Sunday, October 29, 2017

Robin's Zodiac Zone October 29th-November 4th, 2017

It's Scorpio time! Happy Halloween! We have a mutable Pisces Moon for the holiday and this is when the 'veil is thin'. Scorpio and Pisces are an intuitive, mysterious match that lend well to your costumes, disguises and psychic experiences. The Moon is waxing toward Full in Taurus at 1:23 am on Saturday. By Wednesday night we'll be feeling the intensity.

Sunday: Aquarius Moon void from 12:22 to 7:46 pm (adjust for your time zone). Early hours are for action on those things you've been talking about and not doing or resolving.  Pisces Moon 7:46 pm EDT. Green is today's color.

Monday: Pisces Moon aligns with the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio and meets Neptune. Intuitive, creative, and emotionally attuned. Light Blue.

Tuesday: Pisces Moon void of course 5:06 pm EDT. Adjustments and minor changes. Keep flexibility in your mind and your schedule. Void of course hours affect judgement so keep your wits about you. Intuition and metaphysical experiences heightened.  Orange is today's color.

Wednesday: Aries Moon begins 2:43 am EDT and opposes Mars. Contentious situations heat up. Compromise and consequences.  Red is today's color. 

Thursday: Aries Moon opposes Venus and aligns with Saturn. Uranus and the Moon join forces in Aries. Forceful and determined energies in play. Relationships, equality and justice themes. Void Moon 11 pm EDT.  Brown is today's color. (red browns are best).

Friday: Taurus Moon begins at 5:46 am EDT and will be Full overnight into Saturday. Strong finishes. Complete, resolve, stand your ground, stay committed. Decisions made now will be difficult to reverse or change in the future.  Today's color is Yellow. 

Saturday: Full Moon in Taurus. Venus opposes Uranus affecting relationship dynamics and legal situations. White is today's color. 

Happy Halloween! Enjoy my Halloween playlists on Spotify! Here's one.


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