Saturday, July 21, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone July 22nd-July 28th 2018: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Sunday: Sagittarius Moon time arrives 6:12 am EDT and the Sun lights up Leo for the 2nd phase of summer beginning at 5 pm. Mercury and Jupiter align perfectly in Virgo/Scorpio. This looks like an inspired and energized day/evening. The vibe is warm and fiery as Mars and the Sun feed the Sag Moon. Today's color is Orange.

Monday: Sagittarius Moon squares Venus and Neptune. If relationships seem obligatory or burdensome, some will escape for independent time or even ask for separation. While on your adventures, have some sense of realism even in the back of your mind so you don't get overly carried away only to face consequences later. Flirtations and temptations. Today's color is Light Blue.

Tuesday: Void Moon 4:22 am to 5:43 pm EDT. Mercury, about to be retrograde, aligns with the Moon setting the stage for reconnections and renewed discussions around certain 'back burner' plans. Venus opposes Neptune continuing some of yesterdays's escapism, flirtations, and putting romance and pleasure in the forefront. At 5:43 pm EDT the Moon moves to Capricorn and aligns with Uranus in Taurus. Aim for a soft landing if your head's been in the clouds and get rooted in whatever needs to be done. You'll know for sure what that is. Full Moon on the way. Today's color is Pink.

Wednesday: Capricorn Moon leads us toward the Aquarius Full Moon of Friday. It will be exact at 4:20 pm EDT. Today's heavy on the business/practical side with Moon and Saturn together pressing for promises and strong commitment. Leo Sun squares Uranus in Taurus contributing to completely different ways of doing or thinking that may lead to conflict and digging in stubbornly. Talk about differences of opinion! It's a good day to take shelter and disengage if the going gets rough or troublesome. (see tomorrow's forecast as Mercury retro begins overnight and tonight if you're in the Pacific zone). Today's color is Gold.  Full Moon Yoga tonight at The Sunshine Factory, in the park at Brick Hill South Portland, Maine 7-8:30 pm. Come early to sign in downstairs in the studio. We'll engage in releasing personally and connecting in friendship. Your next best bud might appear here during this Full Moon of friendship. The Sunshine Factory is a unique place. Come find out.

Thursday: The Moon is nearly Full and Friday brings a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. This is a strong uprising that may include uprisings in terms of activism, pack mentality, and the power of community.  Pluto, Venus and Neptune align in harmony with the Moon before void of course time and set the tone for a heartfelt experience, perhaps softer in attitude than the past few days. Though the eclipse can bring rumbles or lightning bolts any time now as Full Moon is ready to peak. Also, Mercury retrograde begins (did that sneak up?) at 1:02 am EDT in Leo. Long void Moon from 9:41 am until Friday at 6:41 am EDT. There's a mix of release and confusion, and you may experience either or witness others in the throes of not knowing which end is up or what direction life is going in. Serious questions about direction and alliances will be coming up this week and in the next two weeks or more. The less planned for today, the better. Can you let it flow naturally without resistance or panic over uncertainties. All will sort out in time. Today's color is Blue.

Friday: Lunar eclipse Full Moon (that's the only way you can have a lunar eclipse btw, at Full Moon), and it's in the sign of friendship, community, rebellion and forward thinking, Aquarius. Mars is retro in Aquarius and Mercury is retro in Leo. Issues unresolved from past times are highly likely to resurface now. The Moon shines light on what needs attention. The world news may heat up even more during this phase of summer. Tendencies toward revolt, revolution, and groups with a mission taking action increase and peak. Eclipses bring major and accelerated shifts often through unplanned experiences and events. Friends may have interpersonal difficulties and friend breakups or some will leave groups they belonged to, feeling that they no longer fit or feel aligned with the mission. Mars is the planet most influential and Mars in Aquarius indicates strong will and action. Mars is retrograde and past actions or conflicts are drummed up. The dimmer switch illuminates all as the eclipse moves through. Sudden knowledge or realization regarding relationships with others, one on one or with groups, will disrupt the way things have been and make room for movement into new ways.  Keep your feet on the ground and your heart in the forefront, and above all use your instincts. Venus and Neptune are in harmony for romance this evening and special events may glow and fill with connectedness and love. This however is a minor aspect compared with the intensity of the eclipse, which will be felt for weeks and intertwined with the solar eclipses on either side. The next is in two weeks, August 11th in Leo. Today's color is White. Full Moon/eclipse 4:20 pm EDT.

Saturday: The Moon, still in the full zone, squares Jupiter in Scorpio. Whatever is going on becomes even more magnified. Think growth and act for the long term if you take action at all. Engage in forward vision. Mercury is retrograde now. Today's color is Silver.

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