Friday, November 22, 2019

Sagittarius New Moon: November 24th-30th, 2019

Sunday: Scorpio Moon time begins 12:58 am Eastern. Mars meets the Moon and opposes Uranus for stubborn conflicts. It is a day to use care and caution and take safety measures seriously. This is not a day for risk taking. Emotionally, the Mars Moon meeting could bring up resentment or anger also. On the positive side, Venus meets Jupiter in Sagittarius for open minds and hearts and abundance. Sagittarius and Leo may feel this in terms of luck and maybe gifts, while Aries might be leaving for exciting travels, and Scorpio could strike it rich while Pisces has an awesome career day. The Moon also meets Mercury for problem solving and long term planning and solutions. It's a powerful and potent day. Wear Red.

Monday: The day before New Moon is for reflection. A Mars/Uranus opposition yesterday could lead to more developments regarding sudden events as well as an anger hangover if conflict arises. Scorpio Moon is in harmony with planets in Capricorn and Pisces today so we look for resolution and more understanding. At 12:30 the Moon moves void of course until 3:11 am Eastern on Tuesday. The void Moon will be either confusing or relaxing depending on the circumstances. It may not be the best time for business, travel, or decisions including spending money. Venus moves to practical, methodical Capricorn at 7:28 pm and the weeks ahead are for sensible and rational relationship decisions. Taking some of the intense emotion out of situations could be helpful. Ease out of stubbornness. Wear Black.

Tuesday: Sagittarius Moon 3:11 am Eastern leads to New Moon as Moon and Sun meet at 10:06 am (or adjust to your time zone). The zodiac is free and clear of other aspects and there are no planets supporting or in direct conflict. Honesty, moving forward, opening to opportunities, people and places are all favored. If you need to make a decision or move on something, feel hesitation dissolve. Use your intuition and as always, do not be reckless so much as thoughtful and let unnecessary fears go. Wear White.

Wednesday: Sagittarius Moon is about travel, and indeed this is one of the busiest travel days of the year. Neptune in Pisces says you may be distracted, get lost or off track, take your sweet time, or forget something along the way. Neptune is direct this morning (after a retrograde period) and square to the Moon. Double check everything and do what you can to feel grounded. Light Blue is our color.

Thursday: Thanksgiving in the USA, and I hope yours is peaceful and happy. On this day of family gatherings and gratefulness, the Moon moves from Sag to Capricorn at 7:33 am Eastern time. Over night/early morning, the Moon mets Jupiter and Mercury and Neptune align. You may feel this as creativity, knowledge, wisdom or love, upon awakening. Capricorn Moon has many harmonious aspects both Thursday and Friday. This should help events go well, put us in the mood for tasks and chores and keep spending decisions logical and sensible. Moon and Venus meet for Capricorn couples or romances with a Cap involved, and also this helps our interactions with anyone from family to client to colleagues, especially the boss. Wear Blue.

Friday: Capricorn Moon in harmony with Neptune and Mercury and meeting Saturn and Pluto. Take care of the serious and enjoy some lightness and fun too. Problem solving skills are enhanced. This looks like a project day. Wear Gray.

Saturday: The earlier part of the day finds Capricorn Moon void of course (beginning Friday at 10:57 pm EST). It's not a favorable shopping day since judgment isn't as sharp during v.o.c. time. The Moon moves to Aquarius at 3:13 pm Eastern for social gatherings. A square with Uranus creates an unpredictable atmosphere. Turquoise is Saturday's color.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mercury Retrograde Ends! Forecast for November 17th to 23rd, 2019

Have you been feeling like a big change is due for you? Would you like to teach yoga in any form, from vinyasa to private sessions to yoga in your workplace or a group you belong to? I'm leading Yoga Teacher Training January to June at Scarborough Yoga with a strong team of experienced, wise women versed in anatomy, ethics and energy work. There is room for you and you'll be teaching community classes before  you know it! Maine Yogafest School of Yoga
You can always email me for information. I'm happy to tell you more!


