Sunday: New month, Moon waning in Aquarius, opposite Venus in Leo and square to Jupiter in Aquarius. The void Moon time begins at 6:56 pm EDT. It's a people oriented day for connecting and gathering. Strong opinions and feelings will be shared and most likely discussed. Expansion plans may be considered or continued. The evening hours are for regrouping and relaxing. Today's color is Pink.
Monday: Pisces Moon begins at 1:31 pm EDT so the morning hours are lazy, unplanned or changeable and people may show up late or unexpectedly. The Moon and Uranus in Pisces align. Notice unusual goings on in the natural environment. There's a contrast between changeable and fixed that may show up in personalities, habits and negotiations. Today's color is Light Blue.
Tuesday: Pisces Moon meets Neptune and is in harmony with the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Scorpio. Being drawn to water, intimate connections, romance and family is all natural and likely today. Wear Light Green.
Wednesday: Void Moon in Pisces from 5:47 am EDT all day long. The Moon is in harmony with Pluto as the day begins and this contributes to intimate and personal feelings and experiences. Today's color is Blue.
Thursday: Aries Moon takes over at 12:50 am EDT. The Sun aligns with Jupiter and Mercury is across from Mars. Some themes include letting go, feeling differently inspired and on the verge of (if not entering) combative and conflicted interactions. There are varied and complex aspects which may be positive for some and difficult for others. There's potential for burning bridges while also for healing which may come in family relationships. Today's color is Red.
Friday: Aries Moon square to the Sun and to Pluto. Who's in charge or exerts their influence and power? Whether that happens with self awareness or with unchecked ego determines the outcome. Today's color is White.
Saturday: From 3:09 am to 8:51 AM EDT the Moon is v.o.c. and then moves to Taurus. The Moon meets Uranus today and loyalty and stability come into question. We'll begin to notice a monthly occurrence with these two heavenly bodies. It's likely to be an eventful time in the lunar cycle. Saturn and the Moon harmonize in earth signs, favoring structure while Mars squares the Moon from Aquarius rousing and stimulating rebellion and outrageousness. Today's color is Turquoise.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Robin's Zodiac Zone June 24th-30th, 2018: Capricorn Full Moon
Sunday: This first full week of summer includes Full Moon in Capricorn overnight Wednesday/Thursday. For a few days surrounding Full Moon, the energy tends to be high and intense. Our bodies and minds may respond in extremes that either mimic or contrast the presence of Full Moon, so you could be low and tired out or unable to relax and shut down. Many people say their sleep pattern changes during Full Moons. This one is the first of summer season and it'll be in Capricorn as it always* (with rare exception) is during Cancer season. After this Full Moon we'll have 3 consecutive New, Full, New Moons with eclipses. We are moving into a very eventful season both internally and externally, emotionally, interpersonally and universally. The eclipses will bring rapid changes, peaks and crossroads we can never turn back from. The reality is, we never really can turn back. Even when you do feel you're moving toward something or someone from your past, it is new and different. All things change. Now for Sunday's highlights.
Scorpio Moon in harmony with Mercury and Pluto for meaningful conversations. It's a harmonious day to have that talk that intimidates you. The search for depth and meaning includes going beyond superficial relationships and also moving into clearer, more compassionate places within ourselves. Family meetings may be due or perhaps it's time for a phone call to Mom, Dad or other family that you've been procrastinating about. Void of course Moon begins at 10 am. Shopping is better done another day. Today's color is Indigo.
Monday: Sagittarius Moon arrives at 12:29 am EDT and the Moon lines up with Mars in Aquarius for inspiration, unique ideas, dynamic collaborations, travels and the feeling of being 'on a mission'. Gather with people to solve problems, provide good will and actively engage in community. Do what's good for the world and/or support others who do so. Today's color is Red.
