Friday, May 27, 2022

Mars conjunct Jupiter & Mercury Retrograde in Taurus May 29th-June 3rd, 2022

Sunday ~ Mars and Jupiter have been moving toward this conjunction for days. It brings out bold, confident, active, and assertive traits. Since Jupiter is involved, Mars influence is hopefully less aggressive than it might be while in Aries, leaning more toward confidence, leadership and forward thinking. Jupiter opens us to opportunities, growth, and new ideas. Taurus to Gemini Moon today, The Moon and Mercury retrograde meet and we revisit plans and reconnect with friends. Void Moon 10:11 am to 1:23 pm ET and then it's Gemini Moon aligned with Jupiter and Mars for sharing of ideas, plans, and moving ahead with business agreements and educational plans. Writers may get a burst of inspiration too. New Moon is on Monday. Prepare for beginnings and reset mentally. Wear Yellow.

Monday ~ Gemini New Moon is at 7:30 am ET. This occurring during Mercury retrograde, keep your plans flexible and avoid saying anything you might need to reverse later on. It could be a good time to wait on big announcements and hold your secret or excitement to yourself just a little bit longer. Think things out, write things down, show versatility. The New Moon holds vibrations from the two spring eclipses and changes continue to roll out. Wear White today.

Tuesday ~Gemini Moon engages with Neptune in Pisces and with Saturn in Aquarius, two very different influences. Be aware of how you feel and find a combination of intuition and knowledge. Our inner wisdom can help us feel what is true, beyond words. Work together and agree on what's best for all involved, focusing on temporary yet effective solutions. Void Moon from 4:10 pm on. Today's color is Blue.

Wednesday ~ Cancer Moon time takes over at 1:49 am ET. The Moon squares Jupiter and Mars, planets that met at the same degree of Aries on Sunday. There's a push for some progress, for opening your mind or heart and freeing yourself from emotional patterns, such as codependence or limiting beliefs about yourself or something else. The Moon and Venus align for relationships and romance. Today's color is Red.

Thursday ~ Cancer Moon sextile to Uranus in Taurus for emotional aha moments. Something may fall into place or suddenly make sense. Also, this can be due to surprise changes of events. Family matters and things about home, roots, and stability are highlighted. Today's color is Light Green.

Friday ~ Mercury direct at 4:00 am ET. Cancer to Leo Moon with a void of course time 11:15am to 2:38 pm ET. The earlier hours lend to creative pastimes and work and emotional awareness. Insights and intuition heighten. Notice how you feel. Leo Moon comes in for the weekend, increasing optimism, fun and social energy. Wear Purple.

Saturday ~Leo Moon aligned with Mars Friday night and with Jupiter today, moving things forward and sparking enthusiasm for the new and adventurous. Mercury is now stationed direct, but not yet moving forward in degrees, so it could be wise to pause just a bit longer and evaluate ever changing information and situations. Overall, though, it's game on and there will be some impatience to get started. The Moon and Sun are in harmony for social and educational gatherings and activities. The impulse to learn is likely to be strong. Today's color is Gold.

Reiki Infused Yin and Restorative Yoga for Summer Solstice is June 19th, Sunday 4:00-5:30 pm with me and Kristine Keegan, Reiki Master

Sign up at and balance your mind and body as we head into summer season



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