Saturday, August 25, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone August 26th-September 1st, 2018. Mars Direct

Sunday: Pisces Moon 1:32 am EDT through midday on Tuesday.  Full Moon peaks at 7:56 am EDT. Pluto and Saturn are in harmony with the Full Moon and matters of extreme importance arise to be processed or to take action on. Though the Moon is in Pisces, a water sign, there is nothing wishy washy about the Full Moon engaged with the powerful inner force of Pluto and the external, constructive and 'grown up' themes that Saturn represents. It is time for a full realization and acknowledgement and all of the feelings that accompany this. Venus squares Pluto and we must transform and experience necessary awakenings, particularly in relationships that may be ending, switching to long distance, or where one partner announces readiness for commitment of a different kind. This is an emotional, spiritual, and creative Full Moon and the inner processes will result in external life changes. Eclipse effects continue to develop into September and our New Moon in 2 weeks. Today's color is White. (Yes, double white this week.)

Come to Yoga Under the Stars, Full Moon practice at the Sunshine Factory Monday evening 6 pm. Acupuncture and cupping also available that evening. Contact Kristen at the Sunshine Factory site for more info. We'll be in the park if weather allows (or indoors if rain comes). Check in at the studio, down the stairs in the castle building at Brick Hill South Portland.

Monday: As Full Moon continues, Mars stations direct in Capricorn at 10:05 am EDT. This is welcome news, as now both Mercury and Mars are direct, and Venus is for now. These closer planets influence interactions and relationships. The Full Moon in Pisces moves through, and may very well be followed by clarity around something that's been a question, a bother, or a full blown huge emotional situation. Neptune/Moon conjunction in Pisces often adds romanticism, and that can be soft and nice but don't let it cloud the real picture. In other words, do not offer trust to someone who has breached it again and again. Do tap into your artistic talents and imagination. It could be a good day for fiction writing or creating film or something else, especially as a way to release what's ready to be let go or expressed during this Full Moon. Jupiter and Pluto also chime in with the Moon for higher power guidance and awareness of the incredible potential you have. Let the tide begin to diminish and find something the sea leaves behind, literally or otherwise. Today's color is Light Blue.

Tuesday: Void Moon 9:54 to 12:35 pm EDT, then Aries Moon takes charge. A hint of what's to come may hit as inspiration or just suddenly knowing what to do as the Moon and Mars align this morning, with Mars now direct. Feel the pause and the awareness before the actual action. Mercury square Jupiter and the Moon square Saturn. There are definite things to be sorted out in the 'moving on' process. It's not all easy, but you can hopefully feel the flow and a direction. Today's color is Red.

Wednesday: Aries Moon moving along without no direct support or interruption from other planets. This is a good day to get things done or even as a vacation day for a late summer adventure. Aries is the sign of self and the mantra I AM. Feel and feed your sense of a healthy self. Today's color is Orange. 

Thursday: Aries Moon to begin, and 4 varied aspects to Pluto and Mars (challenges to grow, discover and take action) as well as Venus (relationships and compromises) and Mercury (planning and integrating). It's likely there's plenty to do and take care of. A list and prioritizing will help.  Void Moon 7:04 to 9:30 pm EDT for chilling with friends and unwinding. Taurus Moon 9:30 pm on. Today's color is Yellow.

Friday: Taurus Moon meets Uranus. We are still getting accustomed to this monthly meeting that'll happen for years to come. Uranus is a wild card. Notice if you feel pushed into something. Perhaps change that dynamic and go in another direction. Moon in harmony with Saturn in Cap and Sun in Virgo, all in the earth element. Be productive, connect to the earth and the ground you walk on and potentially make a long term agreement with confidence. Brown is today's color. 

Saturday: September 1st is here. Taurus Moon, steady and strong, sensual and natural. Varied aspects including an opposition to Jupiter. Relationships, loyalty, commitment, and reassurance are themes. It's another day to work through a long term agreement (or maybe become engaged!). Whatever you are into, understand clearly the terms. Today's color is Green.

Robin's Zodiac Zone is free every week. Your gratuity is appreciated for website costs and time devoted each week and day. Thank you! Robin

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone August 19th-25th, 2018. Mercury Direct

Mercury stations direct. Ease into the changes.
The Sun moves to Virgo for refreshing routine.
Mars spends one final week retrograde.
Embrace this last phase of summer with a different mindset.
Full Moon, astrology inspired Yoga at The Sunshine Factory at Brick Hill next Monday, August 27th, 6 pm- 7:30 outdoors or in.


Sunday: Mercury direct 12:25 am EDT. But do not rush. Mercury stays at this degree for a bit before appearing to move through Leo again. Certainly you may feel at the crossroads, on the brink of something different and new. Sagittarius Moon for your adventures and educational endeavors. Jupiter, Sagittarius's planet, trine to Neptune in Pisces for flow and malleability. This is a beautiful spiritual awakening aspect, though it can also feel confusing or uncertain as to what exactly is happening. Today's color is Light Blue.