Tuesday: Sagittarius Moon. Sag's element is fire and fire is also upward rising energy like our ascent to the earthy Full Moon. The Moon aligns with Venus in Leo for outgoing and adventurous attitudes plus a 'get going' momentum. Find some joy in the tasks that must be done. It's a great day for mind opening learning and enlightenment from books, studies, conferences and any educational setting that really stimulates. It's a terrible day to have to sit and be bored. That kind of learning may be tedious. We need lots of creative, dynamic, colorful energy around us to feel engaged today. Long void of course Moon begins at 8:53 am EDT as the Moon squares Neptune. The changeable nature of the two mutable signs and a void Moon makes the rest of the day kind of uncertain, spontaneous, or loose. Fixed plans may need to change, and we must be versatile and willing. Letting go is a Full Moon theme and the Full Moon is almost here. Mars also moves retrograde spending extra time in Aquarius this year. Some people will do rash or unexpected things while under stress this week, and Mars can play a part. That Moon ain't kidding, and for many things even difficult things, it's just time.
Be kind to yourself. Today's color is Purple.
Wednesday: Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and the Moon moves to Full Moon mode, in Capricorn from 11:52 am EDT. The Sun opposes Saturn in Cancer/Capricorn, the signs of the Full Moon. And the Moon meets Saturn, making it clear that choice must be made. It might be something about family and home life balancing with career or other responsibilities. It might be about getting past your insecurities and no longer being held back. Saturn says do it like you mean it and put a plan in place and some structure to get you there. You might think of this Full Moon time as a bridge crossing over water. The bridge is Capricorn, the water is Cancer. Emotions long held may be challenging to let go of, but you must cross or be held on one side unable to move. This is your Full Moon to act courageously in service of your self. Today's color is Yellow.
Full Moon Yoga at the Sunshine Factory in South Portland at Brick Hill, in the park outdoors or in the studio according to weather. Join us and feel a sense of belonging and connection. More info at The Sunshine Factory site. $15 (add cupping or acupuncture for a small added cost)
Thursday: Capricorn Full Moon is exact at 12:53 am EDT. Feel some clarity. Be willing to let go and revise if the information and reason becomes clear. Re-read the whole week of forecast as all is relevant to how this Moon time plays out. And we move into eclipse season so the action continues, both within and externally. It's a summer of enormous shifts, leaps and bounds. The Moon aligns with Jupiter and Neptune both in water signs. These are fortunate and easygoing aspects that may soothe the soul by evening. Some things will resolve, end and reach completion and no matter how hard there will be sighs of relief. Today's color is White.
Friday: Mercury moves to Leo for optimism and brightness, ideas and creative projects and pursuits. Find the fun and follow the music! It's a fabulous time to be immersed in exciting learning whether it's dance, design, or medicine. Notice what lights your inner fire and feels like potential. Void Moon in Capricorn starts at 4:58 am EDT and lasts nearly 8 hours. Moon meets Pluto. Experience beauty through the 5 senses and if you can, build in some vacation time. It's a great day to head to summer camp or another place where you'll connect with both old friends and future friends. Today's color is Gold.
Saturday: Aquarius Moon time begins at 12:37 am EDT and a shift occurs. If the Full Moon brought you down or increased your worries, Aquarius Moon and Mercury now in Leo draw you toward people, socializing, and things of high interest. The Full Moon feeling might linger a bit in certain ways though as we have two squares to Pluto, planet of the subconscious stimulating whatever lives deep inside. Some difficult or emotional conversations may occur, but Aquarius Moon helps with detachment and a sense of logic. The Moon meets Mars for strong conviction and a need for loyalty. Let others know if you're on their side, backing up as needed. Today's color is Turquoise.
I'll be leading Restorative Yoga with Reiki Healing by Adrienne Powers Johnson at Maine Yoga Fest 3:30 pm-5 pm at East End School Portland, Maine. You can purchase a one class pass if you'd like to attend or register with your Maine YogaFest pass. There are about 12 spaces left as of today, Saturday the 23rd.
