Friday, May 6, 2022

Mercury Retrograde 2022: What to Expect & Forecasts for May 8th-14th

 Sunday ~ Leo Moon for Mother's Day. This is a celebratory and outgoing sign. However, Uranus and the Sun square the Moon so some edges will be rough and unexpected changes of mind or plan are to be expected.  Works with contrasts, pursue your original idea or plan but in an alternate way. Listen to others who are very different in their desires or perspective. The best will come from working through things with good intentions today. Wear Gold.

Monday ~ Leo Moon opposite Saturn followed by void of course Moon 8:39 am ET until 6:53 pm ET. More of yesterday's vibes. Once you get one thing accomplished or sorted out, can you take some time to have fun or feel free of responsibility? Virgo Moon this evening favors organization and study as well as housecleaning. Today's color is Black.

Tuesday ~ Virgo Moon for outdoor activities, connecting with animals and nature, and for clearing up any misunderstandings and trying not to form new ones, as the Moon squares Mercury at the precipice of Mercury retrograde. Plans may be out the window this week so get in a flexible frame of mind. Mercury retro begins in Gemini at 7:47 am ET and lasts until June 3rd. In Gemini, Mercury messes with words, messages, news and possibly truth/deception. Jupiter moves to Aries today, which is a huge shift and kind of a big deal. Jupiter in Aries will push for growth and beginnings, taking spark to a flame. Versatile thinking and action is key on this day of change. Wear Indigo.

Wednesday ~ Virgo Moon opposes Mars which is emotionally challenging and also may bring up anger over things not done as expected or 'correctly'. Patience is called for today. The Moon and Sun align, which is nicer and may lead to decisiveness and feeling aligned within oneself even if the world goes crazy around you. Have a priority list and slowly move through it. Drown out with noise with a forest bath or oceanside time. Wear Brown.

Thursday ~ Virgo Moon and Pluto form a harmonious trine for late night into morning reflection and immersion in personal matters. It's a contemplation time when many will be sleeping, so perhaps it reflects in your dreams. This is midnight and beginning of void Moon until 2:34 am ET when the Moon shifts into Libra. Libra Moon almost immediately opposes Jupiter newly in Aries (and Venus later on) and questions and negotiations about how to grow and expand as partners, business or romantic partners, will arise. Mercury retrograde is in trine with the Moon and we go over past decisions for revisions. Pink is today's color.

Friday ~ Libra Moon trine to Saturn in Aquarius for seeking group harmony and consensus. Important matters come up for agreement. It's a day to work on partnership, collaboration, mission statements and other things that are mediated or decided together. If there's nothing serious on your agenda, and if you need an uplift, try music in the background or performed live, and dance away a worry. Wear Purple. 

Saturday ~ Libra Moon squares Pluto and the Moon is void from 4:07 am to 6:34 am ET. Scorpio Moon time takes over. Pluto is Scorpio's planet, and themes of privacy, inner wisdom and contemplation, and creativity from a deep emotional place are activated today. People may want their space to think and feel and get personally organized with either possessions or emotions. Wear Black today.

Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini until May 22nd, and on the 21st Mercury retrograde meets the Sun, sparking news and reunions or reconnections with people from the past. Plans and projects may be put on hold now for one reason or another. Things are likely to be confusing during the first part of the retrograde and then to slow down during the second half. The eclipse at Full Moon of May 15th/16th offers a contrasting effect and may accelerate certain things. The initiation of action may take longer though the events or news may come fast. Sit with decisions of a long term nature so you don't have to reverse them later. Really connect with your truth and your gut during this period of time. 

Astrology night Wed May 11th 7:00 pm at Leaping Waters, for gallery style readings. Sign up at

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