Thursday, May 2, 2024


New Moon Sound Bath Sunday 5:30 pm with Kristine Keegan

register at

146 Ocean St South Portland, Maine

Sunday, May 5th ~ Moon in Aries, about to be in conjunction with Mercury for blasts from the past that inspire and energize us. As New Moon approaches we move out of eclipse season until next fall. This conjunction signals time to move forward, perhaps with a 'missed' opportunity or plan that didn't take off the first time. Or this could be time to invite brand new ideas and actions and leave all past reservations or anything you latched onto behind. Wear Orange. 

Monday ~  Moon in Aries, in conjunction with Mercury for blasts from the past that inspire and energize us. See Sunday's forecast as this conjunction influences both days and occurs overnight into Monday. Void Moon starts at 1:57 am ET and lasts all day until 5:42 pm EDT. If Monday feels ungrounded or scattered, that could be why. Do keep working on things that matter and inspire. Inspiration is one word for the week. On this day before New Moon, consider what to release and move on from. Taurus Moon tonight. Immerse in something possibly mindless and routine that allows you to reflect and feel. Housecleaning is one example. Today's color is Black as the Moon disappears from view.

Tuesday ~ It's a day of alignment of mind and heart, thoughts and actions, and most significantly, commitment. The Moon and Sun meet, which is New Moon, and both are in harmony with Saturn in Pisces. Venus also meets the Moon. Loyalty, commitment, love, knowing exactly what to do (even if it's difficult), finding more forgiveness, ease and balance are all favored. This is a really wonderful New Moon for acting on something important. From 11:22 pm EDT, on. Act from the heart. Wear White.

Wednesday ~ Taurus Moon meets Uranus and Jupiter and aligns with Neptune. Prosperity and whatever you want to commit to, truly be in the long haul for, are favored. Connect with earth and water. Plant and tend to what  you're growing. Void Moon 5:55 to 7:20 pm EDT. Gemini Moon follows. Wear Green.

Thursday ~ Gemini Moon in harmony with Mars in Aries. Minds will be busy. Avoid letting that turn to anxiety. Best case, it really gets you going on something you felt wasn't moving fast enough. Notice what you're driven about. Things that require thought and intelligence with action to back them are in favor. Yellow is today's color. 

Friday ~ Gemini Moon for both new ideas and perhaps closures and the sealing of agreements. The Moon is in harmony with Mercury for meetings and things put in writing, as well as for travels. Void Moon 9:49 pm to 11:13 pm EDT. Cancer Moon follows. Wear Light Blue.

Saturday ~ Cancer Moon square to Mars. Family matters take precedence. Visit with or tend to home and family. Conflicts of plans or interests may present themselve. Deal diplomatically and unselfishly. Can everyone's needs be met as well as possible this weekend? Cancer Moon for Mother's Day as well and this is the sign of the mother and parent. Today's color is White, any shade, and Moon stone is a nice crystal for this weekend.

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 28th-May 4th Astrology ~Mercury Direct in Aries

Hope your spring contains some good surprises now that eclipse season is drawing to a close with May's New Moon

Hear Robin's Zodiac Zone live on WMPG Wednesdays 2:30-4:00 pm or 90.9 FM in Maine

Gratuities  Appreciated ~ link to paypal

Thank you,


Sunday ~ From 3:31 to 5:37 am EDT, the Moon is void of course and then in Capricorn. The Moon and Sun align today at this time between Full and New Moon. Dig into the dirt and get fully engaged with the process, especially the ones related to manifesting what's important in this world, the earthly representations of your values. Today's color is Brown.

Monday ~Capricorn Moon, Mars and Neptune meet in Pisces, and Venus moves toTaurus. The general feel, despite any challenges, is get real with  your emotions, remember the value of romance and sensual pleasures, and do not rule anything out without investigating and gaining more insight. Wear Blue today.

Tuesday ~ Capricorn to Aquarius Moon without really skipping a beat, at 11:20 am EDT. Mars moves to Aries, his home sign at 11:33 EDT. This is an action starting time, oriented to beginnings and movement. Work through and move past obstacles and mental blocks. Today's color is Purple.