Monday: Sagittarius Moon in harmony with the Leo Sun. The Moon is halfway to Full and many will respond with the need to 'get going'. These two signs combine for optimism, excitement and the bright side or anticipation of such things. Void Moon 7:47 pm EDT. Today's color is Red.

Tuesday: At the stroke of midnight the Moon moves to Capricorn. With Mercury direct and this industrious Moon sign meeting Saturn, the natural ruling planet of Capricorn, the tendency is to get very focused and intentional with important matters. A huge reality check day and time to pack up, order or shop for supplies and possibly even commit to something that's been pending. Keep the word intentional in mind so you do nothing haphazardly. Today's color is Black.

Wednesday: Capricorn Moon aspects 4 planets including Pluto, the planet of subconscious, shadow, and undercurrent. Sit quietly with your decisions and plans. Listen to the deep and knowing inner self. Wisdom. The Sun sits at the threshold of Virgo, the 3rd sign of summer. Today's color is Green, like pine trees.

Thursday: We often say Fall is coming now, but truly it's the third and final phase of summer when the Sun shifts to Virgo at 12:09 am EDT. Virgo time does mean a change in routines and the sun setting noticeably earlier. It's a good time to let go of or improve health habits, get back to physical workouts or change them up, add veggies to your plate, and organize for productivity related to home, work or school. Capricorn Moon is void of course from 10:19 am to 12:56 pm and in conjunction with Mars retro so frustration may crop up. Also though, you may get the go ahead on something that's been in the works and lagging the past couple of months. Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus. Be patient with the roadblocks and look for alternate ways rather than forcing things to go one way. Today's color is Blue.

Friday: Aquarius Moon opposes Mercury direct in Leo. This is reminiscent of our Aquarius and Leo eclipses 2 and 4 weeks ago approximately. Vibes of change, with news and announcements coming as we follow our hearts and align with our tribes.  The Full Moon of Pisces approaches. Today's color is Turquoise.

Saturday: Void Moon begins at 12:39 am EDT and lasts all day (though on the west coast you'll have a bit of Pisces Moon time tonight). With void Moon, perhaps let a decision wait and allow for extra time to get where you're going. There may be confusion or delays or changes unforeseen. Flexibility keeps frustration at bay. Moon aligns with Venus in Libra, and the Sun is in harmony with Pluto and Uranus, all in the earth signs. This creates a positive vibe, a willingness to help out or deal with personal things, and also some wonderful excitement about the changes and activity of this Full Moon time. Today's color is White.

(Here's a little bonus so you're ready for Full Moon in advance!)

Sunday: Pisces Moon 1:32 am EDT through midday on Tuesday.  Full Moon peaks at 7:56 am EDT. Pluto and Saturn are in harmony with the Full Moon and matters of extreme importance arise to be processed or to take action on. Though the Moon is in Pisces, a water sign, there is nothing wishy washy about the Full Moon engaged with the powerful inner force of Pluto and the external, constructive and 'grown up' themes that Saturn represents. It is time for a full realization and acknowledgement and all of the feelings that accompany this. Venus squares Pluto and we must transform and experience necessary awakenings, particularly in relationships that may be ending, switching to long distance, or where one partner announces readiness for commitment of a different kind. This is an emotional, spiritual, and creative Full Moon and the inner processes will result in external life changes. Eclipse effects continue to develop into September and our New Moon in 2 weeks. Today's color is White. (Yes, double white this week.)

Come to Yoga Under the Stars, Full Moon practice at the Sunshine Factory Monday evening 6 pm. Acupuncture and cupping also available that evening. Contact Kristen at the Sunshine Factory site for more info. We'll be in the park if weather allows (or indoors if rain comes). Check in at the studio, down the stairs in the castle building at Brick Hill South Portland.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone August 12th-18th, 2018: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Sunday: The second to last Leo/Aquarius eclipse happened on Saturday and the impact continues to show over the next month. The final in this two sign polarity happens during Aquarius time this winter. We have already begun a new series of eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn one month ago. Eclipses mean accelerated change and often things you didn't prepare for. The Leo/Aquarius series aims to open our hearts and join us together for common goals, among other things.

Sunday this week is Virgo Moon time, Moon in harmony with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. A serious type of day with reality checks and reason to get things done, it is also the day Mars backtracks into Capricorn during this retrograde. Sort out what needs attention now from what will benefit from more time. Today's color is Brown.

Monday: Virgo Moon aligns with Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn for similar themes of Monday. Neptune across in Pisces beckons us to abandon tedious work and open to creative thoughts. Today's color is Navy Blue.

Tuesday: There's a very short 20 minute void Moon time in the midnight hour and the Moon shifts to Libra quickly at 12:57 am EDT. Moon meets Venus and aligns with Mercury retro while also squaring Saturn. Mostly we work for harmony in relationships and justice in every way. Today's color is Pink.

Wednesday: Libra Moon squares Pluto and lines up with the Leo Sun. You may second guess your decisions or question your own self worth or feelings. In emotional situations cut everyone a break and step back to objectivity. In personal and social situations, it's a great day for meet and greet and networking as well as fun dates.  Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: Another quick void Moon time 3:56 to 4:04 am EDT, then the Moon moves to Scorpio. Mars retro, Uranus, and Saturn play parts in today's action which may mean it's not so easy. Keep a cool head. Today's color is Maroon.

