Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Back with Readings During August Full Moon

 Hi Zodiac Zone Friends,

I'll  be taking a break from both the radio show and readings until mid August. I'll be back on WMPG Wednesday afternoons staring August 14th and back toemail readings the Monday after that. 

Thank you for trusting me to read your energy and channel messages for you. It's been incredible to hear your responses! To feel and see that someone will be moving and sure enough find ut she just decided to do it right away and is in process, to see that someone is ready to comeinto a much more authentic version or herslef and free alot of undesirable energy and to have her tell me this is something she's been hoping for and working on and is so affirmed andexcited about her messages of rebirth. And there are many more. It astounds me, and I know I am just the channel for what you are supposed to know and be affirmed in, now.

To get in the queue for an August or early September channeled reading, email me at


Also, I have 3 openings in a semi private, small group Sound Healing session for the heart

This Sunday, Augsut 4th 3:00 pm at Leaping Waters, 146 Oean St South Portlnad, Maine

The sign says #148 Truch Hyunh Place

The studio is at the end of the (free) parking lot.

register at www.leapingwatersyoga.com/schedule-classes

I hope you rsummer is going well, with some fun and optimism (I also understand if not, and that is why I dod this)

Happy New Moon on Sunday


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