Sunday: Cancer to Leo Moon with transition time between 3:14 and 4:57 pm when the Moon is void of course. Face a fear or release a long held resentment. The Sun and Moon align for confidence and resilience even when strong emotion is present. When Leo Moon time takes over, two squares urge us out of our comfort zones. Be calm or strong through challenge and strengthen your will. Focus on your solar plexus, below the rib cage, as you breathe will and visualize your will and gut as full of sunshine and healthy fire. Today's color is Orange.

Monday: Leo Moon waning for releasing what we can't use and do not need. Practice releasing judgment and filling instead with self confidence. Recognize your own value and do not undersell or underestimate yourself. Today is for cultivating healthy ego and developing talents and strengths. Cleaning your work space or home will also feel good and prepare you for new opportunities just ahead.  Moon square to Mercury retro means persistent communication struggles or conflicts are part of the day. There's no need to let them dominate. You may even choose to put them aside and just for today not struggle or engage in them. Today's color is Purple.

Tuesday: Leo Moon until 8:54 pm EDT. Mars move into Scorpio, a tenuous place for this masculine, assertive planet. We'll need to moderate and temper inner grievances and anger so those emotions don't harm our health or come out in forms of violence or rage, not only today but through the rest of this year. A healthy outlet for emotions is called for. If you've been thinking about beginning more vigorous physical exercise or starting therapy, just say yes! Art and music are other potential outlets for strong emotions. Leo Moon happily connect with Venus and Jupiter in Sag for much optimism, fun dates, creative collaborations, and feelings of openness and freedom. Void Moon from 4:11 pm to 8:54 pm EDT is favorable for happy hour and other social gatherings or exercise aimed at spine and heart health. Virgo Moon aligns with Mars tonight and the urge to sort and organize is strong, plus it's good for studies. Today's color is Navy Blue.

Wednesday: Mercury direct at 2:12 pm EDT! This is good news, but do not rush into anything yet! Start to get your ideas and plans written down for your eyes only. The next week is like recovery time after 3 weeks of retro. Patience for now. Virgo Moon in harmony with Mercury and Pluto brings up unresolved business. A temporary or experimental approach is called for. Moon and Neptune oppose which may feel romantic, sensual and creative. Ease into what feels good. All in moderation. Wear Black.

Thursday: Virgo Moon until 11:20 pm EDT with 5 different planetary aspects and a void period starting at 10:31 pm EDT. Today is likely to be full and mixed in terms of emotions, events and results. Notice what you feel most serious and intentional about and take positive steps in that realm. If there are blocks or you feel out of sync with someone or something, remember Mercury is still getting used to being out of retrograde and there may be some still moments when we wish things were moving faster or more harmoniously. I think you'll notice that most in personal relationships and outside opportunities such as education, travel plans and business matters. Focus on what you can control and let the rest wait. Libra Moon arrives at 11:20 pm EDT. Today's color is Lavender.

Friday: Libra Moon for partnerships and one on one relationships. Who do you need some direct connection time with? If it can't be today, then reach out to set the date. The Sun moves into Sagittarius just before 10 am EDT! Though it feels like winter here in the northeast, this is the 3rd cycle of autumn that ends on the winter solstice. Sagittarius fire helps us let go. Release one expectation in favor of what's best for  you or someone else. Allow that space to fill with something inspiring if the timing is right. Let inspiration be your guide today. What calls out to you and how might you pursue that? Today's color is White.

Saturday: It's now Sagittarius time, and travel or just getting out of your neighborhood is appealing. Experiences of culture. learning, and refreshing nourish the Sagittarius part of our soul. Remember you have every sign in your chart, so the Sun in Sag does mean something to you, uniquely. Libra Moon with a handful of planetary aspects that contrast the ones we had on Thursday! So today may feel very different from two days ago. It's a good day for a date and could be a more challenging day for business or life decisions. It looks like a good time to remember to live in the moment. Void Moon 9:49 pm EDT to 12:58 pm EDT. Keep your wits about you then to avoid errors in judgment. Today's color is Indigo.

