Thursday, November 7, 2019

Astrology for November 10th-16th, 2019: Full Moon in Taurus

Full Moon with Mercury retrograde in the opposite sign! Support your friends and family and let them stand by you too as we move through long term changes and decisions this week.

Sunday: Aries Moon void from 9 am on after a couple of disruptive aspects with Mars and Pluto and one inspiring trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. If you're feeling initiative for a new project or for some research on a grand idea for the future, go with it. Mars and Pluto challenge confidence and stir things up in personal relationships. Self vs others, self interests vs common good, and other similar themes influence our day. Taurus Moon from 6:18 pm EDT on through almost all of Tuesday. Full Moon warmup is here. Today's color is Green.

Monday: Taurus Moon nearly Full. This lunar cycle brings completion, release, and long term decisions. Mercury is retrograde so there may be some lingering questions and loose ends even as you move on from something. Break habits especially those you've tried to break before. Moon meets Uranus challenging stability and security. Sun meets Mercury retrograde for revisions and reconnections. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday: Full Moon in Taurus 8:34 am EDT and void of course from 10:48 am on to 3:46 am on Wednesday (EDT, adjust for your zone). Opposite Mercury retro in Scorpio, this Moon is quite contrary about communication including emails, letters, instructions and schedules. Loyalty is a huge deal and infidelity may be exposed. Mars aligns with Jupiter in Libra/Sagittarius and encourages fair outcomes while also inspiring learning and travel. Things may not go as planned today, especially if a meeting or appointment or personal conversation is involved. Know when to stand your ground and when to surrender and compromise. Excessive stubbornness could hold you back from something worthwhile. Weigh your pros and cons carefully. Today's color is White.

Wednesday: Gemini Moon time starts 3:46 am EDT. It could help us break a stagnant pattern or let go if we're holding on too tightly. Gemini Moon is about movement. Mercury aligns with Saturn for those big and overdue decisions and agreements. Mercury and Neptune team up for creativity and following dreams or interpreting them! The Sun aligns with Pluto and we may feel more optimistic or able to handle life's twists and turns. Channel this strong emotional energy in healthy ways. Re-organizing may be called for. Today's color is Blue.

Thursday: Gemini Moon opposite Venus can attract us to others with different perspectives, skills and outlooks from our own. Some will  meet their match or realize that someone who has been there all along can be more than just an acquaintance. Romance may follow in some cases. Intellectual matches will be made. Communicative and outgoing, this Gemini Moon squares Neptune and we need to cautious with unrealistic people or ideas. Take steps slowly, not rushing into wild plans. Some will work through a creative block, with effort. Venus and Neptune also square, in mutable signs, and there's a feeling of wanting to break free and perhaps not fulfill promises. Try not to disappoint or at least explain why and ask forgiveness. Wear Pink today.

Friday: From 6:40 to 11:15 am EDT, the Moon is void of course. This may contribute to Mercury retrograde activity (which by the way is on until the 20th). Take things slow and step by step. Avoid major purchases and technical ones unless absolutely necessary and sure. Save receipts and know your options regardless. Mars aligns with the Moon in the morning, activating us around legal and contractual matters.  Uranus is in harmony with the Cancer Moon that arrives at 11:15 am. We may need to protect our own and our family's best interests, add some security or defend our property, for examples. This looks like kind of a serious Friday. Plans close to home or at home are favored tonight. Wear Light Blue.

Saturday: Cancer Moon for family and home priorities. Saturn throws an authoritative and serious tone to the day with an opposition to the Moon. Family decisions and agreements may be necessary. Otherwise, Mercury retro and Neptune align with the Moon for connections long overdue and for creative projects, writing, or working with color. Today's color is Indigo.

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