Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Week of August 3rd to 9th, 2015

Monday: Jupiter square Saturn

Jupiter in Leo challenges Saturn newly direct in Scorpio. Debate about creative license, permanent changes, and things that have been delayed or uncertain comes up. Saturn and Mars aspect this Pisces Moon as well. Aim for long term results and realize the impact of actions taken now.  Pisces Moon is a vulnerable time, yet these planets mean business. Personal power, strong discretion, and an open the mind help.  Pisces Moon void at 4:35 pm and Aries Moon arrives at 7:24 pm.  Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Aries Moon

The Moon and Sun are in harmony in fire signs. Venus meets Jupiter in Leo with a big, colorful splash.  All of this helps with festivity, optimism, and happy interactions.  Venus and Jupiter favor Leo so strongly, create luck and expansion that also pleases Aries and Sagittarius and Aquarius in long term relationship. Venus is retrograde, so cosmetic procedures are not in favor. However, love is in the air especially if it's a renewal or reunion.  Try things out and see how it goes since during a retrograde things may change shortly after.  The Aries Moon squares Pluto for undercurrents and subtle actions that speak volumes.  Use intuition and keep expectations simple.  Enjoy the moments.  Today's color is orange. 

Wednesday: Moon conjunct Uranus, Venus square Saturn

A multitude of influences make for a varied day.  Aries Moon harmonizes with planets in Leo and meets Uranus. Spontaneity may be required.  Try not to overdo things.  Enjoy meeting, networking, and being with people generally. It's an extrovert's day.  Saturn and Venus square and relationship decisions and commitments are likely.  Get a handle on what's going on in your love life.  Consider how you can improve things (or end affairs), and communicate honestly.  At 7:29 pm EDT the Moon is void until 9:29 pm. Simple, routine things are the way to go then. Taurus Moon tonight values the comforts of life. Abundance will be celebrated and appreciated in whatever forms it may appear.  Today's color is pink.

Thursday: Taurus Moon

Mercury meets Venus. Relationship conversations and decisions peak. Many of the results will be happy, and announcements will result. Mercury also interacts with Saturn. This square, once worked through, may resolve long standing issues. However, it will take patience and perseverance.  Mercury is assertive and creative in Leo. Saturn is determined in Scorpio. Combine those forces and find agreements that last.  Mars trines Saturn and that could be detrimental. Strong arming things to force them into place may have undesirable long term effects.  Thoughtful, well considered action is called for. Today's color is black. 

Friday: Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Mercury to Virgo

Mercury changes signs at 3:15 pm EDT, but first there's a final Leo type meeting with Jupiter. Ideas, news, and discussion about expanding creative ventures, determining educational plans, solving matters related to children, and throwing magnificent parties and events is timed well by these two planets in the Lion's sign. Taurus Moon favors longevity and results for anything you engage in today. Make decisions you want to last.  Be loyal and speak the truth. At 3:15 pm Mercury shifts to Virgo for pragmatic thinking, healthy changes, and putting ideas in action.  Can you experiment with something in the next weeks, for example changing a method or routine to see if there's a better or healthier way?  Today's color is yellow. 

Saturday: Gemini Moon

The Moon is void of course for less than an hour before moving to Gemini at 1:40 am EDT. Mars moves to Leo at 7:42 pm EDT. A handful of planets change signs during this part of the lunar cycle, and the others are retrograde! The result is feeling of flux, transition, and sometimes uncertainty. It can also be exciting.  Get rid of what you don't need between  now Friday the 14th, when we have a Leo New Moon. Make space in your mind, living quarters, or anywhere else things could use refreshing.  Gemini Moon has "air" quality. Freshen stagnant energy. Challenging squares today will make us think, debate, and negotiate. Be flexible and take your time. Mars in Leo is abundant with physical and expressive energy for the next few weeks. Today's color is gold. 

Sunday: Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon aligns with Leo Sun and Uranus in Aries. It's a social, spontaneous, and surprising combination.  Stay very aware that things can happen quickly and without notice. The Sun's effect should lean that in a happy direction though.  Play like a kid. Today's color is orange.

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