Sunday: Mars trine Neptune. Aquarius Moon sextile (harmonious) Saturn in Sagittarius. You're on a mission. Today's color is Turquoise.
Monday: Void Moon 7:13 to 10:26 am EDT in Aquarius. Pisces Moon as the business week begins. Add creativity to all you do. Forgiveness and loosening restrictions adds to ease. Full Moon warmup adds to the emotional tone. Green is today's color.
Tuesday: Pisces Moon meets Neptune, opposes Mars and also Venus in Virgo. Venus trine Pluto. Relationship focus. Are you willing to meet yourself or others truthfully? That's today's 'work'. Wear Black.
Wednesday: On this day before Full Moon, the Harvest Moon and Warrior Moon of Aries, clarify your feelings and pursue a goal. Bring something all together, full circle. Make peace with your self. Void Moon 3:19 am to 4:40 pm EDT. Personal priorities are #1. Understand today, act tomorrow or perhaps this evening. Hold within you both motivation and peace. Strongest intentions activate. Today's color is Orange.
Thursday: White is our Full Moon color. Aries Moon is Full at 2:40 pm EDT. The sign of self, birth and rebirth, forging a new path, exploring all that is. See with new eyes. Accept yourself as is. Full Moon brings realizations, completions, departures, and movement. Venus and Mars meet in Virgo and relationships are a strong priority at Full Moon. That includes relations with colleagues and people you interact with every day. We need not be too judgmental or critical. Can you release some of that to see and experience a one on one relationship differently. Remind yourself not to take things personally. What are you a Warrior for? Love, Peace, or greed, maintaining the status quo, for growth or to conquer? Be mindful of what you might think, feel or do because of fear. Notice the paths opening to you. Let go of judgment statements that have held you hostage, and move freely. Happy Full Moon of Rebirth. Refer to last week's post for more on this Full Moon time.
Friday: Aries Moon in harmony with Saturn. Finalize something with the spirit, energy and inspiration of the fire signs. There's a hopeful, motivated tone to this trine. Uranus and the Moon connect for speed and originality. From 6:38 to 7:56 pm EDT, the Moon is void. This short transition is highlighted by Jupiter opposite the Aries Moon one final time in this 13 month visit to Libra. This activates the Wow effect you read about late last week, all the relationship eventfulness, and all ways you're striving for personal and relationship growth. Taurus Moon moves in with resolve. Wear Yellow.
Saturday: Taurus Moon. Create, build, plant. Feel the abundance of the earth. Green is today's color.
Restorative Yoga with Reiki by Addie Powers Johnson and Aromatherapy is at Scarborough Yoga on Sunday, October 15th with a few spaces left. Nurture, regroup, feel supported.
Sign up at this link.
Essential Oils and Gentle Yoga Poses for your Zodiac Sign Thursday, October 26th 6-7:30 pm at Willard Beach Studio.
Advance sign ups for this special class.
I'll also offer this Essential Oils and Gentle Yoga class at Scarborough Yoga on Sunday, November 19th at 12 noon. The oils or postures may vary. Come twice! Send a friend.
Link up here.
Email me your birth info if you sign up for Zodiac classes and find out more about your astrological make-up during the workshop.
I have so much to share with you! Hope to see you soon if you're local to Maine or NH. To preview a bit of this including the Yoga Collection of essential oils I'm working with,
link here.
Have a peaceful, inspired Full Moon week.
photo by Sandra Harris |