Both of these were taken at 2019 Yoga Festivals. The two sides of Robin. :)

Thanks Maine Yogafest and Love Yogafest. Tickets are now on sale for both! I'll be teaching at the Maine fest for sure! I hope this week brings exactly what you need! Robin

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Astrology for November 10th-16th, 2019: Full Moon in Taurus

Full Moon with Mercury retrograde in the opposite sign! Support your friends and family and let them stand by you too as we move through long term changes and decisions this week.

Sunday: Aries Moon void from 9 am on after a couple of disruptive aspects with Mars and Pluto and one inspiring trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. If you're feeling initiative for a new project or for some research on a grand idea for the future, go with it. Mars and Pluto challenge confidence and stir things up in personal relationships. Self vs others, self interests vs common good, and other similar themes influence our day. Taurus Moon from 6:18 pm EDT on through almost all of Tuesday. Full Moon warmup is here. Today's color is Green.

Monday: Taurus Moon nearly Full. This lunar cycle brings completion, release, and long term decisions. Mercury is retrograde so there may be some lingering questions and loose ends even as you move on from something. Break habits especially those you've tried to break before. Moon meets Uranus challenging stability and security. Sun meets Mercury retrograde for revisions and reconnections. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday: Full Moon in Taurus 8:34 am EDT and void of course from 10:48 am on to 3:46 am on Wednesday (EDT, adjust for your zone). Opposite Mercury retro in Scorpio, this Moon is quite contrary about communication including emails, letters, instructions and schedules. Loyalty is a huge deal and infidelity may be exposed. Mars aligns with Jupiter in Libra/Sagittarius and encourages fair outcomes while also inspiring learning and travel. Things may not go as planned today, especially if a meeting or appointment or personal conversation is involved. Know when to stand your ground and when to surrender and compromise. Excessive stubbornness could hold you back from something worthwhile. Weigh your pros and cons carefully. Today's color is White.

Wednesday: Gemini Moon time starts 3:46 am EDT. It could help us break a stagnant pattern or let go if we're holding on too tightly. Gemini Moon is about movement. Mercury aligns with Saturn for those big and overdue decisions and agreements. Mercury and Neptune team up for creativity and following dreams or interpreting them! The Sun aligns with Pluto and we may feel more optimistic or able to handle life's twists and turns. Channel this strong emotional energy in healthy ways. Re-organizing may be called for. Today's color is Blue.

Thursday: Gemini Moon opposite Venus can attract us to others with different perspectives, skills and outlooks from our own. Some will  meet their match or realize that someone who has been there all along can be more than just an acquaintance. Romance may follow in some cases. Intellectual matches will be made. Communicative and outgoing, this Gemini Moon squares Neptune and we need to cautious with unrealistic people or ideas. Take steps slowly, not rushing into wild plans. Some will work through a creative block, with effort. Venus and Neptune also square, in mutable signs, and there's a feeling of wanting to break free and perhaps not fulfill promises. Try not to disappoint or at least explain why and ask forgiveness. Wear Pink today.

Friday: From 6:40 to 11:15 am EDT, the Moon is void of course. This may contribute to Mercury retrograde activity (which by the way is on until the 20th). Take things slow and step by step. Avoid major purchases and technical ones unless absolutely necessary and sure. Save receipts and know your options regardless. Mars aligns with the Moon in the morning, activating us around legal and contractual matters.  Uranus is in harmony with the Cancer Moon that arrives at 11:15 am. We may need to protect our own and our family's best interests, add some security or defend our property, for examples. This looks like kind of a serious Friday. Plans close to home or at home are favored tonight. Wear Light Blue.

Saturday: Cancer Moon for family and home priorities. Saturn throws an authoritative and serious tone to the day with an opposition to the Moon. Family decisions and agreements may be necessary. Otherwise, Mercury retro and Neptune align with the Moon for connections long overdue and for creative projects, writing, or working with color. Today's color is Indigo.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mercury Retrograde Forecast: November 3rd-9th, 2019

We still have space in Maine Yogafest School of Yoga teacher training beginning the first weekend of January in Scarborough, Maine. Read more and apply at I'd be honored to guide you in deepening your yoga practice and learning to share it with others. Teach in studios, privately, at your workplace, outdoors in summer, or traveling the world! Share yoga with kids, the elderly, in recovery communities, with your neighbors, in a therapy or fitness practice you already have, the possibilities are endless. 200 Hour Teacher Training may be the beginning or extension of your career or life purpose. Find out more and email me with any questions!

