Friday, February 3, 2023


Gentle, healing opportunities in February at Leaping Waters on Sundays

February 19th 5:30 - 6:45 pm MAGIC BODY with Tara Rook, in the aerial hammocks or resting on mats

Circle of sharing & tuning inward followed by ENERGY work & ambient original music recorded by Tara as JUST MILK while you rest. Light touch, full of intention. This is our second MAGIC BODY workshop & we had a heartfelt experience as a group back in November so we're doing this again. $39 in advance

February 26th 11:30 am-1:30 pm Transformative Breathwork Journey with Tania Zuckerman, SPIRALDANCE BREATHWORK. Some call this life changing. $40 in advance

YIN & RESTORATIVE YOGA with SOUND BATH 5:30-6:45 with myself and Mario Escamilla $25

My intention is to create opportunities for physical and emotional relief, soul growth and heart healing by gathering around the human experience. I intuitively invite other practitioners with gifts to share. It's been working out really well :)

And if you come to Leaping Waters once, generally you will return again and again. 

Happy IMBOLC, Full Moon, and other side of winter 



Sunday, February 5th ~ Full Moon in Leo at 1:29 pm ET. Social occasions and creative collaborations result as the Moon aligns with Mars in Gemini. Often I feel Full Moon is a time for rest and recuperation and there's space for that too, however I also think we'll appreciate being with people, at performances and feeling connected to others. This Full Moon encounters sharp or rough edges as the Moon squares Uranus and we may have to make adjustments we weren't intending. If you're stuck or holding on tightly, resisting change, there's a strong push and need to open things up and become less resistant. The Venus/Mars square just before this Full Moon continues to push us to yield in personal relationships. Venus is in Pisces and Mars is in Gemini, mutable signs that remind us to be more fluid with both thinking and feelings and to let go in order to experience the next level or phase, especially in romantic, loving and partner relationships. Wear White today.

Monday ~ Leo Moon first opposes Saturn, at 9:15 am ET. This may relate to the edgy squares and even bring some closure or terms of agreement. Be willing to participate, listen and sort something out so each party can move forward and on with clear expectations and energy. At 1:26 pm, Mercury and Neptune align for creative expression, art, music, and related business or activities. Take some time to write or draw your feelings or plans. Envision and create from new eyes and a place in the heart.Void Moon 9:15 am to 4:14 pm ET. Get lost in a project or artistic creation including music. Virgo Moon with no planetary engagement tonight. Study and reorganizing are favored. Wear Indigo.

Tuesday ~ A follow up to last week's relationship square comes as the Moon opposes Venus and squares Mars. Sort issues out further and reach the next level of clarity. We don't have to be, nor would we want to be, exactly alike in how we think and relate. Your love language and your partner's could be very different. Can you see what each other need and act from that knowledge and place? Is this a love that's meant to grow or is the romance lacking foundation for a future? We may also experience family or cohabitation relationship changes and disagreements or new agreements. How we feel about one another is in the forefront as we make other decisions and take other actions too, outside of the one on one relationship. Feelings dominate and we may need to proceed very gently and kindly. Uranus forms a trine to the Moon and there can be new realizations and the movement and change may come more quickly now. Venus and Uranus power up together just after midnight on Wednesday, affecting today and tonight in the realm of love, relationship and sense of harmony as we restructure internally. Wear Pink.

Wednesday ~ Venus and Uranus form an often quick acting sextile, in Pisces and Taurus. Mutual attraction, relationship shifts, and maybe love at first sight (?) are some possible manifestations. Also, creative ideas are plentiful and one may rise to the surface strongly. The Virgo Moon also opposes Neptune in Pisces and connects with Mercury in Capricorn. Both aid self expression, ways with words, creative writing, and versatile thinking. Mercury keeps it sensible and helps with anything in the planning, writing or discussion phase. We may feel we've shaken off some of the Full Moon intensity and can relax a bit or have gained useful perspective on an ongoing issue. Wear Blue.

Thursday ~ Void Moon from 1:40 am ET to 3:47 when Libra Moon time begins. The one aspect today is a Moon/Jupiter opposition. Jupiter wants to lead the way, progress, open the mind and invite new experiences, knowledge, travel and culture. The Moon in Libra slows things down a bit, may include indecision, and encourages objective perspective. This can be good as it reduces urgency. Take a broad look at possibilities, weigh out pros, cons and personal feelings. Notice what inspires, excites and magnetizes your interest, and explore without having to decide, yet. In relationships, this opposition could open the way for growing together and experiencing new places or things, breaking up stagnant energy. Wear Orange.

Friday ~ Libra Moon in harmony with Mars and the Sun, boosting the fire center in all of us, helping us feel more motivated, action oriented, and more decisive where decisions are called for. Move from a place of confidence and feel into what's right for you, without overthinking. Release over analyzing in favor of taking an action, even if it's a small step. Then observe the effect of that action and decide whether to take another step or move more fully into something. This could be a business or career decision, a relationship forming or coming to a crossroads, or it could be very personal and individual. The personal is highlighted by Mercury and Pluto meeting today, a time of reevaluating, opening to inner wisdom, and seeking answers within. Tap into your third eye compass. Wear Purple.

Saturday ~ Mercury moves to Aquarius after an extra long cycle in Capricorn (due to the retrograde we had weeks ago). Mercury in Aquarius is scientific, visionary, and friendly. It's a favorable time to join or work with a group, to upgrade technology, and to experiment and explore ideas. Libra Moon aligns with Saturn and is square to Pluto. We may go over things and make sure agreements are what we expected and intend. There's bit of a serious tone, and partners may be making decisions together, deliberately and in goal oriented ways. Match actions with intention. Void Moon 11:41 am to 1:34 pm ET, leading to Scorpio Moon for the rest of the weekend. The Moon and Mercury square tonight. Take it slow and minimize pressure and emotional intensity (which may feel heightened). Wear Black. 

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