Friday: Scorpio Moon meets Jupiter, aligns with Neptune in Pisces and with Pluto in Capricorn. Get in touch with your true feelings. Try not to push emotional things away or suppress them. Have a healthy outlet for deep things that may come up with retrogrades and eclipses this summer. Scorpio gets to the bottom of or heart of the matter, seeking the depths.  It's a good/likely day to recover something once lost or forgotten. Today's color is Indigo.

Saturday: Void Moon 11:07 am to 12:45 pm EDT, transitioning from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Mercury retro aligns with Venus in Libra for friendly or romantic reconnections. Today's color is Orange.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 5th-11th, 2018: Solar Eclipse in Leo

My own birthday is this week on 8-8! And the original name of this site was Robin's Zodiac Zone: Leo Rising. I love the number 8 and look for it everywhere. 8 on it's side is the infinity symbol. In Feng Shui, 8 symbolizes abundance. There are shapes of 8 in your energy field and throughout your body. Notice how this makes sense. Your eyes are one example. Enjoy this Mercury retro in Leo week without trying to force anything it is not time for.

Sunday: Taurus Moon void of course from 7:36 to 9:32 pm EDT. Moon squares Mercury retrograde and trines Venus and Pluto. Much about the past seeps into our day. Try not to let that be stubbornness or excessive pride. Venus adds a sensual, romantic element that's nice for a date. Gemini Moon 9:32 pm on. This may tempt you to analyze or fabricate stories. The mind activates tonight. Use lavender or magnesium oil on  your feet for sleep. Lavender is today's color.

Monday: Gemini Moon aligns with Mars and the Sun. Social plans, people, conversations, and the words we speak are highlighted. Speak with care. Words will resonate especially if they bring up the past. The Sun squares Jupiter and we consider how to grow and move forward (soon). This relates to big plans like your education, the resolving of an important matter, or major travel plans to name a few. Work through some of this while trusting your intuition. Things change during the retrograde time we're in. Venus to Libra sign of partnership, music and dance as well as law and justice 7:27 pm EDT. Pink is today's color.

Tuesday: Gemini Moon void time starts at 3:54 am EDT and lasts until after the stroke of midnight. The Moon engages with retro Mercury, and it'll be an interesting day for reconnections, yet very scattered in terms of how to go about things. It's not a great day to make a big decision. It's often easier to buy time during void Moon. Venus and Mars align for our personal relationships. Mars is also retro so reunions and getting back together may be a 'thing' now. Consider it a day by day proposition with no promises for a few weeks. Today's color is Yellow.

Wednesday: Cancer Moon 12:01 am EDT.  The Moon opposes Saturn and can stir defensive or critical feelings. The Sun meets Mercury retro for a day of revisiting favorite places and long lost family or friends. A variety of other aspects contribute to whatever is most prominent in your experience right now. Some will focus on the negative or difficult and some revel in the positive and wonder of the world. A bit of distance and unplugging may help you enjoy the Sun's glory in Leo. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday: 7:21 am begins the void Moon time in Cancer. This is the time before the transition though the Moon's work in Cancer finished up with a trine to Neptune and opposition to Pluto. This can bring up feelings and insecurities every time. Go easy on yourself and others today. Spend some time solo if you need it. Notice how you feel creative and go with it! Family matters may bring melancholy feelings or uncertainties. You can still love your family even if you need to detach or disengage. Venus squares Saturn and relationship matters challenge us. Some of those relationships may involve the workplace, people you care about that may not be meeting responsibilities or doing their jobs. Take a breath before reacting. Make no major decisions or statements today. Today's color is Black.

Friday: Leo Moon begins at 12:18 am EDT. With 5 significant aspects , some easy some apparently difficult, this is a mixed day. The highlight is Mercury retrograde and the Moon in unison in Leo for loving and friendly reunions. Make social plans (and actually go!). Today's color is Gold.

Saturday: This is solar eclipse day and it happens at 5:58 am EDT in Leo. At every solar eclipse the Moon and Sun are together and it's New Moon. Solar eclipses mean big changes and this is the 2nd solar and 3rd eclipse (one was lunar two weeks back). The only thing uncommon about this is that it was 3 eclipses. They usually come in pairs. So it's an extra powerful time for changes of all sorts. In Leo the eclipse is a heart opening and heart centered. It's likely to be emotionally powerful and potentially stormy. Yet it's the perfect time to 'turn the page' and move into a new chapter. This may unfold a bit slowly and do give changes time to develop as Mercury and Mars are both retrograde. Mercury will be direct on the 19th. The whole month ahead will be full of eclipse repercussions and effects. News may come now. Your response may need time. Expect changes you never considered or thought would come to be. People tend to come into our lives (or go) at eclipse times. Today's color is White.

Robin's Zodiac Zone is free every week. Your generosity is much appreciated.