Friday, August 27, 2021

Mercury in Libra 2021~ Late August Astrology

Hello Everyone!

Quick note so you know what's going on at Leaping Waters, my studio space in South Portland. I am having such a great time and would love to welcome you at the door Sundays/Wednesdays. If yoga is not at all of interest to you, consider Ben Carroll's Sound Healing Journey on October 3rd, 4-6 pm here.

There are about 6 spaces left in the Sound Healing workshop. Reserve now. Proof of COVID 19 Vaccination is required for all events.

Sundays~ Aerial Yoga (beginner friendly) 9:00-10:00 am & Aug 29th an extra 11 am-12:00~ 6 spots left $30 or 4 class pass $100

Restore 4:00-5:00 pm purely Restorative Yoga. I can teach it virtually as well, if you'd rather zoom. $18 or 10 class pass $145

Workshops vary & happen nearly every Sunday! See

Wednesdays~ Morning Yoga 7:30 - 8:30 am For virtual class, sign up at Breathing Room as we co-host! $18/20 or 10 class pass $145

Aerial Decompression (beginner friendly) 9:30-10:30 am special price Wed morning only $25 or 4 for $88

Chakra Flow 5:30-6:40 pm $18 or 10 for $145 For virtual sign up at Breathing Room 

I also do readings & other pop up classes & there will be more coming.

Thanks for reading! Sign up at the website or email me


Sunday, August 29th, 2021: Taurus Moon with themes of employment, business, communications and ultimately, what creates abundance and prosperity. Choose a plan to stick with. Begin to alter a habit or create a new one. Physical wellness, movement and nourishment are a few areas to consider. Void Moon 10:59 am EST until 12:42 pm when the Moon enters Gemini. Socialize, study, write. Express your ideas. Mercury is at the cusp of Virgo/Libra and we're at the brink of mental shifts and moving toward objective evaluation. Today's color is Lavender.

Monday: Gemini Moon and Mercury in Libra as of 1:10 am EST. Air element rules the day and that means educational, intellectual, versatile thinking, writing and negotiating. Mercury in Libra may assist if you're trying to be objective, find a fair solution, and communicate harmoniously. Rules and philosophies will be developed and communicated. You could write a mission statement, policies or contracts today as the Sn and Moon square and Saturn is in harmony with the Moon. Some of this might be overdue or long in the works. Exercise your mind. Dates and friendly gatherings are favored tonight. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday: The Moon and Venus align at 12:30 am, in Gemini/Libra, continuing Monday vibes and adding some friendly or flirtatious messages or connections. Gemini Moon goes on to square Mars which may lead to strong criticism or difficult debates about how to do things or proceed. The Moon also squares Neptune. You may find you need to step back, find creative alternatives, or re-create a plan or vision. Seek clarity and ask questions. Try to see if there's unspoken or intentional secrecy about intentions. If you're unsure or distrustful, wait it out. At 4:48 pm EST, the vibe start to change, with a Moon/Jupiter trine for expanding on relationships & ideas, especially in groups and with colleagues. Void Moon begins and a social though potentially shifting or unreliable evening awaits. The Moon moves to Cancer overnight. Wear Light Blue.

Wednesday: Cancer Moon from 1:48 am EST. The Moon is waning. Emotional situations could be initially aggravated by the Moon square to Mercury, where terms and justice are involved. The Sun and Moon will harmonize though, at 8:52 pm EST. This earth/water combination just seems to work, soothing wounds, calming the waters, grounding in food, sensuality, tender care and nourishment of all kinds. Plan a simple, intimate evening and make a memory. Overall, lean into a gentle approach on this sensitive, tender day. Wear Blue. 

Thursday: Today looks quite mixed. Mars opposes Neptune. This involves matters of trust, emotional well being (or instability), and opposing ideals or approaches. This is not a time or week to push too hard, overextend yourself energetically, or be coerced into anything. In some cases, the deception will come from weak or destructive intentions. Cancer Moon squares Venus pointing out that what one person thinks is called for or fair can injure someone else's feelings. The difference between coming from emotional versus purely rational places will become obvious. The Moon is aligned with Uranus, Neptune and Mars. This looks like kind of a wild ride with highs or lows, things that make you go 'whoa' or 'wow', and actively shifting feelings. Wear Black today.

Friday: We are headed toward a Monday New Moon in Virgo. As the Moon diminishes in light, there's an opportunity to think and feel deeply, reflect and regroup. New announcements and endeavors may be best timed Monday night after 9 pm. New Moon is at 8:52 pm EST on the 6th. Moon opposite Pluto adds to the self check and reflection of waning Moon time. Do some journaling & meditation. Void Moon from then until 11:58 am EST. Leo Moon arrives to stimulate fun and adventure for the rest of the day. Today's color is Purple.

Saturday: Keep a bit of caution as the Moon is opposite Saturn and square Uranus.  The Saturn opposition may make things difficult, burdensome or involve extremes. And it contradicts Leo lightheartedness. This may involve our roles, responsibilities and group dynamics or decisions. The Moon square Uranus highlight stubbornness around inevitable change. The earth may seem to rock. Recognize what's not in your control. Lean in to senses of adjustment and transition. If today is a challenge or is filled with many frustrations or contradictions, remember that tomorrow could feel very different and New Moon is on the way. Mercury and Saturn align tonight for a bit of resolution and willingness to work things out. Seemingly overdue decisions and actions are coming as Saturn retrograde brings up lessons not yet learned and second or third chances. Wear Gold. 

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