Friday, September 15, 2017

Robin's Zodiac Zone September 17th to 23rd, 2017

Sunday: Leo Moon meets Venus, planet of love. Void of course Moon 8:55 pm EDT. An auspicious date. Clean out cobwebs. Connect with passion and true love. Pink is today's color.

Monday: Virgo Moon begins 12:52 am EDT and meets Mars and Mercury today. Many things could be resolved or acted on. Grounded approaches, but with quickness and finality. Brown is today's color. Rich earthy browns.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon, Venus moves to Virgo 9:15 pm EDT. Mercury opposite Neptune. Actions mean much more than words. Trust your intuition about people. New Moon on the west coast.
Indigo Blue is today's color.

Wednesday: New Moon in Virgo 1:30 am EDT. Void Moon 1:30 to 6:06 am EDT. Libra Moon from 6:06 am on. Purify, clean, make a fresh start, reorganize or renegotiate plans. Vibes of the August 21st solar eclipse infiltrate this New Moon. Changes and decisions crystalize. White is today's color.

Thursday: Libra Moon. Serious topics come up. Approach problems with peace and objectivity. Lavender is today's color.

Friday: Libra Moon meets Jupiter, their final meeting in Libra before Jupiter's 10-10-17 shift.  Void from 9:04 am to 1:40 pm EDT. This is the Equinox, a balance of light and darkness as the Sun moves into Libra at 4:02 pm EDT. Scorpio Moon after 1:40 pm EDT. Quickness, spontaneity, expansion, growing and transforming. Pivotal day. Red is today's color.

Saturday: Scorpio Moon harmony with Neptune, Pluto and Mars is creative, passionate, and potentially protective or jealous too.  Note the depths of experiences. Today's color is Black.

Sunday: Scorpio Moon void 3:33 am EDT until 12:01 am EDT Monday (or tonight as you adjust for central/west coast time zones). Mars opposite Neptune. Strongly opposing forces mean differences of energy levels, values and opinions will be obvious.  Navy Blue is today's color.

October 1st join me for my final workshop/class of the year with musician and sound healer Todd Glacy at Bridge Studio in the Art of Awareness space on Waterman Drive South Portland. The studio looks toward Casco Bay with beautiful afternoon light and wall paintings by The Eye of Henna's Mary Schmaling.

We present a practice for upcoming Full Moon of the Warrior, the Peaceful Warrior, with Meditation, Mythology and Sacred Sound. Extended gong savasana. Register now and hear Todd play one more time for yoga before he heads on a cross country tour for the fall/winter/spring months  Go to October 1st on the schedule by forward the arrow to the right week. Or call the studio and register 207-799-1331

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