac Zone community. Your donations encourage me to keep yoga and meditation and collective card readings coming your way via online platforms. This week I placed a couple of collective readings on my instagram at Robin Ivy Payton. One message comes from Raven, the bird! Take care, everyone!  Robin


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