Saturday, October 2, 2021

New Moon in Libra October 6, 2021 & Tarot Lesson Info

HI Everyone,

New Moon in Libra at 7:05 am Wednesday morning is an opportunity for new intentions. Intention is a word that's tossed around a lot so let's sit with that for a few breaths. 
What does it mean to feel intentional? Intention relates to motivation and inspiration as well, and to create an effective and true intention, one needs to feel it from inside. The drive and passion must be internal and supported with feeling. If your New Moon idea for intention comes from 'should' or 'have to', take some time to reflect on what the bigger, more expansive idea behind this is. More Peace? Well Being? Healthier relationship? Forgiveness?  A broader intention like this has spaciousness to show itself and manifest in many ways. 

Libra New Moon is especially connected to one on one relationships, harmony, fairness, justice, giving and receiving both. Notice where there may be imbalance. You can feel it in your bones, hear it in your inner voice, sense it intuitively through third eye center and your gut. This New Moon happens during Mercury retrograde so there's an eye and ear to the past as we integrate our experiences and in some cases get or grant second or third chances to move toward harmonious resolution and/or clarity.  These are the concepts we consider and explore in Chakra Flow Wednesdays at 5:30 and often in Morning Yoga on Wednesdays at 7:30 am. Both classes can  be accessed virtually on zoom. 

New Moon may influence you physically, mentally and energetically. The beginning of the lunar cycle is fueled by action oriented Mars and by Mercury retrograde in pursuit of justice and moderation while in Libra. Libra is musical, so immerse in sound, music and your own voice. Exercise your glute muscles, and find more space and ease in your lower back 
with postures like bridge, tree, and shoelace as some examples. 
I hope to see you soon at Leaping Waters & we can explore these connections together. 

I'm offering Tarot and Intuitive reading immersion on 3 90 minute sessions on Sundays, October 17th, 24th and November 7th. Pick up a tarot deck and I'll meet you there! 

Robin Ivy Payton, Robin's Zodiac Zone

Ace of Cups from the Mythic Deck

Sunday~The Moon enters Virgo at 4 :38 am and Mercury retrograde forms a trine to Jupiter tonight. It's a favorable day for getting along and making things work. Allow for words and conversations that heal, and do not hurt or sting. Before the New Moon, you may opt for chaos or disorganization as part of the reorganizing and planning process. Today's color is Brown.

Monday~ Virgo Moon aligns with Uranus in the morning. Early day problem solving anticipated. Flexibility is important  today. The moon opposes Neptune and later aligns with Pluto for either creative process or analysis in order to revise something. How are things working. New Moon is coming for a fresh approach. Black is today's color.

Tuesday ~Virgo to Libra Moon at 8:41 am EST. The Moon and Saturn align today for renegotiating either within ourselves or with external sources. Keep justice and fairness in mind. Allow for revisions. Try to find consensus. Wear Gray.

Wednesday ~ New Moon at 7:05 am EST in Libra. Pluto direct at 2:29 pm EST. The zodiac is full of activity. Mars is most influential to New Moon which activates energy, our minds, anything regarding partnership, marriage, divorce. And Mercury retrograde  also meets the Moon for blasts from the past. Avoid old emotional patterns or attachments. Today's color is White 

Thursday ~Libra to Scorpio Moon at 10:22 am EST. Venus moves to Sagittarius at 7:21 am for sense of adventure and exploring what or whom else is out there. Scorpio Moon often leans toward holding on tightly. The Moon square Saturn at night could be a conflict or battle about that. Emotional and business situations both could intensify.  The Sun and Mars meet in Libra just after midnight for strong will and potentially confrontational energy in the name of what's just. Wear Indigo.

Friday~ The Sun & Mars set up the day. Air sign Libra stokes the Sun and Mars' fire. We'll tend to be very passionate and fiery about what we feel is right, fair or needs to be aired out. This may be energizing. Yet it could also feel like 'too much'. Take care of yourself and set your boundaries. Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus in Taurus rattles and shakes and can take things out of our control. That will be frustrating, scary or agitating for anyone hoping to hang on tightly to one way or doing or thinking. This is a monthly occurrence, yet always under different circumstances and degrees of a sign. We may feel this physically (Taurus) and emotionally (Scorpio). There are 3 more Moon/planet aspects today and tonight. They lean toward introspection and taking care of what's closest and most personal. Immerse in music or art to channel that Scorpio intensity. Do some deep thinking and expect memories and the past to be coming up as Mercury is still retrograde. Jupiter and Saturn are in their last days of retrograde too. Today's color is Black. 

Saturday~Void of course Moon 2:05 am EST to 11:24 am EST. Patience is called for this morning. The reflection and depth of Friday continues and may begin to lighten or even feel more clear by afternoon. Go slow this morning and do not let yourself be unnecessarily triggered or set off balance. Avoid an argument under these aspects. Sagittarius Moon blows fire into the day, and the Sun meets Mercury retrograde for another peak time of the retro in Libra. Reconnections, old business, memories and new attempts at unfinished decisions are all possible results. Mercury also meets Mars putting fire behind our causes and actions that may be politically or philosophically motivated. Debates heat up. There could also be lots of activity and discussion about decisions that require someone else's approval or support. 

Venus is now in Sagittarius, a free spirited place for the planet of love and harmony. Venus and the Moon meet and our hearts respond. Adventures, breaking from routine, hanging out with one favorite friend or your love, and exploring are all favored and instigated. This conjunction may bring the variety, fun or break you need. Today's color is Red.

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