Scorpio Moon in harmony with Mercury and Pluto for meaningful conversations. It's a harmonious day to have that talk that intimidates you. The search for depth and meaning includes going beyond superficial relationships and also moving into clearer, more compassionate places within ourselves. Family meetings may be due or perhaps it's time for a phone call to Mom, Dad or other family that you've been procrastinating about. Void of course Moon begins at 10 am. Shopping is better done another day. Today's color is Indigo.
Monday: Sagittarius Moon arrives at 12:29 am EDT and the Moon lines up with Mars in Aquarius for inspiration, unique ideas, dynamic collaborations, travels and the feeling of being 'on a mission'. Gather with people to solve problems, provide good will and actively engage in community. Do what's good for the world and/or support others who do so. Today's color is Red.
Tuesday: Sagittarius Moon. Sag's element is fire and fire is also upward rising energy like our ascent to the earthy Full Moon. The Moon aligns with Venus in Leo for outgoing and adventurous attitudes plus a 'get going' momentum. Find some joy in the tasks that must be done. It's a great day for mind opening learning and enlightenment from books, studies, conferences and any educational setting that really stimulates. It's a terrible day to have to sit and be bored. That kind of learning may be tedious. We need lots of creative, dynamic, colorful energy around us to feel engaged today. Long void of course Moon begins at 8:53 am EDT as the Moon squares Neptune. The changeable nature of the two mutable signs and a void Moon makes the rest of the day kind of uncertain, spontaneous, or loose. Fixed plans may need to change, and we must be versatile and willing. Letting go is a Full Moon theme and the Full Moon is almost here. Mars also moves retrograde spending extra time in Aquarius this year. Some people will do rash or unexpected things while under stress this week, and Mars can play a part. That Moon ain't kidding, and for many things even difficult things, it's just time.
Be kind to yourself. Today's color is Purple.
Wednesday: Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and the Moon moves to Full Moon mode, in Capricorn from 11:52 am EDT. The Sun opposes Saturn in Cancer/Capricorn, the signs of the Full Moon. And the Moon meets Saturn, making it clear that choice must be made. It might be something about family and home life balancing with career or other responsibilities. It might be about getting past your insecurities and no longer being held back. Saturn says do it like you mean it and put a plan in place and some structure to get you there. You might think of this Full Moon time as a bridge crossing over water. The bridge is Capricorn, the water is Cancer. Emotions long held may be challenging to let go of, but you must cross or be held on one side unable to move. This is your Full Moon to act courageously in service of your self. Today's color is Yellow.
Full Moon Yoga at the Sunshine Factory in South Portland at Brick Hill, in the park outdoors or in the studio according to weather. Join us and feel a sense of belonging and connection. More info at The Sunshine Factory site. $15 (add cupping or acupuncture for a small added cost)
Thursday: Capricorn Full Moon is exact at 12:53 am EDT. Feel some clarity. Be willing to let go and revise if the information and reason becomes clear. Re-read the whole week of forecast as all is relevant to how this Moon time plays out. And we move into eclipse season so the action continues, both within and externally. It's a summer of enormous shifts, leaps and bounds. The Moon aligns with Jupiter and Neptune both in water signs. These are fortunate and easygoing aspects that may soothe the soul by evening. Some things will resolve, end and reach completion and no matter how hard there will be sighs of relief. Today's color is White.
Friday: Mercury moves to Leo for optimism and brightness, ideas and creative projects and pursuits. Find the fun and follow the music! It's a fabulous time to be immersed in exciting learning whether it's dance, design, or medicine. Notice what lights your inner fire and feels like potential. Void Moon in Capricorn starts at 4:58 am EDT and lasts nearly 8 hours. Moon meets Pluto. Experience beauty through the 5 senses and if you can, build in some vacation time. It's a great day to head to summer camp or another place where you'll connect with both old friends and future friends. Today's color is Gold.
Saturday: Aquarius Moon time begins at 12:37 am EDT and a shift occurs. If the Full Moon brought you down or increased your worries, Aquarius Moon and Mercury now in Leo draw you toward people, socializing, and things of high interest. The Full Moon feeling might linger a bit in certain ways though as we have two squares to Pluto, planet of the subconscious stimulating whatever lives deep inside. Some difficult or emotional conversations may occur, but Aquarius Moon helps with detachment and a sense of logic. The Moon meets Mars for strong conviction and a need for loyalty. Let others know if you're on their side, backing up as needed. Today's color is Turquoise.