Sunday: The Moon grows in light yet we've entered the 'shorter' days with the clocks moving back an hour. Waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Aquarius Moon arrives at 6:19 am EDT in harmony with Venus for some much needed lightness, favoring social gatherings or travels. Moon and Uranus square indicating a need for inventive and brilliant ideas, problem solving and alternative approaches to making things work. Plan B, C or D is set in motion. Today's color is Pink.

Monday: Aquarius Moon is inventive and persistent. Mercury is retrograde and frustration levels may be high especially if progress and results don't seem to equal your effort and drive. Today could be motivating for some and irritating for others. It's natural to want motion during this time in the lunar cycle. Frustration will come from whatever is not happening quickly enough according to our personal timelines. Aquarius Moon is good for team efforts, so gather some supporting or skilled friends to work on a project or speed things up. Mars and Pluto square in Libra/Capricorn is exact overnight into tomorrow and it's a tough one that calls out injustice and stirs or disturbs the status quo. These few days around the square could get quite uncomfortable and lead to system and organizational changes as well as justice and/or paying the price for previous actions. Today's color is Turquoise.

Tuesday: Re-read the Mars/Pluto section of Monday's forecast as the effects are prevalent today. The Moon squares Mercury retrograde today which may not feel helpful at all. Something may need to stay undecided, unresolved or undone for now. Agreements and negotiations may be at a standstill. Remember that sometimes in retrospect, waiting is wise. Jupiter aligns with the Moon to take us away from problems. This aspect favors positive distractions, interests and inspiration if we can walk away from what's bothering us and focus on something else. Void Moon in Aquarius 9:37 am to 6:08 pm EDT. Moon in Pisces this evening for music, film, creativity and compassion for others. Today's color is Black.

Wednesday: Pisces Moon squares Venus in Sagittarius. Don't rely too heavily on others today as this square can lead to unreliability, disappointment in love, no shows or getting 'stood up'. It's a sign of breaking away and forgetting responsibilities for a while. The upside is you might take a spontaneous adventure with an unlikely travel mate. Later, the Moon aligns with the Sun in Scorpio and emotions not only settle, but we may find romance and creative force heightens. It's a good night to pull out your tarot or other divination tools or your art supplies and let intuition take over. Wear Light Blue.

Thursday: Pisces Moon aligns with Pluto, squares Jupiter and feels motivating as compared to some recent days. Travel and life decisions are front and center. As the Moon's light grows, consider how you can grow through experiences, learning and resolving emotional situations. Void Moon from 8:13 pm EDT through the overnight. Stick with the friends you trust the most or enjoy some time to work on personal projects tonight. It's meant to be taken easy. Wear Purple.

Friday: Void Moon ends as Aries Moon takes over at 6:49 am EDT.  Aries Moon is activating, motivating and driven.  More importantly, Saturn and Neptune form an interesting alignment and are supported by the Scorpio Sun! These two planets are incredible different in nature and in two contrasting signs, Capricorn and Pisces. Interestingly, each is in its' home sign, accentuating the effect. Saturn is wisdom and experience while Neptune is imagination and escape. At best, this aspect makes dreams and visions real and tangible. We are getting close to Full Moon in Taurus. Could you be experiencing or manifesting a dream come true, today or any day now? Believe, put forth the effort and hold onto your vision. We need a day like this right now! I hope you get great news or feel a sense of achievement and good fortune today or by Full Moon on the 12th. Today's color is Red.

Saturday: Aries Moon. Mercury retrograde aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Something long overdue could be realized. An 'aha' moment changes your inner dialogue, quite possibly for the better. Some will let go of emotional roadblocks and see things in a new light. Saturn does square the Moon reminding us to be practical and sensible even as we move into exciting new territory. Combine your childlike or youthful urge to jump right in with some realism and a step by step approach. Today's color is Gold.