Come to Yoga Under the Stars, Full Moon practice at the Sunshine Factory Monday evening 6 pm. Acupuncture and cupping also available that evening. Contact Kristen at the Sunshine Factory site for more info. We'll be in the park if weather allows (or indoors if rain comes). Check in at the studio, down the stairs in the castle building at Brick Hill South Portland.
Monday: As Full Moon continues, Mars stations direct in Capricorn at 10:05 am EDT. This is welcome news, as now both Mercury and Mars are direct, and Venus is for now. These closer planets influence interactions and relationships. The Full Moon in Pisces moves through, and may very well be followed by clarity around something that's been a question, a bother, or a full blown huge emotional situation. Neptune/Moon conjunction in Pisces often adds romanticism, and that can be soft and nice but don't let it cloud the real picture. In other words, do not offer trust to someone who has breached it again and again. Do tap into your artistic talents and imagination. It could be a good day for fiction writing or creating film or something else, especially as a way to release what's ready to be let go or expressed during this Full Moon. Jupiter and Pluto also chime in with the Moon for higher power guidance and awareness of the incredible potential you have. Let the tide begin to diminish and find something the sea leaves behind, literally or otherwise. Today's color is Light Blue.
Tuesday: Void Moon 9:54 to 12:35 pm EDT, then Aries Moon takes charge. A hint of what's to come may hit as inspiration or just suddenly knowing what to do as the Moon and Mars align this morning, with Mars now direct. Feel the pause and the awareness before the actual action. Mercury square Jupiter and the Moon square Saturn. There are definite things to be sorted out in the 'moving on' process. It's not all easy, but you can hopefully feel the flow and a direction. Today's color is Red.
Wednesday: Aries Moon moving along without no direct support or interruption from other planets. This is a good day to get things done or even as a vacation day for a late summer adventure. Aries is the sign of self and the mantra I AM. Feel and feed your sense of a healthy self. Today's color is Orange.
Thursday: Aries Moon to begin, and 4 varied aspects to Pluto and Mars (challenges to grow, discover and take action) as well as Venus (relationships and compromises) and Mercury (planning and integrating). It's likely there's plenty to do and take care of. A list and prioritizing will help. Void Moon 7:04 to 9:30 pm EDT for chilling with friends and unwinding. Taurus Moon 9:30 pm on. Today's color is Yellow.
Friday: Taurus Moon meets Uranus. We are still getting accustomed to this monthly meeting that'll happen for years to come. Uranus is a wild card. Notice if you feel pushed into something. Perhaps change that dynamic and go in another direction. Moon in harmony with Saturn in Cap and Sun in Virgo, all in the earth element. Be productive, connect to the earth and the ground you walk on and potentially make a long term agreement with confidence. Brown is today's color.
Saturday: September 1st is here. Taurus Moon, steady and strong, sensual and natural. Varied aspects including an opposition to Jupiter. Relationships, loyalty, commitment, and reassurance are themes. It's another day to work through a long term agreement (or maybe become engaged!). Whatever you are into, understand clearly the terms. Today's color is Green.
Robin's Zodiac Zone is free every week. Your gratuity is appreciated for website costs and time devoted each week and day. Thank you! Robin