Sunday, April 16, 2023

Solar Eclipse Week ~ April 16th-22nd, 2023

Sunday ~ Changes, both expected and unexpected rev up this week with a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at the final degree of Aries on Thursday 12:13 am ET.  This degree is symbolized by a heavenly choir joining the self, earth and heavens in harmony. Brand new endeavors get a strong green light. Pisces Moon aligns with both Mars and Mercury today. Mercury is close to retrograde and we may feel this as movement on things that were pending and in process for quite a while. Green is today's color. 

Monday ~ Pisces Moon aligns with Uranus overnight and meets Neptune at 2:57 pm ET. Dreams may takew shape in ways you could never have predicted. Emotional shifts and changes are likely too. From 2:57 pm to 9:09 pm ET the Moon is void of course. Do not be taken far off course and keep your bearings during this nebulous time. Aries Moon meets Mercury, contributing to the go ahead and leaps of faith. Orange is today's color.

Tuesday ~ Aries Moon, and the New Moon eclipse approaches. The Moon is in harmony with Venus for sharing of ideas and planning together. Mars squares the Moon pointing out different methods and approaches and potentiallly stalling things due to creative or constructive differences or due to resentment or anger in the way of movement. Red is today's color.

Wednesday ~ Aries Moon and the Solar Eclipse is overnight into Thursday. Jupiter in Aries is the active and influential planet, encouraging growth and progress. In with the new and adventurous! Eclipses rattle and stir and give a huge push for movement and change. Some will feel and need to respond to the inevitable now. Mercury is close to retrograde so there may be conflict between playing it safe and leaping ahead and accepting new challenges and opportunities. Listen deeply to your inner wishes and dreams. Wear White today.

Thursday ~ Solar Eclipse 12:13 am ET at 29 degrees Aries. At 12:30 am the Moon enters Taurus, so Taurus things like money, comfort, security and stability are implicated during this eclipse time. What move creates both the new scenario you need and the stability to trust this move? Some things will be out of your control and require only  your response, making it less of a decision and more of a natural progression. Taurus Moon square to Pluto promises plenty of introspection. The Sun also moves to Taurus at 4:14 am ET. Taurus Moon aligned with Saturn equals emotional commitment and heartfelt promises. Make sure they come from the heart not only a sense of obligation. Today's color is Green.

Friday ~ Taurus Moon aligns with Mars in Cancer and meets Mercury. Commitments and requests for long term agreements are in the forecast, yet Mercury is moving retrograde. Can you keep agreements flexible and open for some revisions in the future?At 4:35 am ET, Mercury begins the retorgrade officially. Uranus and the Moon meet and today may have very uncommon occurences in the wake of the eclipse and with the retrograde beginning. How much can you go with the flow and stay uncluttered and unencumbered? Focus on home, stability, family and promises you can keep. Wear Yellow.

Saturday ~ Taurus Moon void from 11:41 pm ET on Friday to 6:11 am Saturday. The Gemini Moon brings a social aspect to the weekend. The Moon aligns with Pluto for deep thinking and squares Saturn in Pisces which may cause flip flops between excitment and dread. Take things slow and check in with how you actually feel. Today's color is Blue.

Sanskrit Mantra and Meditation Journey through the Chakras Sunday April 23rd 2:00-4:00 pm

Rsvp and see the schedule for other events like Post Eclipse Sound Bath with Rachel Rivera on Sunday, May 7th at

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