Friday, May 20, 2022

Robin's Zodiac Zone for May 22nd-28th, 2022 ~Mercury Retrograde Peaks

Sunday ~ Aquarius Moon meets Saturn for feelings of gravity, the importance or pressing nature of current happenings. This could relate to agreements within groups such as families or agreements with your own inner wisdom. This happens at 3:19 am ET and the Moon is void of course from then to 11:49 am. This in between time could burden the mind. Pisces Moon takes over and forms two squares, with the Sun and with Mercury retrograde. Changeable, shifting, and emotional, it's not a prime time for decisions and misunderstandings could easily occur. Allow for indecision and enjoy spacious time without trying to fill it or stay busy. Mercury backtracks into Taurus at 9:15 pm after Mars aligns with Pluto. Mars and Pluto are shadowy and/or dark together and our own shadow side or struggles become prominent and obvious. Try not to project that on others who don't own it. This is a peak weekend of Mercury retrograde and things may feel back and forth and the need to revisit things is real. Wear Light Green.

Monday ~ Pisces Moon, Sun aligns with Jupiter, and Mercury and Mars form a sextile. All in all, things may feel easier or like they're sorting out. Take flexible approaches and a wait and see attitude. The Sun and Jupiter in air signs favor interactions, business deals, and renewed energy. This can help grow or maintain relationships, especially of a professional nature. Mercury in Taurus and Mars in Pisces encourage down to earth approaches with people and tasks. Pisces Moon remains emotionally sensitive and aware. Today's color is Blue.

Tuesday ~ Today is full of astrological aspects, beginning with Venus in Aries aligned to Saturn in Aquarius. Take relationship matters and conversations seriously, knowing that at least one party really needs that, whether it be reassurance or to make plans together. Pisces Moon is harmonious with 4 planets in earth signs and in Pisces itself. The Moon conjunct Mars heightens feelings and intensifies our need to act from an emotional place. Fortunately, other aspects have a grounding earth sign influence. Still, today could feel a bit like a full moon. Void Moon just for a few minutes before Aries Moon begins at 5:39 pm ET and Mars enters Aries at 7:17 pm. The Moon and Jupiter meet in Aries tonight for excitement and promise based on new ideas and experiences. Today's color is Red.

Wednesday ~ Aries Moon combines forces with the Gemini Sun. This is an action and decision day. Mercury is still retrograde so keep things flexible, with possibilities still evolving.  Mercury aligns in a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, at best making us quite reflective and contemplative and at worst bringing up old patterns and our shadow side. Things could get a little dark if there are regrets or held secrets that must be confessed or aired out. Sit with something that bothers you and imagine a way if can work itself out and a way to feel more free and less stagnant. Today's color is Black.

Thursday ~ Aries Moon aligns with Saturn, a planet that's been active with the Moon and planets intermittently all week. If you are in Saturn return time around 29-30 or 59-60 years old or even approaching 90 years old, the Saturn aspects may be in full effect, instilling importance to actions you take now, and you could be feeling kind of heavy or thinking deeply about everything, present and past. Aries Moon indicates a clearing. Void Moon begins 11:28 pm ET. Wear Orange.

Friday ~ Taurus Moon time starts 2:22 am ET. Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Whatever is going on externally, stay internally aware and focused as well. Pluto is part of the inner voice and the deeper parts of ourselves. Venus is often about relationships. Hear the inner voice where relationships of any kind are concerned. Wear Indigo today.

Saturday ~ Taurus Moon meets Uranus, the zodiac's catalyst planet. Something rocks our worlds, and it could be anything with any effect. Venus also enters Taurus, a place of loyalty, sensuality and comfort, for the planet of love to visit during the weeks ahead. Do things that center you and channel physical energy in positive ways. Wear Pink.

Saturday June 19th Restorative and Yin for Summer Solstice with Reiki by Kristine Keegan

$40 early registration, $49 from June 11th on. Join Kristine and me for a heart opening session at

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