I'll be leading Restorative Yoga with Reiki Healing by Adrienne Powers Johnson at Maine Yoga Fest 3:30 pm-5 pm at East End School Portland, Maine. You can purchase a one class pass if you'd like to attend or register with your Maine YogaFest pass. There are about 12 spaces left as of today, Saturday the 23rd.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Robin's Zodiac Zone June 17th-23rd, 2018
Sunday: Leo Moon (the sign of fathers!) straightforward until 11:28 pm EDT then void of course until 4:41 am EDT. Moon and Sun align and Moon square to Jupiter. It's a day to enjoy people and to shine! It's a day to stay out of frustration over what you cannot control. Everything in it's own time. Today's color is Orange.
Monday: Virgo Moon from 4:41 am EDT on, in harmony with Saturn and Pluto. Honest dealings, honesty with yourself, and sane, well thought out decisions are likely. Neptune begins a retrograde in Pisces which may loosen up false expectations or ideas to be let go of. Today's color is Brown.
Tuesday: Virgo Moon. Several harmonious aspects and Mercury aligns with Jupiter for making peace with feelings and emotions. This aspect may also help with a financial/legal/business matter where parties need to come to terms. Today's color is Indigo.
Wednesday: From 6:51 am to 8:29 am EDT the Moon is void of course in Virgo. Libra Moon moves in for fair, equal, and balanced considerations and decision making. Mercury and Neptune in Cancer/Pisces fuel imaginative ideas and creations. Today's color is Light Blue.
Thursday: Libra Moon, and at 6:07 am EDT the Sun moves to Cancer. This is the Solstice, the beginning of true summer. And much will be in the works today with things to be negotiated, compromised on and initiated. The Moon is between new and full on this longest daylight day and night. Venus is opposite Mars in Leo/Aquarius, the signs of 2 of 3 summer eclipses. Relationship issues, decisions and emotions heat up and may simmer until those eclipses or come to peaks now, meaning a turn of events, a change of course, a decision to go forward or move apart. Void Moon 9:34 pm EDT until Friday at 3:11 pm EDT. An ungrounded or confusing night is likely. Or perhaps you will just feel very relaxed and nonchalant. Today's color is White.
Friday: The Moon is void of course until 3:11 pm EDT and like last night's forecast, this may create a relaxed, casual feeling/atmosphere or a very undecided, anxious or forgetful time. Do what you can to ground, get your feet on the earth literally or in the water. Don't allow your head to fill with unnecessary overthinking, and check your calendar and other details so you do what you need to do. Scorpio Moon from 3:11 pm into the weekend, opposing Uranus in Taurus. Loyalty must be prioritized. Today's color is Black.
Saturday: Scorpio Moon with various aspects while the Sun aligns with Uranus and Mercury opposes Pluto. The sign Cancer, where the Sun is, indicates family and home related changes and decisions. Water and earth sign energy remind us of where our roots are as well as the land we inhabit now. And there will be changes for some, in terms of home life and living arrangements. Some will be out of their comfort zone. If you feel stability and support, acknowledge what you have. Today's color is Blue.
Monday: Virgo Moon from 4:41 am EDT on, in harmony with Saturn and Pluto. Honest dealings, honesty with yourself, and sane, well thought out decisions are likely. Neptune begins a retrograde in Pisces which may loosen up false expectations or ideas to be let go of. Today's color is Brown.
Tuesday: Virgo Moon. Several harmonious aspects and Mercury aligns with Jupiter for making peace with feelings and emotions. This aspect may also help with a financial/legal/business matter where parties need to come to terms. Today's color is Indigo.
