Friday, February 9, 2024

Astrology for Feb 11th-17th, 2024

Sunday ~ Pisces Moon in harmony with Venus and Uranus highlights what's new in the realms of love, creative collaboration, sense of beauty and emotional shifts. Tap into beauty, vulnerability, and romance. Wear Light Green today.

Monday ~ Overnight Pisces Moon with Neptune and fueled by Mars activates dreams including the ones you're building on a tangible level. Void Moon 7:32 am to 8:26 am before the shift to action oriented Aries Moon, aligning with Pluto for self awareness and self discovery. Notice what comes up on a personal and soul level. Act with that piece of wisdom or memory in mind. Today's color is Rose Red (the softer reds).

Tuesday ~ Aries Moon takes self awareness into consideration for clear communication today. Mercury aligns from Aquarius, highlighting group dynamics, clear thinking and honesty. Venus and Neptune are doing a different dance, in Capricorn/Pisces, more focused on love and making togetherness work. At 1:00 am ET, Mars shifts to Aquarius continuing themes of how we connect and make things happen, together, in groups and through networks. Today's color is Yellow.

Wednesday ~ Mars meets Pluto, and that may apply also to last night. Passion, strong urges and desires, deep feelings acted upon, and other Scorpio type traits and feelings are amplified. To watch out for: strong expressions of anger or overly competitive drive. To pursue: acting on deep wisdom, passion projects, strong connections that feel soulful. Aries Moon in harmony with the Sun and square to Venus. If there's conflict, we'll tend to speak our mind and work through resistance. Void Moon 5:21 am to 10:02 am ET. Taurus Moon follows with a mix  of aspects that indicate working through those stubborn blocks and trying to get business and personal things resolved. The Moon grounds in to do list, responsibilities and emotional sensibilities tonigh, for doing and seeing what's realistic. Avoid excessive stubbornness. Wear Pink on this Valentine's Day for Taurus Moon, and know that Green works well today too.

Thursday ~ A day of opportunities as Taurus Moon meets expansive Jupiter, squares Mercury for negotitions and settling deals and interactions, and meets Uranus for the surprise ending or turn of events. Wear Blue.

Friday ~ Venus enters Aquarius at 11:05 am ET. Tis the season and cycle for joining groups, working on common vision, and creating beautiful and harmonious products and networks. This is prime time for team building, improving the quality of colleagial relationships, and planning large gatherings, festivals, and other celebrations, particulary those focused on 'togetherness' and connectedness. Taurus to Gemini Moon at 2:39 pm after about 4.5 hours void of course. Let today have a slow, unpressured start if possible. Sit with any stuck feelings or roadblocks and see if they dissolve and transform as Gemini Moon aligns with Venus, Pluto and Mars in Aquarius. The Aquarius energy is strong and magnificent today and may help us feel more social, collaborative and outgoing. Tonight, Mercury squares Uranus and it could be hard to find the right way to communicate and express. Avoid blurting things out without forethought. Today's color is Turqoise.

Saturday ~ Venus meets Pluto in Aquarius. This could feel new and different! The two met on January 1st, 2023, yet in a different place & energy. Our desire to belong, be accepted and be loved intensifies or comes into the forefront. We may realize something regarding love and the depths of our feelings. A deep appreciation for where and with whom we feel welcomed and valued is highlighted. Some could lean into obsession about these themes/topics. Notice if your behaviors go over the boundaries. Find healthy ways to express love and gratitude for others in your life. Gemini Moon's monthly Saturn square is today and often involves antsiness about commitments or obligations. Explore your feelings around spoken or unspoken agreements and see if any changes are needed to create more comfort or more ability to follow through. Today's color is Purple.

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