Saturday, August 11, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone August 12th-18th, 2018: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Sunday: The second to last Leo/Aquarius eclipse happened on Saturday and the impact continues to show over the next month. The final in this two sign polarity happens during Aquarius time this winter. We have already begun a new series of eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn one month ago. Eclipses mean accelerated change and often things you didn't prepare for. The Leo/Aquarius series aims to open our hearts and join us together for common goals, among other things.

Sunday this week is Virgo Moon time, Moon in harmony with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. A serious type of day with reality checks and reason to get things done, it is also the day Mars backtracks into Capricorn during this retrograde. Sort out what needs attention now from what will benefit from more time. Today's color is Brown.

Monday: Virgo Moon aligns with Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn for similar themes of Monday. Neptune across in Pisces beckons us to abandon tedious work and open to creative thoughts. Today's color is Navy Blue.

Tuesday: There's a very short 20 minute void Moon time in the midnight hour and the Moon shifts to Libra quickly at 12:57 am EDT. Moon meets Venus and aligns with Mercury retro while also squaring Saturn. Mostly we work for harmony in relationships and justice in every way. Today's color is Pink.

Wednesday: Libra Moon squares Pluto and lines up with the Leo Sun. You may second guess your decisions or question your own self worth or feelings. In emotional situations cut everyone a break and step back to objectivity. In personal and social situations, it's a great day for meet and greet and networking as well as fun dates.  Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: Another quick void Moon time 3:56 to 4:04 am EDT, then the Moon moves to Scorpio. Mars retro, Uranus, and Saturn play parts in today's action which may mean it's not so easy. Keep a cool head. Today's color is Maroon.

Friday: Scorpio Moon meets Jupiter, aligns with Neptune in Pisces and with Pluto in Capricorn. Get in touch with your true feelings. Try not to push emotional things away or suppress them. Have a healthy outlet for deep things that may come up with retrogrades and eclipses this summer. Scorpio gets to the bottom of or heart of the matter, seeking the depths.  It's a good/likely day to recover something once lost or forgotten. Today's color is Indigo.

Saturday: Void Moon 11:07 am to 12:45 pm EDT, transitioning from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Mercury retro aligns with Venus in Libra for friendly or romantic reconnections. Today's color is Orange.

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