Friday, August 5, 2022

Full Moon in Aquarius 2022 ~ August 7th-13th Astrology

Full Moon Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation resting in a hammock or on the yoga mats with bolsters

You choose! 

Wednesday, August 10th 7:00 pm, 1 hour

Leaping Waters Yoga 146 Ocean St South Portland, Maine

Yoga Nidras are often full. Sign up in advance only $30 for hammock rest, $20 for mat space

Windows open and air purification

Metal or crystals bowl sounds 

I'll be your guide (and it's my birthday week!) 

This practice could change your life. Try Yoga Nidra for emotional well being.

aerial hammocks at Leaping Waters, my studio space

Sunday ~ Sagittarius Moon aligns with Jupiter and the Sun. This is quite optimistic, mind opening and looks like opportunities arising! Venus in harmony with Neptune in the water signs is encouraging romance, creativity and compassion. Express emotions gently. Mars square to Saturn is the sharper point of the day and the quality is stubbornness and perhaps doing what you want without regard for rules or for other opinions. Overall though, the vibes are spontaneous, positive and kind. Today's color is Gold.

Monday ~ (My own birthday! How I love the number 8!) The Moon and Saturn harmonize overnight for agreements coming today. Think positive! Don't let fear get in the way if you feel that the answer is Yes. Sag Moon then squares Neptune and brings up questions of whether to stay or go, be on time or take your time. Things may be a bit off center in favor of doing what one 'feels like' rather than following the schedule or routine. Expect travel delays. From 8:08 am (magic number here!) to 2:39 pm the Moon is void of course before moving to practical Capricorn. Capricorn Moon has no major aspects so perhaps we sail smoothly through whatever is presented or planned this afternoon and night. Stay connected to your heart. Wear Green.

Tuesday ~  The Moon is approaching Full, on Thursday. By the end of today or tomorrow I expect the shift will be felt, even before the Moon's light and energy climax. Capricorn Moon supported by Mercury, the communication and planning planet, puts business in full throttle this morning. Prepare for calendar dates to be set and changes to be planned or progressing. Changes are also likely. Be ready for Plan B or altered versions of what was expected. The Moon squares Jupiter for questions and more thinking around how to proceed and the scale in size of anything from guest list to investment. Uranus trine the Capricorn Moon, from Taurus, usually changes the protocol or expected plan. Today, the shifts are likely to be evident and that means adjustments in thinking, approach and action. Wear Blue.

Wednesday ~ Capricorn Moon aligns with persevering and relentless Mars in Taurus. The Moon is almost full. The message seems to be 'keep going, persist'. Neptune asks that we do this in a gentle way and allow for distraction or pleasure whenever possible. A swim, fishing or some meditation time would be ideal with Neptune in Pisces. The Moon meets Pluto, reflective and the stuff of memories and dreams as well as fears and shadows. At 12:39 pm ET, the Moon opposes Venus highlighting love and relationship as well as how to design or beautify. Void Moon follows for about 2 hours. Nap and rest your mind or take that pleasure break. Aquarius Moon, sign of the Full Moon, enters at 2:45 pm ET and sets the tone for some long term decision, change or plan coming with Full Moon. Maybe it's already occurred now and it's just the finalizing of something. Socialize or do your own personal work tonight. Today's color is Turquoise. Silver is another color for today. 

Thursday ~ White is today's Full Moon color. Aquarius Full Moon is exact at 9:36 pm ET. Venus moves to Leo at 2:30 pm. The planet of love enhances Leo qualities and professions, like performance art, teaching and educating in creative ways, leadership, and generally charisma and making things sparkle. Venus stays in Leo until September 5th. 
The Sun and Moon square to Uranus are wild and powerful today. This leads to rebellion and pushing or breaking through boundaries and paradigms. Expect the unexpected. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius where the Moon is full and this accents the strong agency Uranus exemplifies. This Full Moon is about changing things up and never going back again, is about being authentic and letting go of worries about what people will think or say. Some events or announcements could feel abrupt, uncalled for, or complicated. Complexity may also contain clarity. See if that feels true. 
Aquarius Full Moon asks for originality and stepping out of the crowd, following your vision, and engineering your own dreams, with the support of a group, the team or the collective in a more universal sense. White cleans the slate for what's ahead, known or unknown, and is the color of the day.

Friday ~ Aquarius Moon meets Saturn. Finalize the details and gather your dream team for collaborative success. Mars could be adding to crankiness or sharp tones. At 7:07 am ET, the tone begins to shift with Moon in Pisces for the rest of the weekend until 4:43 pm ET on Sunday. Soften the edges. Feel what's settling in. Give a little and find yield, emotionally. If you've had to hold on tight, maybe now you can let go some. Wear Light Blue.

Saturday ~ Pisces Moon opposes Mercury in Virgo and aligns with Uranus in Taurus. Make needed adjustments. Notice places where refining something or being more (or less) detail oriented would help. See the overlooked and fill in the blank with a finishing touch. Green is today's color.

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