Wednesday: From 6:51 am to 8:29 am EDT the Moon is void of course in Virgo. Libra Moon moves in for fair, equal, and balanced considerations and decision making. Mercury and Neptune in Cancer/Pisces fuel imaginative ideas and creations. Today's color is Light Blue.
Thursday: Libra Moon, and at 6:07 am EDT the Sun moves to Cancer. This is the Solstice, the beginning of true summer. And much will be in the works today with things to be negotiated, compromised on and initiated. The Moon is between new and full on this longest daylight day and night. Venus is opposite Mars in Leo/Aquarius, the signs of 2 of 3 summer eclipses. Relationship issues, decisions and emotions heat up and may simmer until those eclipses or come to peaks now, meaning a turn of events, a change of course, a decision to go forward or move apart. Void Moon 9:34 pm EDT until Friday at 3:11 pm EDT. An ungrounded or confusing night is likely. Or perhaps you will just feel very relaxed and nonchalant. Today's color is White.
Friday: The Moon is void of course until 3:11 pm EDT and like last night's forecast, this may create a relaxed, casual feeling/atmosphere or a very undecided, anxious or forgetful time. Do what you can to ground, get your feet on the earth literally or in the water. Don't allow your head to fill with unnecessary overthinking, and check your calendar and other details so you do what you need to do. Scorpio Moon from 3:11 pm into the weekend, opposing Uranus in Taurus. Loyalty must be prioritized. Today's color is Black.
Saturday: Scorpio Moon with various aspects while the Sun aligns with Uranus and Mercury opposes Pluto. The sign Cancer, where the Sun is, indicates family and home related changes and decisions. Water and earth sign energy remind us of where our roots are as well as the land we inhabit now. And there will be changes for some, in terms of home life and living arrangements. Some will be out of their comfort zone. If you feel stability and support, acknowledge what you have. Today's color is Blue.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Robin's Zodiac Zone June 10th-16th, 2018
New Moon in Gemini is Wednesday, the 13th at 3:43 pm EDT. Venus moves to Leo that day at 5:54 pm EDT. Mercury moves to Cancer on the 12th at 4 pm EDT. Welcome and prepare for changes this week.
Sunday: At 12:04 am the Moon enters Taurus. Moon in harmony with Saturn, meets Uranus and squares Mars today. Rooted, fixed, stubborn, persistent earth energy rules the day. People may have unusual ways of digging their heels in or pursuing their goals. Today's color is Brown.
Monday: Taurus Moon waning toward New Moon this Wednesday. Letting go may not be easy but may be necessary. Loving and romantic feelings and experiences this evening courtesy of Taurus Moon and Venus in Cancer aligned. Void Moon begins 11:29 pm EDT. Wear Pink.
Tuesday: Gemini Moon times starts at 2:53 am EDT and Mercury changes signs at 4 pm EDT. Changes of opinion and plans are likely. Uncertain, wobbly or indecisive feelings may occur. Take your time. Today's color is Yellow.
Wednesday: New Moon in Gemini, and with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde on the way in July, this New Moon is prime for initiating changes and moving into a new phase you've been planning for. Act on opportunities, make new connections, and feel the expressiveness that comes as Venus shifts to Leo. The arts and events benefit from the Venus in Leo weeks that begin today. Channel your inner artist, performer, and playful spirit. Shop for clothes, books and recreational goods. Mercury and Uranus align for news, especially family news. The Moon is void of course from New Moon time on (3:43 pm EDT). Especially after that time, it may feel like a strange, uncommon or unusual day including circumstances, news, and people or occurrences. Today's color is Gold.
Thursday: Cancer Moon time starts at 3:20 am EDT. Moon meets Mercury and opposes Saturn in Capricorn. Also Venus squares Uranus. Unlikely opposites come together or attract. Powerful personalities may team up for big results. Today's color is White.
Friday: Cancer Moon void of course from 12:18 pm EDT to 3:21 am on Saturday. Moon in harmony with Neptune and Jupiter in the water signs and opposite Pluto. Mercury is opposite Saturn. Look to make agreements and settle any kind of deal before 12:18 pm (adjust to your time zone). Feelings come up and it's likely we'll voice them. Some of this may come as a surprise, yet it holds weight and, very likely, truth. Today's color is Blue.
