Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Here's to New Moon in Pisces, Thursday, Feb 27th 7:45 am EST. Every month I celebrate New Moon with a Sound Bath in my South Portland studio. People gather to rest while sound vibration fills the room, sometimes subtle & other times strong. I know that most of you really resonate with sound because music and radio is how we originally found each other! You can do some sound clearing at home with things you already have. Walk to the corners of your room with a bell or various bells and ring out old energy. Hang a windchime indoors in an area that feels 'funny' or never seems bright. Play some recordings of crystal bowls or flutes from your youtube or spotify.

This helps your space and your own internal vibration.

After this New Moon in Pisces, our Full Moon in 2 weeks is a lunar eclipse in Virgo, and that day, March 14th, Mercury retrograde also begins. There's no predicting what this eclipse brings, but it happens with speed and is likely to be unprecedented. The symbol is a 'LION TAMER FEARLESSLY RUSHING INTO THE ARENA'. I am taking that as hopeful because it certainly feels like we need lion tamers to be acting right now in the face of what's happening in our country. Let's hope for some heroes to step in and shift the current tides. 

Speaking of that I'd like to share some resources with you. 

If you are a Civil Servant or know someone who has been impacted by recent events, perhaps losing their job, and if you believe civil servants should be hired based on their skills not their poliitical views, find resources and info on Civil Service Strong website CIVILSERVICESTRONG.ORG

Use the 5 Calls App to to reach members of Congress. This does matter and your voice does contribute to change. The app helps you articulate what you want to communicate. That's often the hard part, figuring out what to say. You can build your own statements with the information provided. 


It's been quite a while since I offered readings in the round with yoga, and I'm doing exactly that on Wednesday, March 26th 6:00 -7:30 pm. We'll use crystals and cards and of course some astrology and after the group readings, we'll do a few yin postures with bolsters and blankets to support us. My intention is to ground us as the eclipses shake everything up and we need to remain centered and keep our nervous ystems and bodies balanced. This workshop is $35 and you can venmo me

 @Robin-Payton-1 (1896 phone digits)

Sign up directly on the schedule too or email me and I'll do it for you. Space is limited so everyone receives attention, space and props. Email me at to reserve a space.

A group of people receive the colors of each month by email. There are some astrology insights along with the colors. If you would like this for Eclipse Cycle and Mercury Retrograde, email me today for March's colors. It's a $22 donation and you can use the venmo above or send me a check. I am not using paypal at this time. 

I hope you're navigating smoothly and if I can be of assistance with a reading, give a shout. I'm on WMPG today with more astrology and music 2:30-4 pm, also Wednesdays coming up except for March 12th when I'm on vacation.

Thanks for reading. Share any of this with friends.

Stay engaged. Believe in your power.


Sunday, February 16, 2025


 Hi Friends,
We are officially in eclipse season since last week's Full Moon in Leo. Our next Full Moon is a lunar eclipse on March 14th followed by a solar eclipse on March 29th. Like the state of this country right now, the season is ever changing, can be volatile and destabilizing, and may at times take us off guard.
My intentions with my workshops and in offering readings are ANCHORING, INSIGHT, HOPE, &  CENTERING. With self care we are better prepared to help ourselves and others, to act with intuition, and to reduce overwhelm. 

I'm working toward a new website and until then I'm using this platform, my long time blog site. Feel welcome to share it. You help support when you come to a workshop or receive a reading. You can also support by adding your name to the Colors of the Month list. I'll be sending this out around February 25th for March. It's not subscription so you can try it once and decide, for $22.
Venmo @Robin-Payton-1 (1896 phone digits to confirm) or email me to pay another way. Be sure to put Colors in the comment.

You can donate any amount, so if you're inspired to send a few more bucks, I'll automatically add you to the list for March. Or April if it's past the next email date.

Here's my regular weekly schedule and some workshops for eclipse season ~

Aerial Yoga/Decompression~ learn to decompress your spine and joints and try hanging upside down
Thurs Intro 4:00 pm, Fridays 10 am & 4:30 pm & Sun 9:30 am most weeks

Workshops & one off dates~

Wed Feb 19th & March 5th AERIAL EARTH & YOGA NIDRA 5:30-6:45 pm (lower aerial, beginner friendly)

Wed Feb 26th NEW MOON SOUND BATH, AERIAL OR MAT 6:00-7:00 pm

Sat March 8th AERIAL YIN & SOUND BATH w/ SEASONAL TEA 1:30-3:00 pm
Wed March 26th YIN YOGA W/ CRYSTALS & CARDS 6:00-7:30 pm (mat class w readings)

All classes are listed and furthered described at
Sign up on the schedule. Sign ups cannot be canceled, like event tickets, but you may send a friend if you can't attend. I would really love to see you in person this season.

For virtual eclipse season readings, sent to your email, contact me by email at or

I am currently open for multiple readings and inspired to get started this week. If there's a time sensitivity on your reading, I may be able to expedite it.

Thank you!

Monday, January 20, 2025

January Readings-3 openings & Winter Events

 Hi Everyone,

I have time for 3 readings which I'll send within the next week or so. Email to request one. Please prepay with paypal or venmo to secure your spot.

Venmo @Robin-Payton-1 (1896 phone digits)


Readings are currently priced intentionally 'low' at $75. Take advantage while I can offer this. A usual price would be about 2/3 more. For a reading, also send any question or area you'd like insight about. If you want, also send your birthdate, place and time, as much as you  know.

I'm no longer using facebook and plan to completely eliminate my account at some point. YOu can still find me on instagram for now @robinivypayton

I'm on BlueSky and feel more confident and secure on that platform. Try it and find me at

I may at some point start a Robin's Zodiac Zone account on BlueSky, a more socially conscious site.

It's all sort of inconvenient, but I think it's time to embrace change and try my best to separate from anything less than a clean, clear social media space.

I'm going down in my initial cost of monthly color of the day subscription. If you'd like to receive February colors and some astrology insights by email, send $22 to on paypal.

Please send it by January 25th, this Saturday to receive the February forecasts. You do not have to start a recurring payment or subscription, just be sure I know your email address. Paypal should take care of that, but to confirm, feel free to email me.

New Moon Sound Bath is Wed,Jan 29th 6 pm in my studio, with Rachel Rivera, and Full Moon Yoga Nidra is Wed, Feb 12th with me.

I'd love to welcome  you in,

Thank you and all my best to you!
