This weekend I'm offering an Intro to Aerial Yoga workshop at my studio, Leaping Waters in South Portland from 12:00-1:30 pm on Saturday, March 5th. 6 spaces are currently open for this welcoming, gentle introduction to decompression with aerial hammocks.
And on Sunday, March 6th, Restorative Yoga with Aromatherapy, also in the studio, from 4:00-5:45 pm. All postures are to promote rest and peace in the body and mind. Aromatherapy patches will be worn so scents do not permeate the air, only your skin. Choose Lavender Blend for rest and relief, Arnica Blend to address inflammation, Frankincense to invite harmony and pleasure, or additional blends I may offer.
Masks are optional, covid19 vaccination proof is required.
Maybe I'll see you soon!
Sunday~What a powerful Capricorn type of day as the Moon meets Venus, Mars and Pluto, all in the same sign! These three conjunctions strengthen all Capricorn and earth sign qualities. It's a day to figure out how to do something, be it personal, professional, related to a project or plan. Relationships are influenced as Mars and Venus both meet the Moon. This is very practical and organizational, slightly impersonal and yielding to whatever is most sensible. Some will figure out better plans for working together, co-parenting, living together, and making schedules and routines more efficient. Some can benefit from learning how to put something together or how to repair, refinish or renovate. There's also the depth of personal insight that Pluto provides and we may contemplate why things are as they are and why we act as we do, and from there perhaps make changes. From 9:49 am to 1:36 pm EST, the Moon is void of course, and then moves to Aquarius for further investigation and inventive approaches. Today's color is Violet.
Monday~On this final day of February, the Moon squares Uranus and meets Mercury and Saturn. So far, this week's aspects urge us toward plans and agreements. Mercury and Saturn lean toward future oriented plans with a long term focus, while in Aquarius. Fixed sign energies rule the day, and that can also mean difficulty letting go of one thing to make way for another. Uranus and the Moon play tug o' war over this, in Taurus and Aquarius. Both are opinionated signs and have their own ideas of what's best or right. One thing is for sure, the status quo must be disturbed and some things reinvented or reimagined. Give agreements your best effort and keep in mind that it's time to shed a skin or overturn an outdated decision. Void Moon 9:01 pm EST through the night and into Tuesday. Wear Silver.
Tuesday~Void Moon in Aquarius can lead us in many different directions. One is to continue yesterday's business and another is to socialize! Getting together in groups is favored while the void Moon lends itself more to leisure and enjoying the company of others. It might not be easy to get things decided or done, though processes can be rolling along, especially with collaboration. New Moon in Pisces is Wednesday, so fresh starts have more power after today. Laying the groundwork is favored. At 3:53 pm EST, the spell is broken as the Moon moves to Pisces and shortly after midnight, the Pisces Sun aligns with Uranus for unique self expression, creativity and interesting ways of showing compassion and caring. Possibilities include forgiveness and surprise reconciliations. Look for mutual understanding and for help from unexpected sources. Wear Light Blue.
Wednesday~New Moon in Pisces signals fresh starts and intentions realized, from 12:35 pm EST on. First, the Sun aligns with Uranus (read Tuesday forecast), brightening and encouraging. Uranus also aligns with the Moon, so the power of this planet of originality, change and the unexpected is likely to be strongly seen and felt. Uranus is a catalyst, a storm, a volcano of destruction, re-creation and radical expression. That is the quality of this New Moon, and since it's in Pisces there are emotional implications. People are likely to say and do as they FEEL, unable to hold back or minimize. Creativity peaks. Dramatic approaches and expressions are likely as changes are announced and made. Jupiter also supports New Moon for growing in sensitivity, caring, wisdom, and forgiveness. Invite and offer healing and compassion to yourself and others. Rest, as a way to heal and replenish. Allow for these things: change, authentic expression, creativity and restoring. Mercury also meets Saturn for solidifying agreements, decisions and meaningful life plans. Today's color is White.
Thursday~This is quite the astrological week, and today we're back to those Capricorn vibes of Sunday and last week as Mars and Pluto meet. Action based on introspection and new self awareness is one thing to notice. Strong desire and passion will guide our actions and moves made this week. Tune into what is undeniable. Venus and Pluto also meet, applying the same to love, relationships and harmony between partners and friends. Some will have big awakenings around what's real in their relationship or their hopes and dreams of partnering. Pisces Moon meets Neptune, a romantic and dreamy planetary influence, following by harmonious sextiles with each planet currently in Capricorn. The earth/water synchronicity has been powerful both this week and last week. Action based on feelings. Whether you're creating or in processes like recovering or healing, transitioning from one phase to another, moving or just allowing things to take place right now, emotions must be allowed to arise and inform. What does the subtle body say? Tune in to YOU. Void Moon 4:45 pm to7:52 pm EST. The Moon moves to Aries. Wear Green, for the heart.
Friday~Aries Moon lights extra fire under whatever is in process this week. Passion and quickness fuel actions and events today. Wear Red.
Saturday~Aries Moon is encouraged and influenced by Saturn and Mercury for seriousness and intention. Meaning and commitment should back actions and words. Saturn teaches lessons about commitment or lack thereof. Mercury is forward thinking in Aquarius and Aries Moon also pushes toward the future. Anxiety can crop up under those conditions, so check in with yourself if you feel too much pressure or forward projection. Aries Moon squares Pluto for facing even difficult realizations and knowing that something must be done or changed in order to align with oneself, to your true desires and needs. Jupiter and the Sun meet in Pisces to help further growth and self actualization. Can our emotional capacity that is often oppressed and distorted from desensitization, glorification of violence in movies and media, recover, heal and increase? Mars and Venus spend their last hours in humanitarian Aquarius tonight. Wear Yellow today.
I'll be on WMPG for the next two Mondays 10:30 am-12 pm. Stay tuned for a schedule change in the future. It's been fun spending winter Mondays on the air, with you.