Saturday: Leo Moon for the weekend including Father's Day on Sunday in the USA. Today the Moon meets Venus for lavish and joyful celebrations and events. Dress for the occasion. Moon opposes Mars in Aquarius, and the people who surround us are very important influences as to how things unfold. The power of attraction, including romantic attraction, is strong. Today's color is Red.
Sunday: At 12:04 am the Moon enters Taurus. Moon in harmony with Saturn, meets Uranus and squares Mars today. Rooted, fixed, stubborn, persistent earth energy rules the day. People may have unusual ways of digging their heels in or pursuing their goals. Today's color is Brown.
Monday: Taurus Moon waning toward New Moon this Wednesday. Letting go may not be easy but may be necessary. Loving and romantic feelings and experiences this evening courtesy of Taurus Moon and Venus in Cancer aligned. Void Moon begins 11:29 pm EDT. Wear Pink.
Tuesday: Gemini Moon times starts at 2:53 am EDT and Mercury changes signs at 4 pm EDT. Changes of opinion and plans are likely. Uncertain, wobbly or indecisive feelings may occur. Take your time. Today's color is Yellow.
Wednesday: New Moon in Gemini, and with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde on the way in July, this New Moon is prime for initiating changes and moving into a new phase you've been planning for. Act on opportunities, make new connections, and feel the expressiveness that comes as Venus shifts to Leo. The arts and events benefit from the Venus in Leo weeks that begin today. Channel your inner artist, performer, and playful spirit. Shop for clothes, books and recreational goods. Mercury and Uranus align for news, especially family news. The Moon is void of course from New Moon time on (3:43 pm EDT). Especially after that time, it may feel like a strange, uncommon or unusual day including circumstances, news, and people or occurrences. Today's color is Gold.
Thursday: Cancer Moon time starts at 3:20 am EDT. Moon meets Mercury and opposes Saturn in Capricorn. Also Venus squares Uranus. Unlikely opposites come together or attract. Powerful personalities may team up for big results. Today's color is White.
Friday: Cancer Moon void of course from 12:18 pm EDT to 3:21 am on Saturday. Moon in harmony with Neptune and Jupiter in the water signs and opposite Pluto. Mercury is opposite Saturn. Look to make agreements and settle any kind of deal before 12:18 pm (adjust to your time zone). Feelings come up and it's likely we'll voice them. Some of this may come as a surprise, yet it holds weight and, very likely, truth. Today's color is Blue.
Saturday: Leo Moon for the weekend including Father's Day on Sunday in the USA. Today the Moon meets Venus for lavish and joyful celebrations and events. Dress for the occasion. Moon opposes Mars in Aquarius, and the people who surround us are very important influences as to how things unfold. The power of attraction, including romantic attraction, is strong. Today's color is Red.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Robin's Zodiac Zone June 3rd-9th, 2018
Sunday: Aquarius Moon conjunct Mars and in harmony with Mercury and the Sun. A social, collaborative and communicative day for events and news. People oriented. Today's color is Yellow.
Monday: Void of course Moon in Aquarius from 1:10 am on. Wait on initiating or finalizing anything if possible. Avoid spending or expensive purchases. A day for friendship. Today's color is Silver.
Tuesday: At 6:53 am EDT the Moon shifts to Pisces. the Sun and Mercury also meet today, and Venus opposes Pluto. Personal matters and emotions are priorities. The Sun and Mercury lead to interesting conversations and reconnections as well as new friendships. Business may go well with a friendly, welcoming approach and no pressure. Today's color is Light Green.
Wednesday: Pisces Moon with a variety of aspects. Mercury and the Sun are square to the Moon and Neptune. People may go back on their word or need to change terms and agreements. Another aspect of an agreement or problem may need to be considered or worked through. Be firm as needed but keep some softness in your approach as well. Define what is negotiable and what is not and communicate honestly. Ask lots of questions. Not all will be clear or honest today. Wear the color Blue.
