Hope this helps set your daily tone & encourages balanced interactions and actions
There's an awful lot going on in the world. Robin's Zodiac Zone focuses on our daily life and the fluctuations of the heavens. Of course there are also broad and long term evolutions and revolutions, & to me Uranus Direct and Pluto changing signs feels like that. Practice steadying in an ever changing and often chaotic world.
I'm offering Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath on Thursday, Feb 1st 6:00-7:15 pm at Leaping Waters along with my usual schedule
Friday evening February 1st 5:30-6:30 pm I'm at Greener Postures for my monthly Yoga Nidra.
Both help us with human challenges, both physical and emotional
www.leapingwatersyoga.com is my studio website with much more to see and consider
Sunday~ Virgo Moon aligns with Venus, and Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter form a trine too, which is auspicious for timing anything relationship or finance related. Mercury in Capricorn aligns with Uranus in Taurus and wild ideas and communication exchanges take place. Plans may be going down a different and unusual path. Once someone said "go crazy, get lucky" in regard to promoting and marketing in a meeting I attended. They were a consultant in media (and this was a long time ago, like 25-30 years!). That phrase always stuck with me and I think it's just right for today's vibe. Our color is Pink.
Monday ~Virgo Moon is "all happy" with Mars and Mercury in Capricorn, same earth element, and also with Uranus, a planet that seems to be playing a big part these days. Uranus is revolution, radical, and paradigm shifting, sometimes also shocking and accidental. Experiment with something and see where it takes you. Try not to be complacent or overly traditional. Neptune opposes the Moon reminding us of magic and the non linear and non earthly tonight. Mars and Uranus form a trine though, and it's a reminder to use some caution with the unfamiliar, including people. Avoid aggression in all it's forms and move mindfully (ie...avoid falls or crashes). Void Moon 6:20 pm ET and that's the start of an extra safe mindset. Wear navy Blue.
Tuesday ~ Moon to Libra at 3:04 am ET. Libra Moon aligns with Pluto. This is a cycle we'll experience every month now, while Pluto is in Aquarius. It may encourage how we work together and get together. Notice parts of others reflected in your self and vice versa. Maybe this softens some edges between us. I'll be watching and feeling how this aspect evolves and what seems to be connected to it. Tonight, the Moon squares Venus in Capricorn and it's an opportunity to confront and maybe resolve a relationship difficulty or midunderstanding. Be willing to do your part, the whole half. Today's color is Lavender.
Wednesday ~ Libra Moon aligns with the Sun in Aquarius overnight. Both signs are externally focused when it comes to other people. You may notice your interest in a person, group or human behavior sparks and is heightened this week. Sense your place in the world and in groups. Later, the Moon squares Mars, and this could feel emotionally or interpersonally difficult where rules, laws, or breaches of contract are involved. Also, relationship matters may be activated and require work, effort and yielding (though that might not be easy to accomplish). Today's color is Blue.
Thursday ~ And overnight, like a continuation, the Moon squares Mercury and conversations really need to be had if they're brewing and pending. This energy of holding back or feeling conflicted must be released. It may also be time for a hard decision. Void Moon 4:03 am to 3:37 pm ET. I'm not sure how this will play out, but things could feel sort of off or out of balance or lost today. After 3:37 pm, the Scorpio Moon roots in immediately with a stubborn but deeply focused square to Pluto, Scorpio's planet. All Scorpio type traits, especially the emotional, internal, and compulsive or persistent ones, characterize this evening and late day. Be aware people may need their space. Black is today's color.
Friday ~ IMBOLC indicates the increasing return of light and the stirring of life below the earth's surface. It's meant to be a time of promise. We call it Groundhog Day. Scorpio Moon contrast this focus on light, as Scorpio is like the deepest of oceans. Mercury aligns with Neptune and this feels beautifully creative and productively intuitive. The Moon has a varied mix of aspects. One thing that generally seems to apply ~ say it and do it like you really mean it. Commit to something, someone, and even yourself, Persist with what's truly worth your energy. Don't give in to external pressure too readily. Maintain your ideals. Today's color is Indigo.
Saturday ~ Scorpio Moon and effects continue through almost all of this day and night. Uranus opposes the Moon which can be breakthrough energy, yet can also startle us. Mars & Neptune both align with the Moon adding intensity, call to action, and also creative drive. Finally, Mercury and the Moon form a harmonious sextile which instigates deep conversations and interactions. Secrets may be revealed. Void Moon from then on, at 10:24 pm ET, and 3 hours later the Moon will move to Sagittarius. Today's color is Purple.