Friday, November 18, 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius Astrology for November 20th-26th, 2023

December 28th join me in South Portland for Connecting to Crystals with Nico De Pamphelis!

Evening class begins at 6:00 pm. Nico's knowledge and personal experience with crystals offers all you need to begin your own practice and develop a deeper understanding and connection to crystals and to create a crystal grid. I enjoy talking to Nico about crystals so much that I invited them in to share with you too! Nico is an artist, spiritual painter, intuitive reader, and student at MECA.

You may bring crystals you already own. We will also have pocket crystals here for workshop exercises and for purchase if you connect with a special one.

Register for this 90 minute session at

Sunday ~Harmony in the atmosphere as Libra Moon forms trines to Mars and Saturn which may help with situations and relationships that have a heavy or important tone. Strong feelings may be integrated and worked with sensibly today. The Sun aligns with Jupiter, in the water signs, for a continuation of recent healing processes, growth and abundance. Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer may sense this most or most personally. Stay in your process without distraction or confusion. If either arises, notice what prompts that, or whom, and let that give you perspective and plan for the potential next time. Today's color is Lavender.

Amethyst could be a crystal to work with and draw energy from today.

Monday ~ Moving toward Wednesday's New Moon, there's a sense of finishing up, clearing clutter and opening a future path. Possibly ( we all experience this differently of course), some of the eclipse flurry is settling and a situation or your own energy feels more clear. Void Moon 6:14 am to 12:16 pm ET and then the Moon shifts to Scorpio. These few days contain vibrations from the solar eclipse one (long?) month ago, and that means the effects are felt, decisions prompted then may be made, and the new pattern takes shape. Mercury and Venus meet in Sagittarius at 5:55 pm (!) for cool, interesting connections with others, and for travels! Find pleasure and adventure through spontaneous meetings and on the road or in the air if you're heading somewhere. These two planets in Sagittarius encourage lightness of heart and a spring in your steps. Wear Orange.

Tuesday ~ The Sun moves to Sagittarius at 3:20 am ET. It's a sign of  movement and activitythat also rules advanced and experiential learning and travels. Scorpio Moon amplifies whatever is intense with a square to Saturn and opposition with Uranus. Effort is emotional and intellectual, and it may be difficult to compromise, yield or agree. Being fixed on one thing can be good or not so good. Decide where it's better to give in a little. Or hold fast to your ideals and take a step back rather than trying to control or manipulate, which will not work well under these influences. Today's color is Maroon.

Wednesday ~ Sagittarius New Moon is at 5:57 pm ET. First, the Scorpio Moon time includes 3 harmonious angles which leans toward things going easier and/or happening quickly. Some of this feels very internal and personal, related to how you feel and are processing change or relationships. The Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Pisces, and Neptune in Pisces. This can be highly creative, spiritual, emotional, and clarifying. Meditate, rest, dream, enter the healing process, and believe in your self. New Moon power in full effect tonight and may favor plans for travel, college or other learning and training programs, studies, and changes of all kinds. 

I've fallen in love with my crystals in the past year. One year ago I decided to acquire some new ones and use them in sessions and for myself more often. I choose orange calcite for this New Moon. It's cleansing and purifying and is said to bring waves of new energy, joy and also intelligence. This feels like the monarch butterfly of crystals, to me! In January I'll offer my own crystals workshop, and in December I'll participate with you in Nico DePamphelis's Connecting with Crystals here in South Portland where my studio is. Thanks for this brief interlude! I got crystal vibes while I was writing! I'm currently surrounded by pyrite, quartz, smoky quartz in a darker black, and apopholyte! 

Wednesday's New Moon color is White!

Thursday ~ Happy Thanksgiving! Sagittarius Moon favors our travels and interactions today. It looks like fun and enjoyment may be easier to find as the Moon meets Venus and Mercury. If and when it's a bit serious later on, New Moon decisions may be in the works. Saturn gives a sense of commitment to whatever is promised or begun now. Today's color is Purple.

Friday ~ Sagittarius Moon opposes Mars in Gemini. Sometimes I feel this is a very confrontational and potentially argumentative aspect. However, there's an opposite side to everything, and I also see this as a time to let go of things you've been too strictly and strongly holding onto, to let in new ideas, to challenge yourself to listen and to be thoughtful when you speak. Sometimes it is only through opposition that we can understand and see an alternate path. Engage in an idea or plan that challenges your old patterns. Try not to argue and instead to hear one another. This is good fuel for changing stagnant internal patterns and ways of thinking. Get it all out there in the open and see what positive can manifest from this clearing and cleansing. You might need to vent or to hear someone else's rant. Can it be heard and maybe be productive in the end? New Moon cycle is a chance to open to new ways. Neptune and Jupiter square the Moon, adding a yielding vibration to this and helping us dream new dreams. Void Moon 2:22 pm to 4:18 pm and a grounding Capricorn Moon influence arrives. If it's been a flurry this week, tonight the energy could be settling or pleasantly familiar. Today's color is Blue (for communication)

Saturday ~ Capricorn Moon forms a trine to Uranus for alternative and surprising solutions, problem solving, repairing, and working something in a new way. Be creative with things you could 'do in your sleep'. Add a new element. Experiment. Ground in hands on experiences. Wear Brown.

I have so much to share with you! 10 of us completed Level 1 Sound Practioner Training with Kimber Lucier and these new sound healers are popping up in my own classes and also adding sound to their current offerings. Congratulations Kristine, Mario, Patti, Jared, Sri, Amy, Tara, Heather, and Chelsea! 

On Sunday November 27th, Mario will play bowls and rainstick in my Yin & Restorative Yoga class. It's a special treat as he is volunteering his time and gifts and is regular class rate of $20 (normally adding a sound practice would add $15 to class). Take advantage of this opportunity and take class as gently as you like. Register at 

Another Level 1 training is scheduled and sign up began this week for Feb 4th and 5th! All info is on the website. 

Hoping you are connecting with something inspiring this season. Let me know if I can help!


Mario playing bowls

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