Friday, October 14, 2022

Astrology for October 15th-22nd 2022 (Eclipse Season Approaches)

Venus's last week in Libra for 2022 is here

Mars in Gemini energizes our minds and encourages action on ideas and plans this week

If an Energy Reading & Attunement sounds like just what you need this month, I'm offering 20 minute, affordable sessions on October 29th & 30th in South Portland. Prebook & prepay with venmo or arrange to pay another way by emailing me

Crystals, sound healing tools, tarot, reiki and other modalities will be incorporated according to individual energy scan & any info you choose to share 

4 spaces open Saturday afternoon 1:00-3:00 pm, 2 open on Sunday afternoon 3:00 & 3:30 pm

Sunday ~ Cancer Moon squares Mercury in Libra and forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus at 12:09 am Monday, affecting today as well. This could be an emotionally intense day for some. Having needs met without struggle is a theme and a priority. How can we help someone who's stressed or distressed? Come up with fair plans and compromises. Emotions could erupt and overflow with these Cancer Moon aspects. On the practical side, take care of home, safety and family matters. Practice self care and take the time or book the appointment you need. Wear Black.

Monday ~ Much the same as yesterday, Cancer Moon rules the day and engages with Uranus, Venus, Neptune, the Sun and Pluto. There's an emotional tone and aspect evident in everything, whether you're in love, creating, reflecting and remembering or very actively doing and producing. Recognize yourself as a body of awareness who feels it all even when it's at a subconscious level, perhaps overshadowed by things you have to do like school, job, and the tasks of life. Try not to bypass all your feelings. Also, try to not overreact, and sit with feelings for a bit to become clear before taking action. The other influencer today is Libra Sun trine to Mars in Gemini. This can add some optimism, energy, extroversion and feelings of friendship and mutual support. Enjoy the company of others. Void Moon 4:56 pm on. Today's color is Purple.

Tuesday ~ Void Moon ends at 12:45 am ET. This looks like a bright day as Leo Moon aligns with Jupiter in Aries, both fire signs, and Venus and Mars see eye to eye in air signs Libra and Gemini. This is good fuel for love, romance, relationships, growing into something new, and arriving at agreements that suit all involved.  Fun and adventure are favored too! Wear Gold.

Wednesday ~ Leo Moon on this day of varied aspects. Some blocks and boundaries may be encountered with today's squares and oppositions For some, something takes more time and energy than expected. There may be conflicts of interest. The Sun squares Pluto pointing out cons as well as potential pros. Our inner process is activated. Sort out what you really want and need. Compromises are necessary, however you don't want to compromise your values and be left feeling badly or drained. Balance is the goal. The Moon opposes Saturn and this can weigh us down. What lifts you instead? What is that down feeling trying to tell you? Give care to all you do, for others and for yourself.  Overnight, more Leo Moon aspects are all harmonious, which lends a very positive tone for tomorrow. Wear Orange.

Thursday ~ During this last quarter Moon, there's a lot going on. Venus squares Pluto pushing toward realizations about relationships and interactions. But there may be resistance. Maybe you want to believe the best about someone, but there's much more to consider. Leo Moon in harmony with Venus, Mars and the Sun adds good energy and helps us focus on what is working or can work. It's another day to come out of your shell and be with people, and the more solitary you've been, the more you really may need this. Give yourself a gentle push, and find some healthy community today, with friends, in a group class or setting or even just getting out in your own neighborhood. Void Moon 6:35 am to 12:25 pm when Virgo Moon quietly takes over. Wear Indigo.

Friday ~ Virgo Moon has been sailing along with no aspects, and this feels like a sorting out time, but in a gentle way. Experimenting, trying a different approach, getting home ready for 'winter', and moving into the darker season gracefully. The word acceptance comes to mind. This is also time for making plans, setting things up to begin near New Moon on Tuesday. And this New Moon in Libra is also a solar eclipse and the first of two eclipses to rattle and stir up necessary changes, remove blocks, and usher in very fresh energy and ideas. Allowing things to be as they are, without pushing, may be the best course for now. The time for action and decisions is coming. Unforeseen information and events will inform those changes. Connect with your physical self, ground and be in nature as weather allows. Brown is today's color.

Saturday ~ Saturn stations direct after months of retrograde time. This may be helpful for those around 30 or 60 going through Saturn returns, and for people at the Saturn transit who are 15, 45, and 75  as well. Saturn is in Aquarius, so Aquarians, you may also appreciate the forward movement ahead. Venus and the Sun both move to Scorpio on this transitional day. The energy of release and letting go increases, both for this lunar cycle and for the later autumn season. Traditionally, some cultures considered Halloween, aka Samhain, to be the start of winter. And we are approaching that seasonal shift that draws us to nest, shelter, comforts of home, and our roots. Ending in order to begin again. Notice all the feelings of today and what needs to be honored within and for yourself. Virgo Moon. Wear Black.

This Energy Work session can be taken on the mat or in an aerial hammock, whichever is prefered

Tara is an artist, meditation guide, creator of JUST MILK music, and healer. I find her music, art and energy work sessions to be beautiful and effective. I hope you do too. Sign up at (limit 7 magic bodies)

Save the Solstice date, December 21st and reserve now for a Yoga Nidra with Sound Bath co-hosted by me and Sri Melissa Urey at Leaping Waters. It's already on the schedule. Rest on the mat or in an aerial hammock, as you choose, while spaces last 


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