Friday, September 17, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces, Autumnal Equinox September 19th-25th, 2021

Sunday~Pisces Moon in harmony with Venus and Uranus offers spontaneous emotions and connections. You could feel that instant click with someone or synchronize your ideas. The Moon is close to Full, and some emotions may arise from seemingly out of nowhere. Get together with someone you love. Make a heart connection. Today's color is Blue. 

Monday~Pisces Full Moon, the Harvest Moon, is tonight. First the Moon meets Neptune and aligns with Pluto. Mercury in Libra is in harmony with Jupiter. The planetary aspect may help with agreements, contracts, meetings and generally ease tension. Neptune adds a healing and intuitive influence. Take some extra time for rest and even daydreaming. Full Moon is often about completions and peaks, however today it could be best not to push anything and to let go of emotional situations for a day. Give yourself, or something that's been stressful, a rest. This Full Moon appears fruitful, feeling oriented, creative and imaginative, and also surprising in terms of it's news and effects. Full Pisces Moon at 7:55 pm EST, and void of course Moon starts then. Aries Moon time starts at 11:15 pm EST. Today's color is White. 

Tuesday~Aries Moon opposes Mars in Libra at 7:03 am EST. The Moon is still essentially Full. The heightening effect of Full Moon is likely to take effect. Mars in Libra is concerned with justice. Aries Moon relates to the self, the "I" and can be selfish or protect one's own interests, while Mars in Libra activates around 'we' and what is shared or requires balance. And today we might get angered or agitated if there's imbalance. Aries Moon aligns with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius putting focus on the energy and the needs of groups and one's place or role in a group, such as work or organization. Today's color is Red.

Wednesday~Aries Moon for this Autumnal Equinox. The Sun changes signs at 3:21 pm EST.  Mercury squares Pluto before then & later Pluto squares the Moon. This may lead to self doubt or internal conflict. If you're on the fence about something, try to give yourself time. Aries Moon aligns with Jupiter in Aquarius adding to some of yesterday's focus on 'me' as part of the 'we'. More people may recognize that their actions and their effects extend far beyond themselves. Some will take action to make things better for the group or the world. Jupiter in Aquarius encourages us to see the big picture, beyond our selves or close radius. We may realign our view and our priorities on a day like this. Aries Moon opposite Mercury in Libra, at a degree Mercury will retrace in the not too distant future, points out areas for compromise, negotiation, fairness and balance. If you're in discussions or conversations and there's any controversy, practice calm objectivity.  Void Moon time begins at 10:05 pm EST. Today's color is Yellow. 

Thursday~ Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Relationship news and changes are in the forecast. You might hear of get togethers, breakups, engagements, and other things related to relationship status. Another effect is instant connection, strong compulsion to be with someone, love at first sight, or obsessive relationship issues. As you can see, this can go either way. One thing for sure, relationship matters intensify. The Moon is in Taurus as of 8:38 am EST. Work on the autumn landscape, build and create. Take a hands on approach and learn how to do something well or better. Use physical energy to work out or feel productive. Later, the Moon squares Saturn and stubbornness may be evident toward sleep time. Let that go for tonight, if possible. Wear Indigo. 

Friday~ Taurus Moon relates to the part of ourselves that likes to know how things work, to actually do rather than dream, to dig right in. The Moon opposite Venus today applies that to collaborations, relationships, to creative endeavors and blends business with arts. Working with a parter who has different strengths is one way to experience this opposition. Listen to each other and notice how your approaches are different, yet complementary. The other aspect is Moon meets Uranus, a conjunction. This powers Taurus Moon with unforeseen events and changes. Taurus Moon is not the Moon that most favors changes or uncertainty. Uranus effects may require quick problem solving, edits, and response to variables that were not predicted. A building plan may need to change, for example. A project may include a revision or need to be scrapped and started again. Being open to surprises and not overly fixed on one approach could make today easier. Wear Pink.

Saturday~A lot happened this week from Full Moon to Autumnal Equinox and planetary action influencing relationships, realizations, and unexpected events or news. Now Mercury retrograde is just about here. Technically, it begins Monday at 1:10 am EST, but consider everything up for Mercury retro type activity now. Revisit, practice patience, communicate terms and messages very clearly, and expect to edit and revise some things you begin or announce in the next few weeks. Taurus Moon includes reflective and mellowing energies of Neptune and Pluto as they line up with the Moon. One square between the Moon and Jupiter could activate group problem solving or the need to be less traditional and more expansive. Notice if you're acting too stuck in your ways, unyielding to new and developing circumstances. If so is there a way to soften or warm up to what has to take place? Resisting often does not change the situation. Mars in Libra and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius have us engaged in collective agreements, hopefully doing what's most fair and beneficial for as many people as possible. This can be in smaller groups or widely. Void Moon 9:09 am EST to 8:36 pm EST when Gemini Moon opens the path to a social evening. Today's color is Green, the heart chakra color. 

Tarot and Intuitive Immersion at Leaping Waters Yoga 3 Sundays this fall, October 17th, 24th & Nov 7th.

Come to 2 or 3 sessions! See for info & sign up

146 Ocean Street South Portland, Maine

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