Monday, October 24, 2022

Scorpio Solar Eclipse & New Moon ~ October 23rd-29th Astrology

Sunday ~ Venus and the Sun shift to Scorpio, the water sign with a fiery side. 6:36 am ET is when Scorpio's cycle begins. Babies born before that time are Libra, this year. This is when daylight begins to feel much shorter, the nights may get quite cold, depending where you live. And in a sense this is the beginning of pre-winter. Saturn stationed direct after midnight on this day, in Aquarius. Venus is passionate in Scorpio, and the Sun in Scorpio may bring more focus and long term decisions. Relationships may deepen or dissolve. Commitment, loyalty, and emotional compatibility are themes that arise now. The Solar Eclipse is on Tuesday, and that is Scorpio's New Moon. We are entering a very Scorpio type week, which means depth of feeling and intensity in what we engage in and put our minds to. The Moon is in Libra today with no major aspects. Today's color is Dark Red, like maroon.

Monday ~ Libra Moon aligns with Mars, about to be retrograde, and with Saturn newly direct and still not in forward motion. You may not be sure whether to take action or may not quite be able to act decisively. Connect with your inner wisdom, heart and third eye center if a decision needs to be made now. Otherwise, perhaps put it off. New Moon and the eclipses are about to bring some new information or situations which could change anything determined today. Mercury and the Moon get energy around the pros and cons and discussions about possibilities. Pluto says there may be some inner conflict. Wait for that feeling of yes, or at least for the compromise that suits everyone best. Void Moon 8:36 pm ET until 3:18 am Tuesday. Wear Purple for intuition.

Tuesday ~ Scorpio Solar Eclipse hits at 6:49 am ET. Secrets, privacy, and personal matters are themes of this eclipse. It may also relate to organization, inner drives, strong emotions, and personal relationships and love, romance, and fidelity as Venus is so close to this eclipse! The Moon and Venus combine forces at 8:04 am. All in or all over? This is one effect of the eclipse. Physical and emotional dynamics are at play in the romantic love realm. Re-committing to one another is another effect. Let the one you love know and be reassured.  Some secrets either in business or love will come out in the open post eclipse and in the weeks just ahead. Today's color is White.

Wednesday ~ This is a day and time for sorting out deep feelings, for reflecting on what's been long repressed or pushed to the back of the mind, and for taking care of each other's emotional well being. Intense aspects include the Moon opposite Uranus and square to Saturn, both of which may rattle us or disturb the status quo. Then Mercury and Mars are also aligned and communication could be off the cuff, impulsive, unkind OR possibly dynamic and filled with new ideas. Words and messages are amped up, and Mars is about to leave Gemini with the feeling of impulse to get certain business done. Be thoughtful with your words, responses and anything you're initiating. Make sure it's what you really intend and want. Overreacting can happen on days like this. Step back, reflect, and sit with good ideas that could lead to something great, or act if you know you're ready and certain. Wear Black.

Thursday ~Scorpio Moon in harmony with Pluto is deeply reflective, inward focused at 12:27 am ET and then the Moon is void of course until 6:55 am ET. Sagittarius Moon aligns with Jupiter favoring education, travel and new opportunities for growth and adventure. Mercury squares Pluto which may lead us to contemplate decisions a bit longer and consider all the options before committing. Jupiter is about to leave Aries for Pisces during this retrograde cycle. Find the balance between enthusiasm and impulsiveness and if it's enthusiasm, give the go ahead! Wear Purple. 

Friday ~ Jupiter retrograde re-enters Pisces at 1:10 am ET. This is a compassionate and compatible place for the planet of growth, fertility and openness. It could be a time of forgiving and second chances att what seem like missed opportunities. Engage in emotionally healthy and healing practices and learning during this cycle. Sagittarius Moon aligns with Saturn newly direct and squares Neptune, both of which happen each month. Inner conflict about priorities, responsibilities and freedom are some effects. Can you follow your bliss and also not let something important slide? Open mind and heart as today brings spontaneity. Wear bright blue, like sapphire.

Saturday ~ Sagittarius Moon opposes Mars in Gemini as Mars last act before a retrograde that starts tomorrow. Avoid irresponsibility, excessiveness especially excessive arrogance, over intellectualizing, overthinking and simply 'going too far' maybe to prove a point. The Moon also engages with Mercury and Jupiter before leaving Sagittarius at 9:21 am ET. Today feels full of shifts as the Moon, void of course only briefly from 9:10 am for 11 minutes, then moves into earth sign Capricorn. This could help stabilize what feels unstable or ungrounded, yet could also feel chilly or impersonal and perhaps anger lingers from any Mars related confrontations yesterday or this morning. I think the positive will override though, as Capricorn Moon aligns with the Sun and Venus in Scorpio. Try to authentically connect either with professional business and relationships or with the people who matter most to you. Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, for a period of focused concentration during November and thes final October days. Delve deeply into topics of interest and get business accomplished successfully during these weeks. Wear Black.

This weekend's energy attunements and readings are booked, but stay tuned for other opportunities coming up when the time is right!

Sunday, I'm offering Yin & Restorative Yoga at Leaping Waters from 6 pm-7:15 pm. Join me for this gentle, meditative practice.

Happy Halloween!


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