Thursday, March 17, 2022

Spring Equinox and Aries Season ~ March 20th-26th, 2022

Sunday~Libra Moon square to Pluto and then void of course from 8:40 am ET to 11:45 am ET. The Sun moves to Aries at 11:33 am and that is the Equinox. Scorpio Moon time arrives. Meditate with or act on the intentions you're most passionate and serious about. Red is today's color.

Monday~Mercury meets Jupiter in Pisces. Forgiveness is one possibility. Scorpio Moon squares Mars and Venus and opposes Uranus. Scorpio Moon aligns with Jupiter and Mercury. There are some contrasting and even conflicting influences with these aspects. Some things you can count on are questions of loyalty and fidelity, perseverance, and also ability and openness to healing and reconciling. We may be creative and expressive with written and spoken words and with music. It's a great time to seek some healing vibrations through sound, heart to heart talk, counseling, and mediation as well as intuitive readings and advice. Listen as much as you speak. Connect with the deepest of feelings and wishes. Black is today's color.

Tuesday~Scorpio Moon aligns with Neptune at 3:26 am ET, for continuation of Monday's forecast and themes. Pay attention to dreams. The Moon then aligns with Pluto, for intuitive guidance and inner wisdom for whatever is on today's 'agenda'. Void Moon 12:01 pm to 2:59 pm ET when the Moon changes signs. Sagittarius Moon syncs with Sun in Aries, brightening and activating. We might feel more social or more adventurous. Mars squares Uranus which is difficult, stubborn and points out what must change no matter how much resistance there is. Some will experience strong pushes and catalysts for change, most of which cannot be controlled only responded to. Today's color is Purple.

Wednesday~Sagittarius Moon aligns with Mars and Venus. This may give new perspective to relationship issues and free up some energy, to lighten or let go of a situation that isn't benefiting anyone. New, alternative approaches are favored. We could feel more emotionally detached and break some co-dependent cycle. It may be obvious what cannot be held on to, or who needs more freedom and autonomy. This week appears to be about releasing control. Mercury and Neptune in Pisces have us in a creative and sensitive cycle and as they meet today we may put that into words or art or another form of expression. Acknowledge your sensitivity and your gifts. Wear Pink.

Thursday~Sagittarius Moon aligns with a third planet in Aquarius...Saturn. Saturn's effects are unlike Venus and Mars though. This relates to maturing, to responsibilities and maybe to rules and protocols. How can we work within the limits or constraints and still be free, authentic and original? Notice how that can be possible. The Moon then squares Mercury and Neptune, yesterday's influential planets. Our words or feelings may be challenged or questioned. Maintain boundaries that support your freedom. Freedom and boundaries and the right balance of each is a theme to contemplate and act on. Void Moon 8:59 am to 5:54 pm ET. Capricorn Moon prepares to square the Sun overnight. Make a plan or take another step this evening. Wear Blue.

Friday~Capricorn Moon and the Aries Sun engage in a power struggle overnight. Traditional versus new is one theme and there may be internal or external conflict as a result. As the day goes on, and Uranus is trine to the Moon, reconstruction is favored. Reimagine something and begin to plan or build it. Wear Brown.

Saturday~Capricorn Moon aligns with Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury in Pisces. Mercury and Pluto align and the Moon meets Pluto. This is all Capricorn/Pisces and the aspects may help create more balanced approaches and emotions. Earth and water signs work well together. Be both creative and sensible, business like and compassionate, acting from a realistic, yet heart centered place. Void Moon 7:51 to 8:55 pm ET. Wear Green.

Saturday, April 30th join me for a chill aerial yoga session with live music from JUST MILK at my studio in South Portland 4-5:15 pm during the Solar Eclipse in Taurus! $39, limit 10 people. No experience necessary, in fact you can come and just listen and float in the hammock though movement options will be offered too!





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