Wednesday ~Aquarius Moon with a mix of aspects. Mercury aligns with the Moon from Aries. The main idea is keep going and restart where you left off a month or more ago. Renegotiate with yourself or someone else. What are the new and revised terms and plans. Try not to stall or overthink. Also, do not override your intuition, especially regarding love and relationship as Venus and Pluto form a square in the wee hours, affecting all  of mid week. Today's color is Turquoise.

Thursday~ Pluto stations retrograde at 1:46 pm EDT. Pluto spends a good deal of our lives retrograde, so whether you notice depends on Pluto's placement in your own chart and solar return. Aquarius Moon squares planets in Taurus. This points out things we try to hang onto. Sudden news or surprise changes may not be appreciated by some of us. Void Moon 5:28 am to 2:52 pm EDT. Pisces Moon aligns with Venus for romantic, loving and forgiving this evening. Pink is today's color.

Friday ~ Mars and Pluto align in a sextile. This harmonious aspect can bring dynamic combinations, such as a deep connection with someone for either work or in love. This may bring that feeling of having known someone before or forever even if they're new in your current life. Pisces Moon in harmony with the Sun and meeting Saturn leads to both decisive and purposeful feelings and may be emotionally strong and courageous. Feel your feelings without caving into them. See how strength can be found. Today's color is Green.

Saturday ~ Pisces to Aries Moon. Creativity and growth are favored. Think out of the box and create without boundaries. Aries Moon 4:41 pm after a short void of course time 3:06 until then. The Moon aligns with Pluto retrograde at 8:08 pm ET. This feels like beginnings and endings at once, and blends the past and the future, desires and motivations. Moon and Mars meet in a burst of Aries energy that feels unstoppable. Wear Red today.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Mercury Retrograde Ends April 21st ~27th, 2024

 Sunday~ Sun square Pluto and Moon in Libra. Consider what creates more inner peace. Meditation practices and working with the earth is favored. Wear Indigo.

Monday ~ The Moon approaches full and remains in Libra until the overnight. Void Moon 7:42 pm EDT until 11:20 am EDT tomorrow. Weigh pros and cons, but avoid getting too caught up in thoughts and overanalyzing. Tonight or even the day could be social and include getting 'back together' with someone or something. Wear Lavender.

Tuesday ~ Full Moon in Scorpio shows us the extremes and depths. Look for root causes and what's below the surface. Experiences are likely to be powerful, have  both emotional and monetary/financial implications, and may include emotional resolution. Let go of a grudge, or if that's not yet possible, invite more objectivity and enter the healing process. Note the vibrations of the last two eclipses and how more clarity or closure are in progress. Today's color is White.

Wednesday~ Scorpio Moon still in full power/ Emotions will tend to be intense and situations may be dramatic or have extreme impact. As the Moon and Saturn align, you may be more able to channel feelings into something constructive, artistic, and also to make sense of things that initially seem irrational or over the top. Notice the important life things coming up for yourself or others and seek a compassionate approach. Black is today's color.

Thursday ~ Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon. The waning Moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Financial and property developments may seem to happen fast or need immediate action. Money, real estate, wills, end of life matters and all things earthly are in focus. So are relationships in terms of passion, fidelity and commitment. Sagittarius Moon time comes after void Moon 7:17 to 9:37 pm EDT. Mercury stations direct in Aries. As the week goes on, motivation and a more open minded approach are likely. Wear Red.

Friday ~ Mercury is now direct, yet most things will feel in flux or remain adjustable. Sagittarius Moon brings up questions, philosophical questions, and increases the urge for travel or a change of pace. Take your time and avoid any unnecessary pressure. Explore a place or an idea. Try something out before committing. Wear Purple.

Saturday ~ The truth is at the heart of this weekend's quest. Sagittarius Moon again requests information, honesty and simultaneously reminds us to couch our criticisms or words with sensitivity. Too much honesty can sometime be hurtful. Note the difference between being truthful and causing irreparable harm. Be conscientious with communication. Avoid burning bridges. We are still adjusting to eclipse season and Mercury now direct. Today's color is Blue.