Thursday: From 2:35 am to 5:26 pm EDT, the Moon is void of course in Pisces. Try not to plan too much or too much of significance. If you interview for a job or connect with someone you like, you must follow up. Many things engaged in will be forgotten or skimmed by. It may be hard to get others to respond or follow up with you. Aries Moon from 5:26 pm shifts things into higher gear. A mellow or less productive day perhaps followed by an active night. Wear Red.
Friday: Aries Moon in harmony with Mars and square to Saturn indicates the importance of what's undertaken or initiated today. Leadership, responsibility, willingness and maturity/lack of maturity are themes. Aim for a truce, decide who's responsible for what, and realize we do not all think of act alike and you cannot control that. Do what feels right. Today's color is Black.
Saturday: Aries Moon will enter void of course time at 3:37 pm EDT. The Sun and Mercury align happily with the Moon. Venus and Pluto are at square angles to the Moon. Relationship with self comes up for consideration. Are you self accepting and willing to allow healing or letting go that must be done? This will be coming up again in a couple of weeks (big time!) and peaking in July. Social gatherings and meetings may feel dynamic and lively. Today's color is Orange.
June 27th 7 pm Full Moon Yoga at Brick Hill park in South Portland outside the Sunshine Factory! Come early for Cupping at 5:30 pm if you're interested in the added benefit of Cupping. Let Go is our Full Moon theme. More info . Email me that you're attending!
Full Moon Yoga is $15.
Monday: Void of course Moon in Aquarius from 1:10 am on. Wait on initiating or finalizing anything if possible. Avoid spending or expensive purchases. A day for friendship. Today's color is Silver.
Tuesday: At 6:53 am EDT the Moon shifts to Pisces. the Sun and Mercury also meet today, and Venus opposes Pluto. Personal matters and emotions are priorities. The Sun and Mercury lead to interesting conversations and reconnections as well as new friendships. Business may go well with a friendly, welcoming approach and no pressure. Today's color is Light Green.
Wednesday: Pisces Moon with a variety of aspects. Mercury and the Sun are square to the Moon and Neptune. People may go back on their word or need to change terms and agreements. Another aspect of an agreement or problem may need to be considered or worked through. Be firm as needed but keep some softness in your approach as well. Define what is negotiable and what is not and communicate honestly. Ask lots of questions. Not all will be clear or honest today. Wear the color Blue.
Thursday: From 2:35 am to 5:26 pm EDT, the Moon is void of course in Pisces. Try not to plan too much or too much of significance. If you interview for a job or connect with someone you like, you must follow up. Many things engaged in will be forgotten or skimmed by. It may be hard to get others to respond or follow up with you. Aries Moon from 5:26 pm shifts things into higher gear. A mellow or less productive day perhaps followed by an active night. Wear Red.
Friday: Aries Moon in harmony with Mars and square to Saturn indicates the importance of what's undertaken or initiated today. Leadership, responsibility, willingness and maturity/lack of maturity are themes. Aim for a truce, decide who's responsible for what, and realize we do not all think of act alike and you cannot control that. Do what feels right. Today's color is Black.
Saturday: Aries Moon will enter void of course time at 3:37 pm EDT. The Sun and Mercury align happily with the Moon. Venus and Pluto are at square angles to the Moon. Relationship with self comes up for consideration. Are you self accepting and willing to allow healing or letting go that must be done? This will be coming up again in a couple of weeks (big time!) and peaking in July. Social gatherings and meetings may feel dynamic and lively. Today's color is Orange.
June 27th 7 pm Full Moon Yoga at Brick Hill park in South Portland outside the Sunshine Factory! Come early for Cupping at 5:30 pm if you're interested in the added benefit of Cupping. Let Go is our Full Moon theme. More info . Email me that you're attending!
Full Moon Yoga is $15.
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Brick Hill in the early spring. Now it's GREEN and in it's glory. |
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