Saturday, March 23, 2024


Sunday ~ Virgo to Libra Moon, the sign of the lunar eclipse on Monday at 3:00 am ET. The Moon starts in Virgo and opposes Neptune. This might be misleading or confusing in nature. Do less as void Moon begins 11:49 am ET. The high point of the day is Venus aligning with Jupiter, very beneficially, potentially helping out with matters of love and prosperity. I like this for moving past limiting beliefs about how good or grand or beautiful something can be. Libra Moon aligns with Pluto this evening for quiet contemplation and tuning into inner wisdom. Avoid too many voices and opinions influencing your decisions as the Moon moves to Full overnight. Libra Moon 4:37 pm on. Eclipses bring sharp turns and out of the blue opportunities, changes and in this case relationship eventfulness. Wear Lavender today.

Monday ~ Lunar Eclipse 3:00 am ushers in eclipse season, which is in effect through early May, one month after the Solar Eclipse of April 8th. This pair of eclipses in Libra/Aries relates to we in contrast to me, the needs of partners vs the needs of the self, and may bring up anything related to partnership, sharing, self centered or self absorbed tendencies, beginnings and changes of course, seeing outside of one's own needs and wants, for examples. Pluto is the planet most closely aligned to this eclipse, and Pluto brings things out of the shadows and delves into what's been kept secret or below the surface. Pluto is transformational. Notice what's transforming between you and someone else or within yourself. Sudden closures and pressing decisions may be part of this. What can wait no longer will show itself within days of the eclipse. It may not be today, and the next four to six weeks are brimming with shifts. Invite calm and clarity in your intentions and actions as much as humanly possible. Today's color is White.

Full Moon Eclipse Yoga Nidra is sold out. 

Next month, we have a Reiki and Tea Circle for Pink Moon on Saturday the 20th, a Full Moon Yoga Nidra on the 21st, and an Abundance workshop called Manifesting with the Goddess also on Sunday the 21st.

Maximize your Full Moons, New Moons and eclipse season

Tuesday ~ This day after Full Moon could be more eventful than the eclipse date itself. The Moon opposes Mercury regarding anything to do with decisions and agreements. Mercury is close to retrograde and it's not a prime time for a permanent decision. Leave yourself loopholes and flexibility to change course later, and be mindful with your words and what you agree to. Arguments or disagreements may flare up. Misunderstandings could easily throw things off. Listen as much as you speak. Void Moon 7:09 pm on accentuates all of this. Keep the night simple. Today's color is Blue.

Wednesday ~ Scorpio Moon from 5:03 am ET changes the vibe a bit, but intensity remains high. The Moon squares Pluto. This feels to me like minding our own business and not trying to control someone else's. Stay focused on your own emotions and priorities. Mars aligns with the Moon and though they are in harmony, I feel this could trigger strong emotions of any kind including anger or jealousy and competitiveness. Some may also experience passive aggression. Avoid being very heated, amped up, or agitated. Do cooling, calming things such as meditation, music, art, even housecleaning if it helps you move restless or agitated energy. Today's color is Indigo.

Thursday ~ Scorpio Moon, serious in tone with a trine to Saturn. Today means business, reality checks, and actions backed with passion. Jupiter and Uranus oppose the Moon throwing new energy into the mix and asking how we will accept the challenges associated with change. Venus aligns with Uranus and the Moon, so they are the influencers. This means radical, abrupt, out of nowhere, quick response needed, and love and partnership are the main areas of influence. Sudden feelings are in the forecast. Today's color is Black.

Friday ~ Scorpio Moon in harmony with Neptune is a bit softer, relates to creativity and dreams, and is a reminder that not all is as it appears on the surface. Look beyond and use your instincts. Void Moon begins 11:40 am ET and moves to Sagittarius time at 3:52 pm ET. Sag Moon aligns with Pluto and encourages exploring and examining philosophies of life. Are you living the life you want? What could move you in that direction? How is honesty and truth involved in these questions? Today's color is Purple. 

Saturday ~ Sagittarius Moon in harmony with the Sun for adventure and bursting with newness and change. However, there are also two lunar squares, with Saturn and Mars both in Pisces. Those two planets can both be challenging in their own ways. Feelings could be injured easily. Some people may approach things brashly or insensitively. Approach with love and sensitivity, and recognize the serious nature of what's happening. Wear Rose Red such as pink shades of red today.

Sunday/Easter (bonus cause I wrote ahead by mistake) ~ Now we are between two eclipses and the Moon is waning. Sagittarius Moon may lead to travels, getting out of routine or comfort zones, reasons to study or gather information, and because of a square to Venus may also point out where compromise is called for in personal life. Mercury in Aries is on the cusp of retrograde and there's a push pull for whether to wait or act on things.It's more astrologically sound to wait a month or so before taking major, long term action. The impulse to travel and change the scenery is likely to be strong today. Agendas may not go as planned. Surprises may end up working out well. Void Moon 8:16 pm on. I wouldn't expect people or plans to be reliable tonight. Wear Light Blue.

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